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AMC: Un-casting News and Previews

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My fear? The "major star" who has been fired? Is Michael E. Knight (Tad). If my fears turn out correct, though, then I hope Chuck Pratt would have the decency to allow Tad to leave town and raise little Kate and not kill him off.

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For some reason, I don't see this "tornado" happening until November sweeps. Before that, Pratt's first umbrella story with Taylor and the war thing could play out. Also, they have to set up the Ryan/Aidan/Greenlee triangle full force with Annie going crazy and Aidan/Greenlee married before Aidan "dies". ( He's the fired actor IMO). I like Cassandra and saw potential, but since she was created by B&E, I doubt she'll be kept around. In fact, I bet all of B&E's created characters will be gone by the end of the year. All writers seem to fire the previous writers creations.

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We shall see...we shall see...but I seem to remember people chatting up a big Tornado storyline when B&E took over too. Is that the go-to for new HWs? Since AMC already did a Tornado Umbrella, it would be pointless and redundant.

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Besides that, cct, a tornado in Pine Valley just never made sense to me. I say, if Chuck Pratt aims to do something big that will shake up the entire town (and show), why not stage a flood? It could be just as destructive as a tornado; it's something AMC hasn't staged already; and it would be excellent way to get rid of Roger Mooney's craptastic sets, too, lol.

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Is Pine Valley on a river? The tornado stuff would be redundant as OLTL did that in the last couple of years, but this Spring, both Maryland and PA were under a tornado watch, so freakishly it could happen.

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Of course, Pennsylvania gets no where near the amount of tornadoes that the Plains do, but they do get their share every year. They average about 13 a year, so it's not out of the question for a town like Pine Valley to get hit. And actually, when they hit a state like PA, they tend to be more destructive, if only if because the areas hit are a lot less rural than a traditional tornado town.

Finally, I find it VERY hard to swallow that Levin Rambin wanted to stay at AMC. The girl knew she was heading to Hollywood very early on in the game. She had bright prospects way before she actually left, and if she could've gotten out of her contract earlier, she would have left a lot sooner than she actually did. I thought AMC was doing her a favor by barely having her work her last six months on the show.

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I actually think that despite the show's typical production values, AMC consistently steps up to the plate and delivers wonderful "special effects" episodes. In the last five or so years, we've had Erica's house burning, Miller's Falls (Vanessa and Leo's death), the Mardi Gras Explosion, the Barn Fire that killed Edmund, Jesse and Angie's "Helicopter" wedding, among others, that were pretty impressive. So the "effects" would be something I would expect to be done well.

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I really like Yaya Dacosta as Cassandra, I hope she's not really leaving. Although Melissa Claire Egan is a good actress, I think it's time for Annie to go. I see Melissa Claire going to ATWT or ONE LIFE. I think Aidan Turner(Aidan) may be the one gone from AMC and kinda hope so, maybe he can move to GH.

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Thanks for the hook-up, Pine Charles. I actually have this on video in the attic somewhere. I knew it would be considered special someday, so I bought another tape instead of taping over it (how quaint in the age of DVR).

Does anyone know who directed the tornado? In the words of Paris Hilton, "That was hot."

One of the last great things McT did was the 2006 Mardi Gras explosion. That haunting music was just excellent. It wasn't too bad, so a tornado with 2008 production values may not be too bad...redundant and pointless...but not too bad in execution.

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