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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Yeah the promos were the best things in that story and the Danielle/Archie story. And Scott Maslen is better in that promo than he's been in his 3 years on the actual show...

I still wonder where that hit and run story was supposed to go. It all just kind of fizzled.

Emmerdale had a decent promo for Charity's return, although the story wasn't up to much.

Edited by CarlD2
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It didn't help. I'd say it could've been an interesting story to explore, but the execution was terrible, and their motives was scatty. I still don't know why they slept together; there wasn't any kind of attraction between them, instead it all just randomly happened, b/c Roxy was mad at Ronnie or something equally stupid. It felt out of character for her, b/c she never came across as being vindictive. Roxy's not vindictive. I also didn't like that they based it all on sibling jealousy, and Roxy always wanting what Ronnie had (this was an interesting concept in the beginning, but ultimately forgotten in the end), b/c it felt lame and lazy - it wasn't a strong enough motive.

But, if all of that had been perfect, it still would've tarnished her character, b/c the Rack fans never would have forgiven her for coming between their golden super-couple.

And to make it all worse, Roxy took most of the fan backlash, b/c apparently, Jack was comatosed when it all happened, and obviously couldn't be held responsible for any of it. :rolleyes:

I loved Gita - she was a favourite. I also liked Sanjay, too, but could never understand them ditching Gita, over Sanjay. Didn't Gita mysteriously vanish for like, a year? And Sanjay was the prime suspect, only for Gita to return a year later with a child in toe? That was a bizarre storyline. Why did she disappear, again? Oh, and didn't Sanjay & Gita end up reuniting again?

I liked Simone and Ruth, too. Good times.

ITA on your theory about people not liking change, and seeing EE as a damaged brand, etc. I think that's very true. Also, the media hyped up Zsa Zsa as the next big thing - which obviously seeped into a lot people's subconscious - so when she was let go, it was seen as being a big mistake. Of course, there are a lot of people who can separate what they read, and what they see, which is why I know Zsa Zsa wasn't a big deal. She was expendable.

I do think they should recast Lucy A-SAP. Don't make any fuss over it on screen; simply have Melissa in the role one week, and the next the recast. Maybe have a gap of about a week or two, just to cushion the blow, but ultimately don't drag it out, especially with the abortion secret in play. Some fans aren't gonna be happy either way, so they may as well get it over with sooner, rather than later.

Speaking of promos - has anyone seen the latest Corrie one for Siege Week? It's pretty good actually; better than I expected, as ITV's promos usually are lame.

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I'm so glad you agree with me, I really respect your opinion on Eastenders (you help me understand Roxy and what she could be) and I wasn't sure anyone would get through all my paragraphs of blather. And yes, I think you are totally right about people feeling like they needed to like Zsa Zsa, so they are upset about all this possibility. The problem is possibility is not reality, you can't just watch based on hype. Otherwise Callum Monks would have been a hot stud of the ages, as he was hyped as being.

I think recasting Lucy quickly, within a month or so, might be a good idea. I don't think the part is beyond recasting. I do hope that whatever they do they finally start to really write for Lucy, instead of just having her as smirking and being a plot device.

I think Gita went away for those months because she wanted to have another child. I think this was due to the actress going on maternity leave. It all seemed odd. I'm sorry that was their last story. I liked Sanjay, well I didn't like him but I understood what he was supposed to be and sometimes I felt sorry for him (the way I sometimes felt sorry for Ali Osman, another very underrated character, along with Sue Osman). They could have done so much with Gita. I really loved that actress, she was great with drama but also with sly humor. I haven't seen her in anything, beyond getting killed by a Dalek.

I'm glad to see someone else who liked Ruth. I often hear people say Ruth was depressing or Ruth was boring but that worked for her character. The only time I got tired of her was when they had her become too obsessed with having a baby, which is lazy writing. She had some humor, it's just that people don't remember it. As they don't remember that Pauline had a lot of humor.

I haven't seen the siege promo yet.

This is what Wikipedia lists for Gita's exit:


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Re: Lucy - I hope, if they do recast (which seems the logical solution) that they get someone who looks similar to Melissa, or Peter, and not someone taller, fatter, or a brunette.

I've just remembered what Ruth looked like, and yes, I did like her. And she was boring, but like you say, it was who she was. I never saw it as a negative, though. She was with Mark for most of her time, right? And I remember her baby obsession, too, which I didn't really mind at all (the adoption part). I was sad when she left, and little vexed at the story with her and Conor, which resulted in her getting pregnant. I think I wanted less animosity between her and Mark.

Now, I remember Gita's exit. Always thought her having a ONS was so out of character. Hated that. And then they had reporter, Polly, dig up their secret and plaster it all over the front page, which caused that media storm. Polly: she was an annoying character, if IRC.

I'll go see if I can dig up that Corrie promo, and post it in the Corrie thread.

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Just started watching today's episode, and I know it's going to be painful with the teen storyline dominating this hour-long episode but...

Carol (to Ricky and Bianca): Where are the kids?!?!

Ricky: Oh, Janine took them out!

What? Who trusted Janine with the kids? :wacko::lol:

And we've gone months without Janine and Ricky sharing any scenes, and now on a day when Janine's not on, she has the kids...

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I know some posters on Digital Spy were fond of Evans' work earlier in the year, and he does seem to have an extensive list of credits on IMDB, but not much is known about or talked about him.

But the first epsidoe writer probably means very little, since these first batch of episodes are from the handover period that happened in late February.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Kris Green said Zoe/Vanessa provides a fun element that's been missing from the show for a while. I'm intrigued, I hope they don't botch the character with poor development or make her some inane plot device once Jo Joyner comes back from maternity leave.

No, probably on Friday, since that's when it was posted last week.

Zoe and Jake seem to get on well, I hope they share great chemistry on-screen...

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