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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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BTW, I don't know if you watched EE at that time, but the woman who plays the poor wife of Dr. Bailey played the poor girlfriend of Bradley, the one he moved to Canada with but dumped for Stacey. I wish the show would do more with her, as they could use more diversity.

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Ugh. I hope not. I'm just glad they are finally not tarting Belle's look up so much, but I just don't like this story. It feels really thrown together. I am sure this story was originally going to go Kirin if Adam Fielding hadn't quit. 



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I found David's heartfelt monologue to his soon-to-be-separated testicles to be a tad bizarre. What is the actual name of that song he had playing on his laptop? I know it had something to do with testicles and Nazi leaders like Goebbels, Himmler and Hitler.


EE has a statutory rape storyline. Emmerdale has one now. EE has a baby with possible developmental difficulties. Emmerdale has one now. FFS now doesn't anyone over there see what a horrible conflict of interest it's been to have Sharon Marshall writing for first EE and now Emmerdale when she's been reporting on all the soaps for This Morning and has been privy to advance storylines for them?

Edited by TimWil
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There is no statutory rape storyline on Emmerdale. Belle is legal. The situations with Ollie and Eliza also have little in common. All soaps recycle stories, especially with the amount of episodes they have now. I remember people claiming Sarah's post-partum struggles on Corrie were a ripoff of Stacey on EE. People said EE was ripping off Corrie and Hollyoaks with Claudette's "death" and hiding the body. 

Edited by DRW50
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I stand corrected about Belle being legal but didn't the doctor say he could get "struck off" if the relationship is uncovered? Is that because Belle is a patient of his? I didn't think she was.

Edited by TimWil
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I think that's how they met. I'm not sure. 


The show is really weird at the moment, but for all the criticism the story has received from various fans, more of the David story still works for me than doesn't. It's not the nudity that feels tacked on to me - it's Tracy's involvement. I like Tracy, but using this story to set up her romance with David and having her so involved in emotional scenes with Eric or Jacob, is distracting. Still - most of it works for me, especially the more emotional scenes like poor David having to talk to an out of the loop Jacob on the phone. 


The show struck gold with the boy who plays Jacob not growing into an awkward-style Chesney teen. I just hope they know what to do with him.


I still don't know what the show's plans are for Jai. They sort of skated over his recovery and being a good guy again. I don't know if that means he's going to have a relapse, or if it just means they didn't care about showing us any real effort at rehabbing the character. I just hope this isn't going to lead to Megan/Jai 3.0. They've never had chemistry.


I'd love to know if the sudden return of a community spirit is Oates or the new producer...

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The boy who plays Jacob is terrific. i just hope they don't go overboard turning him into a troubled teen.

The young actress who plays Tracy is cute but I agree that she shouldn't be too involved with David's storyline. I far prefer Leyla to be the lady in his life during this ordeal.

I wonder when they're going to get around to writing off Edna, either by sending her out of town or killing her off. 

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Hasn't been announced already that they are killing Edna off? I think they have if I am not mistaken.


I don't mind Tracy but I just want David to be single ... or with Alicia. :P No other woman will do. I do love his friendship with Leyla, and how Leyla expressed in past weeks that she's been there, done that. She doesn't care to revisit her and David. I hope it sticks that way and we don't have Leyla suffering from unresolved feelings down the line. 


I love the actor that plays Jacob too! I just hope they don't make him a teen parent with Gabby or any young girl. I want him to grow up to be a decent young chap and heartbreaker at the most. Let Lachlan's stankin' ass do all the corrupt things.

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