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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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Andy and Chrissie epitomize the worst of soaps - the astonishing laziness (of course they will hook up, because she was with his brother), and the refusal to allow characters to mature. Chrissie is a deluded, vile little princess, and the show never, ever addresses this. Instead she just gets enablers. Andy will now enable her because they can sit around all day talking about how terrible Robert is. That Robert, who is already floundering as a character as it is, has to be used to prop up their story is just sad. 

Speaking of sad, Charity seems to be written as the Janine Butcher of the dales. The main difference is most of the people Janine abused deserved what they got, as they were corrupt, self-righteous horrors. When Charity is with Emma or Ross, I feel the same way, but when she is pointlessly snide with people like David or when she plays games with Moira (who is a basically decent person), it makes her look petty. 

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OMG @DRW50 I was so gonna ask how you felt about Andy and Chrissie. I hate that poor Andy is about to latched onto this whiny sap. I just don't care for her. I didn't appreciate them having Andy bash Robert for wanting a settlement out of their marriage. Given that he covered up that she caused the helicopter crash, she could at least write him a check or something. 


I found her sticking it to Moira to be petty too. I wanted Moira to reach across the counter and deck her when Charity was using Noah to mess with Moira's emotions. I also don't like it that Charity is willing to give up Moses so quick given her history with Noah and Debbie. You'd think for once that they'd have Charity want to actually raise a child but I guess not. That's why I don't want Charity tossed back into Cain's orbit b/c I feel like she hasn't grown any. She's regressed if anything. While Cain still have his hard edges, he's actually matured with Moira and I love that about him. 


What are your opinion of Megan wanting to buy back into the business with Leyla? Do you think that Jai might serve an issue for them down the road, or will Leyla opt not to share Megan back her shares? 


It was also good tonight to see Harriet go on a date and find love post Ashley. While I like Laurel/Ashley, I always did feel bad that Harriet got the short end of the stick. 

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The guy Harriet was with had hair that reminded me of those 300 movies, which kind of annoyed me...


I have the feeling they are doing this so that Leyla will sleep with Jai AGAIN. I hope not. I'm sick to death of that nonsense. Frankly, I like Megan, but I'm not entirely sure why she's still on the show. I'd love to see them do more with her, though.


If only this could mean Lachlan was leaving. If only. Sadly I have a feeling of the three it will be Lawrence:




And it looks like the "Faith" really will be Chas and Cain's mother. She was a bit of a grasping mess the last time around. I have her episodes on my Youtube channel if anyone wants the links.





I've tried with her. I've tried and I've tried. She's a piece of sh!t, and she always gets babied and coddled. She called Alicia a paedo and she got a pat on the head for it. They have had multiple opportunities to let her grow up and they refuse. And diluting the Andy and Robert relationship, which should be complex, all for this tedious "poor me" club with Robert - it's garbage.

Edited by DRW50
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I am content with Lawrence going as it'll free Bernice and hopefully, she'll save Andy from being in a dreadful pairing with Chrissie. <_< It's obvious they won't get rid of Lachlan or Chrissie in the near future.:rolleyes:


I am all for Chas and Cain's mother coming on if she's another maniacal character (a la Emma, Charity, Chrissie....). We have a canvas full already. 


I think we are about to get Leyla/Jai again too. I'm sure Megan and Sam will be thrown into the mix somehow too. 

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What bothered you most?


It all seems a bit vague to me. Some I don't like, some I don't mind. I like that he said he wants more friendship and less aggro and hostility. The show needs that a lot. There are some strong friendships that have for some reason withered away, like Adam and Aaron. 


Some could go either way (like Faith). And I like the sound of Aaron being less miserable, but I'm not sure how that will be onscreen. 


I just hope they stop writing Charity as a caricature. From what he said I'm not holding my breath. 


Kate Oates isn't leaving the show in a very good place, and I imagine he will get a lot of the backlash she didn't get because she was popular. It will be Anita Turner all over again, although Anita was a good producer IMO, overall.


I'm going to try to hope, because honestly I find the show all but unwatchable lately and have since fall...but I'm aware he could make it even worse. 

Edited by DRW50
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I like that he wants to bring back friendships, but a lot of his points made me roll my eyes.


The fact that he plans on making Chrissie a 'super bitch' is absurd. She's a weeping willow at best. Now I am supposed to believe that she is some bad ass? I think not. Plus, I do not care to see a bitch fight between Chrissie and Charity. To me, it's probably gonna be a knockoff Charity v. Sadie, and Chrissie is nothing like my beloved Sadie. Both of these broads need to be getting ready for a rest home. Not fighting over money and men, which I am sure it'll be all about.


