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Edge of Night (EON) (No spoilers please)


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Catherine Bruno was so wickedly awesome. What was even better was the way she was brought on the show and we had no idea that she had an agenda. Nora's murder episode still ranks as one of the best. I remember watching it and being completely shocked at HOW she was killed. It still gives me chills. HS was a genius. To be honest, for me, the loss of Nora signified a bit of the end because her reign of terror was so terrific and nothing really matched that.

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doing all of the things that we've been trying to teach him. It's almost as if he sat back and observed all these years and now is putting into action what he has learned.

"Karen is the baby, five. Well, what can I say? She's everything a little girl should be like. She's a delight. She looks like Brian, all red hair and freckles. She's very assertive and smiles a lot. She's kind of big for her age and is an excellent skier...skiing since she was one.

"All of my children ski, and we as a family go as often as possible. We go so often that we and some friends are thinking of building a chalet in southern Vermont. We've just come back from a trip to Vale, Colorado and there you can really do your thing.

"One of the reasons I like skiing is that the family can do it together, but not have to stay together. You know that your children are safe because they're on the mountain, so all you can go off on your own ways. That's the joy of skiing...it's a very independent sport. If the children should need any assistance, there is usually someone nearby who knows them and can help.

"When we're not skiing, we're at our bungalow out on Breezy Point. During the slack season, the fall, the family usually stays home and we work on crafts. On Saturdays my husband takes the kids out for breakfast and then to a museum or to some place of interest in the city.

"We both believe in the 'parent not pal' philosophy. I think children need and almost demand a certain amount of discipline. I suppose they know instinctively that punishment is given because you care. And after all the screams and the tears are a lot of hugs and kisses.

"All of the children attend parochial school and are doing beautifully. And this isn't just a proud mother talking. Here again, the school stresses right and privileges. You know I firmly believe that children must learn to work hard for what they want. They must not be catered to or indulged. It makes it better for them later on in life. If I teach the children anything, it is that they must not think of themselves first...always the other person.

"Fortunately, my husband feels the same way I do about raising the children. He's a marvelous guy. His name?...Herb A. Granath. He's vice president in charge of sales for ABC Sports. We met sometime back when I was just starting my career. At the time I was working for information at Rockefeller Center. Herb was a page, and we travelled with the same group of friends, but were into dating different people.

"Well, some time passed and one day we passed each other on the street. It was a warm day...I remember Herb was tanned. We looked at each other and smiled but a certain tingle went through me.

"We met again, but this time we talked to each other. I guess the same thing happened to him as happened to me. This 'hello again' lasted a year and then we were married. I guess it was a certain chemistry that just went right for both of us.

"Herb is quite a remarkable, brilliant guy with a great deal of potential. Anyone who knows him will tell you that he has never let anyone down. He's inventive, artistically creative and a good and innovative administrator.

"We get along quite well...we complement each other. He's a positive thinker...optimist. I'm more the hesitant one. He had quite a temper...I was more subdued. Now we've just about caught up to each other. I love him very much.

"To me, love is a general warm and wonderful feeling. There are so many phases involved...happiness, contentment, reciprocity. It's a feeling that envelopes you...that says I care, and I empathize with you, especially during the bad times.

"I must say that in our household there are no problems in terms of roles. I think if women dedicated more energies to communicating and understanding their husbands there would be no fuss about women's liberation. In terms of the political and business aspects of the problem, there, I am all for the movement. Women should be given equal pay and opportunity.

"My mother set for me an example of the liberated woman. She is still quite a woman. Every so often, she'd get tired of the furnishings and rearrange everything. Once we had this three-seater sofa which she sawed in thirds. She got tired of the sofa...that's all. Once she even took a wall down and told my father that if she could take it down, he could put a new one up.

"My childhood was a very happy one. I'm a New Yorker, raised out on Long Island...Brightwaters. I have three brothers...one older and two younger. My earliest memories are of big family gatherings...my mother had a lot of brothers and sisters. There we were gathered for Sunday chicken. I can see a whole clan gathered round the yummy table, laughing and carrying on.

"I was given many opportunities as a child: good schooling, dancing lessons. I was going to be a dancer, in fact, but as a child I developed a heart murmur, probably from fast growth, so I would take to fainting spells and I had to stop.

"My high school years were a very happy time for me, and I had a scholarship to continue my education in merchandising and buying. But one summer I was offered the lead in Liliom, and after its run the director recommended that I pursue a theatrical career. He introduced me to famed Claudia Franck, who then became my coach. I owe a great deal to her.

"I started out my career with commercials and small parts on television. Then I appeared on Broadway in Kismet and Holiday for Lovers. Did lots of industrials and then I played Liz Fraser Allen in the daytime series From These Roots. In 1962 I joined the cast of The Edge of Night as Nancy Karr, and, well, the rest you know.

"My life has worked out the way I wanted it to. There are still things to be done. I want to study languages and I so much want to go to Europe. And I want a room of m own for my art work.

"But I have so much: a wonderful husband, beautiful children, a career, good friends, a large apartment with a view of Central Park, and every so often, breakfast in bed, served on fine bone china. What more is there?"

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