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Edge of Night (EON) (No spoilers please)


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That really is a bummer. But thanks to multiple uploaders... I think the period after is pretty much covered with just couple of episodes missing. I may be mistaken. 

Anyways... I am up to when Margo is in the hospital and the doctors called Paige to tell her she is showing sings of improving.

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I have 3 episodes till Raven is back... Tomorrow is going to be sooo exciting. I have to stop myself from not sleeping and watching, but I just can't anymore - I have to work.

And let me say now... 150+ episodes in just a couple of weeks /the first 125 watched in a MAD binge when I had free time... now watching slowly 1-2 episodes a day/ - I declare this - my favorite show of all time. I never believed I will find it when I was 29... and after watched so many shows in my life. 

Edge is just... M A G I C. 

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If you've got 3 episodes till Raven returns, you're on the verge of understanding two different (haunting) premonitions that April Scott has been having for weeks (or months).  

You're about to find out why a mournful and lonely train whistle has been tormenting April.

And you're about to crack the case of the silver bracelet she's been dreaming of.   She initially perceives in her dreams & visions that the Silver Bracelet is a gift that's being offered to her by someone kind.  But when she finally encounters the silver bracelet in person, she views it as a horrible curse and believes her dreams were wrong.  Unbeknownst to April, Sam Dwyer will then utilize the bracelet to give Draper the greatest "gift" ever -- his life. 

If you're rusty on your American history, google "Salem witch trials Martha Corey" and you'll quickly see how Mrs. Madison chose the name of Deborah Saxon's "kindly" neighbor. 

During this time period, Henry Slesar (who was first and foremost a novelist and short story writer) is operating on a literary level unheard of in daytime television.    

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Can I say... you write so eloquently and so Edge of Night-sharp! I WILL be watching these episodes right now, after I go to bed... I am already dreaming of them in my mind.

And yes - I loved the way Martha Corey was revealed to be a real person - I recall it was Dr. Miles Cavanaugh who opened the Magic history book and revealed to us the viewers the real story behind that sinister woman next door. And he connected the dots. It was really beautifully written and so memorable. It all felt like a dark fairy tale. 

Thank you for always hyping me about what is to come, while not even revealing spoilers! You are awesome! 

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These 1983 credits fascinate me. They are essentially an identity crisis set to a thumping beat. Preacher solemnly sitting in front of a big-ass photo of Jody is especially amusing to me, but my favorite part is the random shot of Didi and Cliff and getting their Mary Richards on. As shown with Gunther as well, at least Edge did proudly showcase their comedy characters in their openers.

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I didn't have a lot of free time, but FINALLY... I managed to watch the episodes with Raven's return... and BOY... I am soooo HYPED up for her coming to rock Monticello! I almost gasped when I saw her. 


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I want to say thank you once again, because this huuuge playlist is a life-saver. Thank to you I'm able to just play where I left off anytime I sit in front of the TV.

I'm going to have a lot of free time this week... so I'm planning a new Edge of night binge!

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Yes. It maaas marvelous. I am already dreading the day I run out of episodes to watch. Thank God The Edge of Night Archive is filling the gap between November 1982 and March 1983. 

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If memory serves, she sashayed into Geraldine's suite, poured herself a drink, primped in the mirror, made light of Draper's misfortune, lied her head off about the circumstances under which her visit with Ansel & Nadine was abruptly curtailed, snatched up the baby she'd given away, cooed at him half-heartedly for a couple of seconds, then dumped him on Geraldine when he started squalling.  lol.  

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(re: about 6 mins in with Mitzi/Cliff) Even though it wasn't the Springfield Journal (instead it was the Springfield Gazette), it was nice to see EON reference another P&G soap subtly in dialog. Also, didn't April and Draper house used to be in Oakdale? Or was that Emily/Molly's house? Regardless, it warms my heart to see how EON tied itself to Springfield and Oakdale. I wonder if Henderson, Bay City, or Somerset ever got mentioned on the show. 

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