I think it is obvious that Lawrence will probably bite the bullet as we discussed earlier. I am fine with that; however, I need the Whites to move out of Home Farm in the process. They've been a fail Home Farm family. I'd prefer a new family come on a la the Tates, Kings, or Wyldes that bring drama, glitz and glamour, and mayhem. Slap Chrissie/Lachlan into some rinky-dink cottage and move on. 


I wasn't too thrilled that he said that they were bringing on a new Val-type character. I'd prefer for them to be a bit more original and not try and recapture the glory of a past character. There's only one Val. 

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I took it to mean less Val-ish and more that archetype (older woman with acidic barbs). I felt like they lost their way with Val in her last few years so I'm hoping they didn't mean a literal Val...


I also agree that the Whites need to GTFO of Home Farm. They've never and will never work there. Characters keep being added in and just keep getting sucked into a black hole. I'd like to just burn it down at this point. With several Whites inside.


I just hope someone tells him the show doesn't NEED bitchy cardboard cutouts hissing at each other. Emmerdale isn't that type of show. The only time it was was for a while with Sadie/Charity/Chloe, and you can't recreate that. 

Edited by DRW50
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I think I am just tired of this show trying to recapture the Tates. Especially Kim. That was an anomaly. It won't happen again. Sadie was damn near it with the Kings but even she (as much as I loved her) couldn't recapture it. 


I like how Natasha was a bit of contrast b/c she was icy cold and not as glamorous as Kim and Sadie were. Maybe they need to go this route if they do another Home Farm family. I just want a good Home Farm family and the Whites aren't cutting it. 


re: Val--I hope that what it is that they just want another older woman to be on the canvas. I'd prefer they not attempt to copy Val. 

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@DRW50 what are your thoughts on tonight's episode? 


*facepalm* at Doug finding something online to read at Laurel's wedding at it had nothing to do with her. I seriously cracked up over this. 


Ross robbing a jewelry store was so unbelievable. That would NEVER happen at a high end store like that. The retailer wouldn't've even turned her back on him in the slightest with him holding the jewelry. She would've removed them from his reach. That scene was just amateurish along with his getup. What is even more pathetic is that he only walked away with enough goods to pay 10k of the total 50k. Now we have to endure him and Charity pulling more schemes so she can get paid. :rolleyes:


The scenes with Robert and Aaron are always good. I love when they have Aaron and Robert have vulnerable, true moments with each other. What I don't get is how Chas still has a bone to pick with Robert seeing as he's been the main one trying to nail Gordon to the cross. I thought the ending where Gordon scratched 'LIAR' onto Aaron's car was eerie. 


IDK why Leyla folded and let Megan back in. I get she did it to possibly distract Megan from Eliza's medical woes but this has mayhem written all over it. 


Andy & Chrissie....:rolleyes: I found their scenes to be uber cheesy and not cute. It's not making me fall or root for the pairing at all. For once, I'd like Andy to find a real woman he can rely on and truly love him. Also, Lawrence being snippy to Andy just makes me pray even harder he is the one to bite the dust. I've never cared for this character of his sh-tty family.

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I had to skip everything with Aaron/Robert and Andy/Chrissie. I think the way they've used the sexual abuse story for a romantic reunion and more generic Aaron angst is too much, and Andy and Chrissie are so cliched, they have no chemistry, and she's just a pathetic piece of trash. Seeing them whine about Robert is not of interest to me. 


The whole thing with Doug was odd. Did he really have no idea she'd know it was fake? The best part was probably Chris Chittell's performance reading the letter. He's good at that type of thing.


I guess we are back with Leyla and Megan yet again because Leyla will end up with Jai (UGH), but I could do without it. When Megan decided to throw her "stripper" past in her face when Leyla was doing her a favor, I wanted Leyla to just tell her to shove it and walk out. 


I agree with you about the Ross stuff, but I have to admit that I enjoyed it, probably more than I've enjoyed anything with Ross in almost a year. He and Charity have a good banter between them and were fun to watch. The only weird part is for some reason the hair and makeup people made him look like Rolf Harris (an entertainer who was popular in the UK for generations until he was convicted for sex crimes against children). I guess it wasn't deliberate, but Parr got a lot of comments about it on Twitter.

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Oh Lord! Not a sex crime offender! I thought my boo looked sexy with that salt and pepper colored hair. I don't care for him being with Charity either but if I had to choose, I'd choose Charity over Debbie. At least she ain't a judgmental harridan like Debbie. 



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