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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I like the sound of an MS storyline for Carol, but my concern would be her very disjointed support network. With Neighbours' Susan, she had her family and friends, but Carol lacks a stable home life. She lives with Max and Abi, and I could see them having Bianca wanting to take care of her and move her into Pat's house which is way too crowded. Plus, it might be a bit much after Jack and Jim.

I really think they should build her up career wise, and have her meet a nice guy, who has money (not wealthy, just modestly rich), someone who could be a control freak, like her, which would cause personality clashes. Maybe she could be embarrassed by her past, which could see her push this guy away. But of course, he wouldn't be Mr. Perfect...

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Those are good ideas for Carol. I see what you mean about the lack of support system, I guess I would hope an MS story might strengthen her ties to other characters. It's ridiculous how little she has scenes with anyone in her family, and she has no friends, she has nothing. Her strongest tie is to the truly worthless Billie.

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Today's episode:

Damn, those Denise and Lucas scenes were intense, especially during the last ten minutes of this episode. Diane Parish did a stellar job as an emotionally broken woman, and Lucas was out of his mind with all the messiah talk.

The Darren and Minty World Cup stuff was useless filler. Their friendship always seemed weird to me, so who cares?

I actually enjoyed the Ronnie and Jack scenes, they were light and fun. I also enjoyed the following scenes where Ronnie told Roxy what happened at the clinic and then how she's forgiven Roxy and Jack, they really felt like sisters in those scenes.

Shirley (to Ronnie): I can keep my lips closed, unlike somebody! :lol: :lol:

The Ian and Phil conversation about fatherhood was a nice surprise, and their karaoke duet was hilarious.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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So Phil is now a rapist! Of the musical variety! :lol:

Same sentiments as you Alvin. I got a couple questions ...

1) Does Heather have feelings for Darren at all?

2) How did Jack end up in the hospital?

Also, does Shirley own a brush at all?

Edited by Amello
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In what was one of the most unintentionally hilarious stories on Eastenders in some time, the worthless Billie Jackson, Jack's nephew by Carol Jackson, had a gang who followed him from Balham when he moved back to Walford. They kept telling Billie that he was no longer "repping his crew." The girl, Kylie, was Billie's ex, and was very angry that he had moved on. After involving Billie in some petty crimes around Walford, he turned his back on them. Kylie got a gun Billie had been hiding at his place and she opened fire at a birthday party the Jacksons were attending at the club R&R. Jack was shot in the head and had to have major surgery. Fortunately for Jack, he started recovering almost immediately. He was then shipped off to a clinic once his ex Roxy realized he needed the money for special care.

The Heather/Darren storyline was disgusting and bizarre and has basically been dropped. Darren got drunk at his 18th birthday party and had sex with Heather. This was not shown oncamera. They did not let viewers know who the father was until right after Heather had given birth. They made people think Phil, Minty, or Darren could have been the father. Heather sounded like a very delusional and disturbed woman because she went on about this dream man who made her feel so wonderful and who gave her "special cuddles." And it was Darren! I really don't think Heather actually has feelings for him.

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I haven't seen both episodes yet (the Denise stuff was fantastic though, especially how Diane Parish played her fear, even as Denise finally tried to stand up to Lucas -- all of that was touching something most soaps don't try for), but I can't wait that Minty to get the f*** out. It's an incredibly stupid storyline to get incensed over World Cup tickets when the end of the World Cup is only a few days away -- how could they afford those tickets and why did neither of them seem to be in much of a hurry? On Coronation Street, not exactly a haven of great writing at the moment, Carla and Trevor left for the World Cup weeks ago and just got back! And Minty's rage at Darren was so full force and petty. Add in that he is becoming EE's version of Violet in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and I just can't take him.

Edited by CarlD2
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Re: the World Cup thing - that confused me at first, but then I realized that these eps were probably meant to air earlier, but due to the numerous pre-emptions, its been delayed. I also think that Darren got the tickets late, and they were only ever going to fly out to South Africa half way through the season anyway. Stupid story anyway.

Those Lucas/Denise scenes were awesome. Lucas really showed just how psychotic he has become. I love how we got a glimpse of the old feisty Denise, as she tried to stand up to her husband, who has been wearing her down emotionally for months. LOL @ Lucas wanting her to be his Lady Magdalene. But, that body the divers recovered sure did look like Denise's arm... I really hope she isn't dead. I'm not used to being in the dark over the outcome of a character's fate. :lol:

I liked how Zainab stood up for Denise, refusing to believe she killed Owen. But, I don't like how easily Chelsea doubts her mum's innocence. That one doesn't make sense to me.

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It does seem incredibly strange how they've managed to keep Denise's fate a secret without any leaks. I can't remember the last time something similar was done. Whatever they did, it's got people talking and speculating about Denise and how she'll come back if she isn't dead.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Emmerdale have been pretty good at this. Like, they kept the outcome of Cain & Sadie's exits under wraps; they also did the same with Kim Tate a couple of times; the identity of Zoe's lover...

Didn't B&B manage to keep Taylor's resurrection a secret, too?

To me, this shows that there isn't really any excuse for not keeping big plot twists a secret from the media, as EE have demonstrated that it can be done. Corrie shouldn't need to leak out fake spoilers to keep the media out; they should be able to keep storylines secret themselves.

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Yeah, Taylor's resurrection was a secret. If I felt sorry for Bradley Bell, I would in that moment, because he pulled off something very rare and yet most people were too horrified by Hunter Tylo's changed appearance to care about much else.

The show has been clever in that they have not actually said Denise is dying, they just leave enough clues to make viewers wonder. It's a good way to get attention and a good way to make viewers care, especially since the rest of the Foxes, aside from Patrick, aren't interesting enough on their own. Libby and Chelsea have their moments (Tiana Benjamin has been better than I expected), but I think the show has made the right decision in firing Libby. And not to be crude, but her huge knockers steal my attention in every scene she has. I swear they keep getting bigger.

The World Cup stuff was so sudden and Minty's raging made him look so pathetic. I wish it had been fleshed out more but then that would mean more Minty airtime so I shouldn't complain. I'm enjoying Jodie and Darren more than I thought I would (I like that she makes fun of how thick people think she is and that she can stand up for herself), and Darren and Max are great together. Max has been such a revelation with Tanya off.

Some fans complained about the Denise/Lucas scenes being too long but overall I thought they were very good. They got better and better, especially when she began to realize how insane he was, and how she kept voicing her opinion even as she knew she was going to make him furious. The scenes were so believable and terrifying. Diane Parish does so much with her arms and her eyes and her face, and Don Gilet, now that the writing is there for him, has been genuinely terrifying. All of these scenes have been the type of out there, am-I-watching-this stuff which Eastenders hasn't really done in a long long time.

I can't believe Christian and Syed are still in the same place...it's just bizarre and confirms how empty the characters are. Syed is going to ex-gay "therapy" -- even someone who feels this is successful for them would say their life changes. Syed is the same as ever. The same old come here/go away stuff with Christian, a silly reason for Christian to see the Masoods (which again shows how hollow the character is -- he's happily selling his share of the business to people who made his life hell and to Zainab after all she said to Jane), and absolutely no scenes of Syed in therapy, which is the only valuable thing that this story would provide. If you are going to bring this up then you need to actually deal with the issue. Instead, just like gay-bashings and suicide attempts and religious opposition to homosexuality, this story has skimmed issues for headlines and has been too gutless to actually address them.

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