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AMC: Friday, September 5th

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When did Zach turn into Sonny Corinthos? Im glad Josh is back but dont care for what they did today

Taylor is giving Petey a run for best new character of the year. I'll say he's the best male with her being the best female

Loved Adam/Annie. They play off each other very well. Especially loved them handling Ryan. He has some nerve showing up there

I loved that the media wondered if Fusion was being targeted again. Nice mention of history in regards to the serial killing story

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When did Zach turn into Sonny Corinthos?


He didn't. Zak always has acted this way.

Im glad Josh is back but dont care for what they did today


Josh has always been this way too. :)

Loved Adam/Annie. They play off each other very well. Especially loved them handling Ryan. He has some nerve showing up there


I think he has every right to see his daughter. Annie just wants to manipulate and have some revenge on the side.

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I consider him new bc he hasnt been seen in ages and was just a child then. This is his first time as an adult on the show and we have a stamp on who the character is now and who he will be. Loving him

My issue wasnt with how Josh acted; it was what was done with him with this stupid stealing plot complete with Zach targeting him now. He deserves better especially since he's been extremely underused

In the middle of the night when the little girl is sleeping? he does not have a right to see her any hour of the day as he pleases. Thats ridiculous for anyone in any situation. If he wants to see Emma, then he needs to see her during the day. It was rude of him to just drop by unannounced in someone else's home that late at night. It was even worse since he just came from being with Greenlee, which is a major factor in what's going on with him right now.

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This is scary, I'm agreeing with 90% of what Cheap said!

I also love Adam/Annie and their handling of Ryan. It's about time someone stopped him from barging in wherever he likes and if Emma was asleep, there is no point in him kissing her goodnight anyway. Adam was right when he warned Annie about using Emma to hurt Ryan, too. I'm seeing chemistry between Annie & Adam that I hadn't noticed before!

Zach was darker and more of a mobster today than he's been so far. Sadly, I predicted a while back that this transformation into Sonny was taking place. I don't mind this story with Josh since I've despised the Unabortion since day one and can't wait for him to leave town and never be mentioned again.

Beth Ehlers gave another fantastic performance. ITA that Taylor is the best new female character on AMC, imo for several years. ITA that Pete is the best male, too.

I also loved Aiden telling off both Ryan and Greenlee.

Jesse & Angie were great, as usual. I wonder how much of his past he hasn't revealed to her yet.

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My issue wasnt with how Josh acted; it was what was done with him with this stupid stealing plot


Well Josh has done worse things. :)

In the middle of the night when the little girl is sleeping? he does not have a right to see her any hour of the day as he pleases. Thats ridiculous for anyone in any situation. If he wants to see Emma, then he needs to see her during the day. It was rude of him to just drop by unannounced in someone else's home that late at night.


There is nothing in writing that says he can't see his daughter at night. So there is a loophole. :)

It was even worse since he just came from being with Greenlee, which is a major factor in what's going on with him right now.


Mmmm yeah. Crazy.

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While I knew Zach and Kendall were going to turn into Sonny and Carly: Valley Version, I don't appreciate how Zach is just so willy nilly with Josh. Josh was the one who helped Kendall and Zach through Ian's difficult first few weeks after CRASH, and that should count for something. Josh is Kendall's brother, Ian and Spike's Uncle, and helped to guide Zach and Kendall through those horrible few months when Ian's life was in the balance and Kendall was a crazy assed bitch. Zendall have made me ill, and made me embarrassed to be a fan of theirs after the Crash story and this only solidifies that for me.

Money is NOTHING compared to family. Zach should've reached out to Josh, found out what was going on and tried to help him through it. Apparently, Zach can pay off prison guards and beat defensless prisoners up and gloat about it, then basically put a mob hit out on his brother in-law who helped nurse his son over money. Money that Zach can get back from ripping people off who visit his casinos in less than a week. Whatever. Zendall on both ends makes me sick.

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