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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Another interview of Letitia and pics from next week's 7 episodes.

Looks like she's interacting with Ian and Lucy, in addition to Phil, Max, Tanya, Jack, Shirley, and Ben.



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Most would probably say none....

But next week is an exciting week for EastEnders with 7 episodes, the show was just taken over by a new EP, so next week is really her first big stamp on the show with Sharon's return and the reveal of Heather's murderer. Though, the show will still be in transition mode for a while.

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There really wasn't much, aside from set-up.I think I was more happy to see Sharon, than her jilted groom and his drunk sister and the return details.

I think the rest of the week will be more in depth with her return story. I did like her car ride with Phil, and her interaction with her son. Though, calling him "Denny" will get annoying fast.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I love how 'angelic' the child appears to be, I guess they're playing up to the fact he has his father's DNA. I imagine the child will get annoying quickly though. Peopl on DS have been saying a low-key return would have been better and I think I'm inclined to agree. They always make returns sensationalist, remember Janine marrying a 90 year old man and Pat crashing the wedding? And obviously Kat and Alfie too. I loved the Ben scenes last night, such a sinister and mixed up character. Seriously dreading his departure although I know there's no way around it now.

I can't wait for Sharon's scenes with Ian and I'm hoping she will interact with Kat now due to Zoe.

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I found Sharon's return to be cliche and lackluster. IMO, the perfect time to have brought Sharon back would've been when Ben was blackmailing Phil and spilling all his dirt. If I remember correctly, Phil knew about Johnny Allen planning to knock Dennis off and didn't warn him, and it never came out. Ben should've somehow got wind of it and sent a tape to Sharon (like he did Denise), which ended up bringing her back to the square p*ssed and joining forced with Denise to bring down Phil.

SN: I hope that the writers make Denise and Sharon friends. I just feel they'd be perfect friends. Probably would provide comedy to see Zaniab jealous of the new friendship too . . .tongue.png

But back to her returning, I hate that they had her son kidnapped, and hated even more when she called him "Denny" (too). And wasn't it said last night that Sharon has been back for about 6 mths in the UK? Yeah . . . Pat says hello. Picked up on that and found it to be odd. Sharon would've comeback to the Square for Pat seeing as they were close. But whatever. I'll ignore it. happy.png Could've been better but I did enjoy it -- well at least Ian & Janine's stories. Watching Ian suffer makes me so upset and I cannot wait until Ben gets his. Glad to see that they are putting Denise/Shirley back into each other's atmospheres after all this time. Few blunders but I enjoyed it and cannot wait for the newest episode to be uploaded later on today.

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Well, at least that stupid kidnapping plot is out of the way and Sharon back where she belongs - on the square.

I don't understand why this show has to go completely OTT when the bring a character back in their first one or two episodes. Things should get much better now that Sharon is back in a familiar environment.

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The kidnapping was rubbish, but Sharon was wonderful in yesterday's episode. The scenes with Phil, her instant spark with Jack, and touching reunion with Ian were well done. It is great having Sharon back. I am looking forward to seeing her champion Ian and making connections around the Square. She and Jack are a promising couple. I am watching regularly again.

Edited by Ann_SS
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