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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I agree with some of that. Bianca's return, bringing Jim back after his stroke. The Dot one-hander. The Masoods.

I think it's telling that he focuses on moments, not on the show as a whole. The show as a whole has often been questionably paced, halfhearted buildup, no real followthrough.

Steven - Why is there anything to be proud of in this story? Steven became a confused bisexual (and as always on TV or movies, bisexual seems to somehow equal being crazy or evil) who kidnapped his sister and tried to suffocate his grandmother, only to vanish and never be mentioned again. It was a lousy, lousy exit.

Heather/Darren - how does this work for the future? Darren has no ties to Walford and if he vanished tomorrow no one would notice. Heather is a tired character, the only thing that even kept her going as long as it did was the innocent act, complete with endless, unpleasant jokes about her weight and appearance, and you can't exactly do that now that she's bedded an 18 year old who was in a serious relationship.

Tanya and the coffin - horrible stunt. That and sleeping with Jack ruined Tanya, I can't even watch most of her scenes.

Whitney sex abuse story - what does it say about the message of this story when the healthy, slow-building relationship Whitney had afterwards which taught her it was OK to take things carefully was junked so that she could make out with a man she barely knows, her adoptive uncle, and who lies to her and isn't trustworthy??

At least he isn't talking anymore about how he built up the younger characters because they meant a lot to him when he was younger. The characterization and the performances from Lucy, Lauren, Zsa Zsa, Leon, Billie, Fatboy, are terrible. I'd go as far as to say this may be the worst group of young people I can ever remember on EE.

Anyway, I probably liked his run best for the Masoods, making Jean sane, bringing Bianca and Ricky back, and giving Ian something to do besides be the town joke. And Stacey's bipolar story, before the rape and making her a killer.

Edited by CarlD2
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I thought he was good in the first story; everything after he made up with Ian and came back to Walford was a mess. It sucks because I really liked the scenes where he and Ian made up, then they had to turn him into a psycho. One of the many bad and pointless stories in 2008.

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His whole story was junk.


I really hate Darren, though. Whatever happened to his Russian models scheme?

Loved it. Especially because Tanya, the witch full of sh!t, got destroyed!!! :lol: Yay! She, Jane and who else was there — May? — were nicknamed the Coven. JamesF and I talked about it here I believe. Jane bugs me too because she's with that horrid dreck evil rat Ian. Ew! icon8.gif She and Grant would have been a better couple, though ultimately a bad one.


Edited by Sylph
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I can't remember if Jane and May were there. I know Sean was.

There was a "Witches of Walford" story with Chrissie, Zoe, and Sam Mitchell (the other Sam), when they wanted to pay Den back for what he'd done to them, only to end in Chrissie killing him.

I like Ian/Jane, just because she brings out his better nature. I do wish they didn't have the baby stories, I am sick of baby rabies stories. I never saw Grant/Jane, they might have been a good couple.

I noticed Santer didn't mention "Who Ran Over Max?" He and the EE highlight shows always seem to try to pretend that never happened. :lol:

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Daran Little is #1 on that list of Kirkwood pets.

Little wrote Hollyoaks in the City, which was not great (although they got gorgeous Phillip Olivier naked over and over and over), but he was good on Corrie and on Hollyoaks. He wrote a lot of the Todd/Karl story on Corrie and he wrote a lot of "McDean" on Hollyoaks. He also wrote some of the only episodes that did justice to poor Father Kieron and his struggles. The rest of the time the writing was just one-dimensional Scandal! Gay priest and teenager!

Eastenders is a show which desperately needs some better perspective and a stronger voice for its gay characters. Christian has been every single gay stereotype and this "Chryed" story has been all shock value and no soul.

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