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Higley Quit DAYS?

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Oh I agree that everyone involved needs to take responsibility - but ultimately it should come down to Corday. It's his ship, he's supposed to know what's happening on it, yet he chooses to ignore it 99% of the time.

That said, I want more information before condemning any of them. For all we know we're the puppets on the string and they're playing us all. After the SSK I believe very little that comes out of that studio lol.

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I place the blame on Corday. And if the WGA has video footage as is the current claim, then this ish was huge. He needed to pull in the reins a long time ago. I mean, Ali isn't an innocent bystander by any means. But someone should have kept her in check.

She rewrote the storylines of other characters too. Not just her own.

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If Ali is the one you're referring to, we haven't seen any of what she's done yet. She's hardly been on in the last couple of weeks. Dena, herself, took credit for the elevator romps, as well as the story about Theo. So, is her work still airing? When does the stuff air that she's not claiming?


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Ejami fans are going to be, like, "Oh, that's Ali's work," every time Ejami share a kiss or something. Lumi fans will say the same thing when NBC airs scenes showing Lumi finding their way back together. Ejami/Lumi fights? "Hackley wrote that. She hates our fanbase!"

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I agree here.

But, on another note, the actress in contention here is a very valuable daytime/primetime property to her network. So, NBC must be very upset that a journalist is putting her in jeopardy like this. Moreover, given her value to the network, I strongly suspect that she will get network backing in any dispute that follows (e.g., "pay the fine and move on").

Again, I want everyone to remember how long the actress and Ed Scott have been in the business. Think about how BAD it must have been on the set, and how UNHEARD they must have felt by Corday, for them to take these desperate measures. Even if the story is 100% true, remember the context.

As a viewer of Y&R, I -wish- Eric Braeden had refused to play the "Sabrina is pregnant" arc until his ability to father children had been explained. At least, I wish he had thrown in a line like, "Ma cherie, I am delighted that

we are having a petite enfant".

As a viewer (a liberal and union-inclined one at that), my allegiance is not to the WGA or DGA or SAG or AFTRA or whatever....it is to my show. My highest marks go to the people who preserve the integrity and quality of my show. Sometimes, the writer IS the enemy. And sometimes "proper channels" don't work. Under those extreme circumstances, I can support mutiny "for the good of the mothership".

I judge NO ONE here unless/until we get the facts.

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ha, so true.

i would take the job. im only20. maybe thats too old now? I would so just post here and be like 'what do yall want to see?' and do it. i would be a awful HW but whatever. its not like i have much to live up too with ya know... everyone since the 80's.

i am just kidding, fyi. i would NEVER want to be a HW of a soap, esp Days. id prob get arrested for punching KC. and im sure its a much harder job than any of us think. hell im sure breakdowns/scripts is harder.

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so very true.

I agree, for the most part. No doubt Ali will get the network support.

I disagree about EBV - i mean i hope he spoke up and brought it up and asked or something. but if an actor refuses to play something show them the door. they are there to act.

i love that last part. i am a soap fan first.

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All that I got from Nelson's column was "He’s also encouraged actors, including one overblown diva, to rewrite not just her own lines, but her scene partners." The most other than herself were the lines of her *scene partners.*

I agree!

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I have a question that may be a bit naive.

Assuming the WGA is like other unions, they have the requirement for union writers for the shows so that the shows do no hire non-union writers to take away potential jobs from union writers. I can't believe this is such a scandal over at the WGA itself - it is not like Days HIRED and paid a non-union writer to replace Dena and Dena herself was still getting paid.

It may be a scandal at Days itself but I can't believe the WGA would be as upset about this as the scabbing that occurred during the strike.

And some people keep talking about how what Ed and the actor(s) did was illegal. Really? What *law* was broken? They may have caused Days to violate the union agreement but it hardly rises to the level of being illegal.

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