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OLTL: Discussion for the week July 21st - 25th

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Wow. Nail. Hit. The. Head. On.

I felt that I was the only one that wasn't impressed with Bree's warbling and excessive hair acting. She does long suffering heroine great however I don't feel sorry for her at all and I certaintly don't root for her. She is far more impressive as sociopathic Tess then she is as good girl heroine Jessica. However I feel nothing for her over the top dramtics and her yelling and screaming tendencies she uses to show suffering, pain and cries for vengence. Sorry. It just does absolutely nothing for me. Some actresses can do over the top very well. I think Eden Rigel is the best at it when it comes from a real place but Bree is just down right awful at it. Seriously Nash's funeral was the worst display of it ever. To be honest it's just too over indulgent and hammy.

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Bree Williamson may be attractive (to some) but I'd take real talent any day. Bring back the days of the Tricia Cast and Tonya Lee Williams; real performers who fully understand how to embody the craft. For the record I think Erin is absolutely stunning. You can see that Erika misses working with a real performer. All Bree knows is how to scream, wail, shriek, and smirk like some damn fool. I hope she puts up Nash's death for her Emmy reel, so she is deservedly shut out. Overacting at its worst.

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Ok, there's no way JER can write this kind of stuff NOW. LOL :) Agreed I liked all of that stuff. This is why the current scabs at DAYS and Deidre seeing her sister are a little more valid, but shouldn't be knocked still. Execution wise, DAYS has not been able to do anything like this since god knows when and I doubt they will be executing Marlena's visit or vision of Samantha this well either.

On the other hand, execution here is brilliant. Even the campy stuff IMO.

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Erin Torpey is horribly overrated. I dont see whats so special about her. I couldnt stand her Jessica. She was so despicable and unlikeable towards the end, that I couldnt wait for her to be gone by the time she left. Bree has been a breath of fresh air and the perfect recast. Id take her over Erin any day of the week

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Couldn't agree more with this post.

As to the discussion of Bree vs. Erin it just comes down to who is more likeable in the role and that comes down to decidely Erin. She was just softer and more geniune as a performer and as Jessica. Bree Williamson has alot of stylized text book theatricial acting techniques but all of that fades away compared to natural talent and Erin just fits the role better. Even as Megan Erin just works as being organic and raw rather then this cartoon and mastache swirling villian that Williamson embodies through out 95% of her performances.

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I'm glad I wasn't the only one who found her performance during the funeral episodes laughable and hammy. She's another one who can't do subtle at all, and that works OK for Tess I guess, but it doesn't for Jess.

I would've loved to see how Erin would've played the funeral scenes. I know it wouldn't have been as cartoonish as Bree's performances came off.

Erin is so much natural in her acting, Bree just seems so forced.

And yes, the connection between Erin and Erika is so much more stronger on screen than what Erika shares with Bree.

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Was that the writing or just Erin herself?

IMO Bree's inconsistency and erratic performances is what gives daytime actors a bad rep. I'm not saying it's just Bree, but she falls under the latter who border on okay and terrible. Very lazy performer, who relies on the same ticks, with limited nuances. I still remember that pathetic scene where she was, once again shrieking in the rain (the directing was poor too). She's been getting great material, and has frequently come out short. Anyone can play a vixen like Tess, however Williamson fails to add layers to her character's alter ego, leaving her one dimensional and devoid of any emotion (she has her rare moments though, but she's missing the mark completely this time around).

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that part was the writing. Jessica was constantly having pity parties, acting selfish and being a complete bitch to Viki, blaming her for getting raped and Mitch Lawrence being her father. But that was towards the end. Erin's Jessica did tend to have the entitled princess persona and I couldnt stand that. She was very sanctimonious. Its how Erin played the role. I never saw those two problems with Bree. Im not some huge fan of Bree's Jessica either bc I pretty much still hate the character (for different reasons, 1 being that she's an idiot) but I prefer Bree's delivery. The Tess angle has definetly made her more appealing as I've loved her as Tess, both times. She rocks the role and is great at portraying the contrast between Jess and Tess

She's an alter, so by definition, Tess is supposed to be one dimension with no layers. She's just one aspect of Jessica's personality, which is why she was created the way she was. She did start off very one dimension, but over time, layers were added to her. In the beginning she had one purpose and that was to be wreckless, have sex and get in trouble. Tess towards the end, experienced and found love in Nash and for the baby she was carrying. She developed a heart and came into her own as her own person. Bree played that brilliantly and it didnt happen overnight as we saw that progression with her over the course of a year. That was the purpose of her story arc when Higley wrote it and it was one of the few things she did good.
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It was creepy seeing Melissa Archer playing Maria. It's all shades of wrong considering Clint is her character's father...

Aside from that, I loved today's show. I loved the beautiful reunion with Viki and Ben and the tender goodbye between Mel and Dorian. I thought once again today's show had it all. Great drama, great emotional connection between characters and a good dose of camp thrown in.

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