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I just feel he's out of place physically...and while some teenagers of course are more grown than others, usually it's because they've always been that way. it's hard to believe the more scrawny Jett once bullied him. It's as if V.J recieved a heavy dose of steriods or something.

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The acting is not the issue, it's recasting a character who was a young looking 14 year old with a very ripped 21 year old. VJ was born on screen in 2001, and should not look like this. They haven't even SORAS'd him; just left VJ still being 14, still best mates with 14 year old Jett, and still in the same class at school. It's ridiculous. It was a very unnecessary recast just so they could do Dan Ewing a favour by hiring his brother-in-law. I think they've made it worse for themselves, as they have insisted on doing shirtless photo shoots, sexualising what is supposed to be a 14 year old boy. It's all very inappropriate.

It would have been better if Matt Little had been cast as a new character related to Vinnie, which would have related him to Leah and VJ without all of this silly recasting. I'm not sure if they ever explained Vinnie's family tree, as I think we only ever met his father, so maybe they could have cast him as Vinnie's brother or cousin.

Also, casting him on H&A meant he could no longer guest on Neighbours as Paige's adopted brother Ethan. There were times when I think they would have brought Ethan back, as he was kind of popular.

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Oh wow. I didn't know that new VJ was related to Dan Ewing. But I find that odd. Now that his sister and brother-in-law are in Hollywood, why didn't he join them? You'd think he'd do that but whatever.

And it's understandable that fans aren't reacting well to the SORAS of a character we've watched grow up. Majority of the time I can't stand it on US soaps.

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That's what's worse: he hasn't been SORAS'd! I think fans would have taken it better if they had aged VJ with the recast, but they didn't. They chose to recast the character with an older actor without ageing up the character.

It would be like if Days recast Ciara with an older actress, but kept the character the same age as before. So, this older looking Ciara would still be hanging out with Theo, like nothing had changed. Weird, right?

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It shows what a good sport Chris Hemsworth is for wanting to do that cameo. Shame other ex-soap stars don't have his attitude.

If I had been the H&A PTB, I would have thrown together some scenes and had CH reprise his role of Kim Hyde. Sure, it would have been random, and probably lacked any kind of story, but one has to capitalise on these things when one can. LOL.

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This is really cool. I'm glad he doesn't look back on his past on the show with disdain. He was still around when I first watched HOME AND AWAY. He wasn't nearly as hot as he is in but, damn, he was a good reason to watch! :lol:

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H&A in crisis?

I think the media are making this out to be worse than what it is. Yeah, the ratings have tumbled, but it was to be expected once all the Braxtons left. I don't like how they basically blame it on Gen Y or the rise of Netflix, like they're giving the show a free pass. The show is to blame, and nothing else, for simply being awful.

Let's hope Seven will take this opportunity to fix the show.

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There's a vindictive side of me that finds this satisfying, having been a Neighbours fan for many years.

I used to love H&A at various points but thoroughly believe that for the last 5 or 6 years it's been absolutely dire. So to see the budget and publicity it's had in comparison has been irritating. I don't want to see the show fail but hope this leads to a serious wake up call because there is literally nothing about it now that I find compelling or watchable at all.

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Nancye Hayes as temp Alisa.

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She's not too bad.

Does anyone have video of the other temp recasts (for Mitch, Hayley, Selina)? It seems like there was a run on them in the late '90s and 2000, but not so much after, other than one in 2005.

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What did fans think of that Ailsa story? It seems so stark for an Australian soap. The part where she learns her mother died from the damage done by the beatings and that she'd gone to jail for nothing...yikes.

The person who uploaded the clips said in the comments section that he interviewed Judy Nunn, who didn't seem all that bothered about not getting to play that story, but did say it was classic and soapy. He said she was, however, very unhappy with Ailsa's death and exit storyline.

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