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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Someone said they might be abolishing the position, and are now using a more developed storylining team.

I love the whole 2000-2002/3 era of the show. The Slater's were just very representative of that era, which is probably the last true golden/renaissance era for the show.

It's always a gamble bringing in a new family in one swing, this was one of the rare instances where it clicked from the beginning.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Mark died in 2003 or 2004.

Mark was initially supposed to have a storyline about being a white supremacist, but the actor was very upset by the story and by the show's popularity and very quickly left. He remained on the show in a recurring capacity until he committed suicide in 1987 or 1988.

Ian and Sharon, yes.

Sue isn't annoying, she's wonderful :(

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Well, it was only the first episode Carl and in it, she was absolutely horrid. :)

I understand being upset by the story, by why was he upset by the show's popularity? Did he not want to be be famous? I'm surprised the show didn't just recast, though I guess they maybe though that was unfavorable and rude.

Edited by Amello
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The daughter, then the wife, all in one night? This punk has some damn nerve.

Den and Angie's marriage ... I don't what to say, but man are they just gripping to watch. At first I though he cheated because she was drinking, but now it seems she's drinking because he cheated. And this is only 4 episodes in. LoL

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Who is the punk?

Sue is one of those characters where the aggressiveness doesn't bother me as much because you see the pain and insecurity. I always enjoy that scene where she kicks Mary out of the cafe.

The early episodes have a lot of fun moments with Lofty and Ethel. I don't think that happened as much later on. I don't know if you're looking for Dot but she isn't in the first 20-30 episodes...

Mark's death was kind of a copout because Louise Berridge said she didn't want people to think you wouldn't die from AIDS, yet Mark didn't even die oncamera. I wish they'd just had Mark leave town and have him return for visits when the family needed him. Todd Carty would have, and I think it's a message of hope. I was proud of GL for having Susan Bates, who had HIV, leave town alive and healthy, instead of killing her off.

This is a good article by someone who is watching the PBS episodes even though they know everything which is going to happen later on. It reminds me of about ten years ago when I was watching 1997 episodes on PBS and then learned that most of the characters, some of whom I loved, were leaving or had left, and some had gotten awful exits. I ended up stopping my viewing, and didn't get back into it until a few years later with the Slaters on BBC America. It's hard to believe that 1997 EE and 2000 EE were only three years apart. It seems like a lifetime.


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I know 1996 and 1997 were considered awful years for the show by many fans and ratings started to decline, which is why Matthew Robinson was hired in 1998 to revamp the show and get rid of a lot of characters - which I think genuinely worked in the long run, and ratings started to increase again.

I think John Yorke built on Robinson's successes, but added a little more heart and better pacing formula.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I know the ratings weren't great and the show was seen as being in a lull. I don't know if it ever reached the level of hostility which 2003-2006 seemed to reach. Or 1989.

I think that a lot of the stuff on the show in 1996 and 1997 was OK, especially with the Jacksons. It did seem kind of aimless, and I was so annoyed by Sarah Hills, and a lot of other stories were kind of dull (like Kathy's affair with the vicar). Probably the time when I thought the show was getting really bad was when the Irish relatives came in. My reaction to Mary and Conor was HATE HATE HATE.

I did enjoy the wrapup to Cindy taking the kids, which happened in summer 1997 I believe.

Edited by CarlD2
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Eastenders 1996 Cast

Arthur Fowler (1985-1996)

Mark Fowler (1985-1986,1987,1990-Present)

Pauline Fowler (1985-Present)

Harold Legg (1985-Present)

Kathy Mitchell (1985-Present)

Ethel Skinner (1985-Present)

Ian Beale (1985-Present)

Martin Fowler (1985-Present)

Pat Evans (1986-Present)

Frank Butcher (1987,1988-1994,1995-Present)

Cindy Beale (1988-1990,1992-1996)

Ricky Butcher (1988-Present)

Janine Butcher (1989-1996)

Steven Beale (1989-1990,1992-1996)

Phil Mitchell (1990-Present)

Grant Mitchell (1990-Present)

Jules Tavernier (1990-Present)

Sam Mitchell (1990-1993,1995-1996)

Peggy Mitchell (1991,1994-Present)

Steve Elliot (1991-1993,1994-1996)

Nigel Bates (1992-Present)

Sanjay Kapooor (1993-Present)

Gita Kapoor (1993-Present)

Clare Bates (1993-Present)

Carol Jackson (1993-Present)

Alan Jackson (1993-Present)

Bianca Jackson (1993-Present)

Lucy Beale (1993-Present)

Peter Beale (1993-1996)

Robbie Jackson (1993-Present)

Sonia Jackson (1993-Present)

Billie Jackson (1993-Present)

Nellie Ellis (1993-Present)

David Wicks (1993-1996)

Blossom Jackson (1994-Present)

Ruth Fowler (1994-Present)

Roy Evans (1994-Present)

Barry Evans (1994-Present)

Tiffany Mitchell (1995-Present)

Ted Hills (1995-Present)

Tony Hills (1995-Present)

Sarah Hills (1995-Present)

Felix Kavalski (1995-Present)

April Branning (1995-1996)

Michael Rose (1996-Present)

Ben Mitchell (1996-Present)

Joe Wicks (1996-Present)

Lorraine Wicks (1996-Present)

Huw Edwards (1996-Present)

Lenny Wallace (1996-Present)

Simon Raymond (1996-Present)

Frankie Pierre (1996-Present)

Mick McFarlane (1996-Present)

George Palmer (1996-Present)

Personally , they could have done a lot with this cast especially the ones departing.

I would have Axed

Jules Tavernier (Without Family,Not really point in needing them)

Nellie Ellis

The Hills Family

Felix Kavalski

and maybe Huw & Lenny.

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Most of those characters were gone within a year or two anyway, those you said should have gone.

I think Huw and Lenny were two of the show's more underrated comic relief characters. People like Minty show just how awful comic relief characters can be.

So Jimi Mistry is on Strictly Come Dancing this year. He played a gay doctor on Eastenders ten years ago, although it doesn't seem to be something most people cared about (he mentioned it for some reason last year, as I think he was surprised they had another gay Asian). Anyway, I had also totally forgotten about Josie McFarlane. Apparently the actress unloaded on the show...to say the least!


It's a shame that she, and the woman who played Audrey Trueman, and Yolande, all had so much to complain about. All the British soaps have struggled to have compelling and leading black female characters. Of all of them Eastenders have come the closest, with Carmel and Denise, but they also have a lot of room to grow.

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Ricky Norwood has said in a interview that his contract is up in December (March 2011)

I don`t know what to make of this. I reckon they should keep him on and develop his character , but if they plan to keep him as a comic relief then they should axe him while they can.

With FB gone you are left with

Lucy Beale (Possibly been recast by Emma Rigby (Hannah Ashworth - Hollyoaks) of all people)

Peter Beale

Ben Mitchell (When he is recast)

Liam Butcher (In a sense)

Abi Branning

Jay Brown (Who is heavely underused)

Tamwar Masood

Whitney Dean

Jordan Johnson

and Mercy

I don`t really qualify Darren & Jodie as teens because they are that age where they are growing into adults.

Never the less you have 4 girls and 6 Boys. 10 Teens. I reckon thats about fine.

Your Thoughts ?

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