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I'm usually "whatevs" when it comes to Diane but I have been 100% rooting for her since this whole debacle started. Chas is a pig and the way she's strutting around James and pretending like she's Scarlet OHara in distress is just beyond me. 


Cheissy annoyed me with her whole let me go pressure Bernice routine. I think that was wrong

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I was very unhappy with the news about Ashley. I don't trust Emmerdale or Kate Oates to do this type of story justice (Corrie has done this story repeatedly and it was a mess every time - the last time with Eileen and Mike Barnes was an atrocity), and it's a real waste to do this to Ashley, who is a good, kind person who loves the community - something all too rare on Emmerdale now as it races toward being some sort of wannabe crime drama. Stories like this also tend to bring back bad memories for me so I try not to watch them.


I hope the new producer changes this and keeps Ashley around. I don't want them to undo his dementia, like they apparently did with Caroline on DAYS, but I don't want the character to be sacrificed. Ashley is one of the characters who got me into Emmerdale and it's going to be difficult to watch without him.

Edited by DRW50
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Ashley gives Emmerdale some much-needed depth, so I am really not happy about this news. But I think all the actors involved can do it justice, as they did with Laurel's alcoholism. 

The Who Shot Robert? reveal was SUCH a letdown. Why is Ross shoehorned into everything? That's three of the show's biggest reveals (the other two being his return-from-the-dead and Who's Charity's Babydaddy?) that have centred around him. And the way he goaded Andy into going along with it - "Maybe Katie was still breathing" or whatever, was just vile. Yuck. 

At least Robert is conscious and messing with everybody's heads again.

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This is so true! You'd hardly believe that this show takes place in a small country village in Yorkshire nowadays. With all the crimes, explosions, shootings etcetera it feels more like it belongs in a big city.

This upcoming story with Ashley, however sad, is actually more the kind of story that this show should do. It should be more about the people of the village and their relationships, their trials and tribulations, not about a bunch of hoodlums and criminals double-crossing and trying to kill each other. How I wish they would just cut the entire Dingle family from the show! I used to like some of them, but now I can't stand the sight of any of them. They've taken over and almost destroyed the show. Especially since Cain/Charity/Debbie appeared. It's been downhill ever since.

I'm sure a lot of people would disagree and call me anti-progress and hoplessly backwards, but I really think Emmerdale was a better show during the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s. It has lost its identity and is rapidly becoming just a generic soap.

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I agree with you - it's mostly certain actors who brought me back to Emmerdale but so many have left or are leaving, and the show is just oddly formless now. It's still better than the other soaps, but isn't anywhere what it should be. And with a Hollyoaks producer arriving soon I worry about what will happen, especially since new producers love to clean house and I have a feeling if he does it will be low-level supporting characters, many of whom are why I still watch the show (like Finn and Leyla).


I uploaded the Matt/Dolly episode to Youtube, BTW. Have you seen it?

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Ross is so cold hearted about wanting Pete dead and this deal he made with Andy...on one level it absolutely horrifies me and on the other hand I find it kinda exciting in this sick type of way. This guy and the actor are just ridiculous good.


Oddly enough I find it so strange that he wants Pete out of the equation so much when Pete has barely done anything to the guy. Meanwhile you'd think Andy given all the rage and anger he's feeling towards Robert would have killed Pete AGES ago without a second thought. 


I am sad about the Ashley news and more because of the diagnosis. It all just seems so unfair to this character.


Emma + James = :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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My thoughts on the rewind episode:


I was spoiled, but I'm not too sorry about it, as to be honest I didn't care about the mystery anyway. The idea of Andy and Ross working together is interesting (and it's not out of character for Andy, especially since we saw Ross systematically manipulating him into agreeing), but I just don't think Pete has done enough to warrant Ross' raging hatred of him. It feels like a "clever" idea to link the two brother feuds, and I just don't know if it works. I've actually come to like Pete far more than Ross, which is sad. I hope they fix Ross, and I hope they keep Pete and Andy friends. I wish the show would have them hook up - they'd make a good couple. As for Ross, they seem to think they can constantly have him behave in a sociopathic, childish way, and just pass it off as simultaneously "oh he's hurting" and "isn't he so cheeky." It's not working for me. At all. It's just boring and unpleasant.


Paddy's cheating is not out of character for him, but I'm wary of where this will go. If this is going to be "poor Paddy stalked by a psycho," I'm going to be ticked off, because I'm tired of that story, and because it's dishonest. He's a manwhore - let him face the consequences. 


The Ashley scenes were harrowing...by far the best part of the episode.


Aaron's monologue about loving Robert and always wanting to take him back felt like fan fiction. It matches nothing I saw onscreen in months, where Aaron was more than fine being without Robert. The "poor Aaron" stuff just isn't working. Time to let him grow up. Well past time.


I'm so tired of seeing Chas weak and frail and being babied. I don't understand what has happened to this character. I don't recognize anything about her since I tuned back in this year. Kate Oates does not know her at all.



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