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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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The early 90's just feel like such an organic, integrated, and well-rounded show. It doesn't have any of the over the top 80's elements, or the sensationalism a lot of the late 90's and 00's were guilty of.

All of the eras have something unique about them, but even though the show was very popular in the early 90's, there seemed to be a more subtle approach to storytelling and hype when compared to the 80's and late 90's and 00's.

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I tend to prefer the 80's, mostly because the characters are so vibrant, but the early 90's are very special. I miss that type of quiet strength - all the British soaps at that time have this quiet strength and power. Eastenders managed to provide such great story with characters who likely wouldn't have a chance today, like the Taverniers, or Michelle Fowler. Or something like the affair between Arthur and Mrs. Hewitt - no story would have that type of pacing now.

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The Mitchell's were at their best (well, it was really only Grant and Phil and Sam) in the early 90's as well. But , they were only exclusively tied to Sharon then, and didn't gobble up the show like they would by the late 90's.

More pics from Pat's funeral (a lot of which were seen from the first article). You get to see David (they mistakenly refer to him as Wicksy) coming out of the same car as Bianca, and a pic of Janine and Liam.


Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Some of the reports indicate that Janine is paying for Pat's funeral.

I'm still hopeful that they'll surprise us with a two-hander (hopefully written by Christopher Reason) between Janine and Pat before Pat dies. There's still so much to discuss and an opportunity waiting to be taken advantage of. Stuff like Pat sending Janine to prison needs to be brought up again. Pat's loss will probably have the biggest effect on Janine, despite their ups and downs, Pat was the only real stable parental figure she had.

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Morgan's father is also joining.

So, let me guess....

Ricky cheats on Bianca with Mandy, and then Bianca cheats on Ricky with Morgan's father? If so, how many times have these two cheated on each other again?


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Inside Soap's Producer Session with Bryan Kirkwood. (This is long!)

Are you planning to split up Kat and Alfie properly?

What fascinates me about Kat is our need to stay truthful to her history - she was sexually abused when she was just 13. She has this empty space deep inside her, and even though she has the happy family life she always wanted, she still has this pain. The main character flaw of Alfie is his refusal to deal with the truth, even in the worst situations. Now that Walford is overrun with strong alpha-males like Tyler, Anthony and Michael, will Kat start to seek comfort elsewhere? As for whether they'll split up... Well, people always say they want a happy ending, but if you think of any big partnership in soap - Stan and Hilda, Jack and Vera, Den and Angie, or Max and Tanya - not one of them had a truly happy marriage. It's the conflict that makes it interesting. Kat and Alfie are two of the stars of the show, so we have big plans.

What are your plans for Derek Branning, and will there be a woman in his life?

Derek - the big bad brother looming over Carol, Jack and Max - is going to be a big story for 2012. There's a huge amount of history, and his presence will affect everyone in different ways. He has a liaison with Rainie, which is brief and brilliant - and we get to see her as a kind of gangsters moll. But that's just the start - we've got a few surprises up our sleeves as well. Actor Jamie Foreman is a dream come true.

We're starting to see a darker side to Jack. Will that develop in the new year?

Jack has lost everything this year - and the accident with Amy was for him, more proof that the Mitchell family takes away everything he holds dear. He lost James, and he's not going to let go of Amy easily. It's the kick-off point for a big story with Roxy and Jack, and it reignites the feud between the Mitchells and the Brannings. These are strong clans with something important to fight about, and with Derek and Phil going head-to-head, it's very exciting.

Will Denise get a story soon?

Absolutely. Denise has been too quiet for too long, and it's one thing I'm sad about. We looked at everything that's happened to Denise during her time in Albert Square, and the one bright moment of happiness she had was with Kevin Wicks. So looking at that - and why that was taken away from her - sparks off the next big story for Denise...

Will Heather get a happy ending?

It is possible, yes. Andrew Cotton - Rose's loveable son - is coming back to woo Heather. The pair of them are a match made in Heaven - but that's all I'm going to say for the time being!

We know there will be a fire at the B&B at Christmas - will that be the climax of the Masood story?

Yusef is our Doctor Death - and he has a history where fire is concerned. I'd certainly suggest Zainab doesn't wear a nylon nightie for the next couple of months...

The Masood divorce was a shock, and a very sad episode. Will Masood and Zainab ever get back together?

There life has been a proper love story, but Yusef has done his worst and gotten away with it so far. There are a lot of cultural reasons why Zainab is drawn to Yusef, because of the shame she brought on herself when she first left him all those years ago. And now she has a choice to make between Yusef and Masood. Lets see which one she chooses!

Michael and Janine are a brilliant combination. Is their relationship built to last?

Michael and Janine are essentially the same person. They're both people whose personalities were formed at a young age through trauma - and here they are in a relationship. Janine has everything she dreamed off - money, power, and everyone under her thumb - and along comes this tall, dark stranger. But is it true love - or a case of 'be careful what you wish for'? And at Christmas, Janine makes a life-changing discover.

Do you think Whitney should be with Tyler?

I change my mind every time I see Whitney in a scene with Fat Boy or with Tyler. I think she has a big decision to make. Which is the right decision for her? I hope the viewers are shouting their opinions at the TV.

Pat is leaving Walford soon - so do you feel it's your responsibility to give a character like that a good send-off?

It was the worst possible news when we found out, but I respect Pam St Clement's decision to go. She's had 25 fantastic years, and is one of the biggest characters in EastEnders, so yes, Pat's exit from the show is an enormous responsibility. We looked long and hard at other exits for other big characters, like Peggy and Pauline, and thought, 'what haven't we really done before? What's big, epic, and fitting for someone of Pat's stature?' There won't be a dry eye in the house when Pat departs.

We hear Wicksy and David are coming back. Can we assume it's for Pat's funeral?

Don't assume anything! I love all the speculation about Pat's exit storyline. I'll confirm just one thing for now: David Wicks will be back for Pat's exit. And that's all I'm saying.

Is Peggy coming back to say goodbye to Pat?

Peggy's on a cruise unfortunately, so won't be able to make it back in time, which is a terrible shame. Seriously though - much as it's brilliant to see old characters back for events, they've got to have a role and purpose. That's what David Wicks has. You can't just bring Barbara Windsor back and just give her two lines in someone else's story. There is a danger of it being more about old characters returning, than saying goodbye to Pat in a fitting way.

Bianca and Ricky are back soon. What can we expect?

We've missed Patsy Palmer's warmth on the show, and I'm really delighted she's back where she belongs. Sadly, Sid Owen is only back for a short while, as he has other commitments, so it looks like it might be the end for Ricky and Bianca when the past comes back to haunt them. But we have a surprise for Bianca - Morgan's dad will turn up. He'll be played by Footballers' Wives Chucky Venn, who was great in that show. (Note: if he's who I think he is, he was as wooden as hell.)

The baby switch dominated the start of the year. Do you think EastEnders went too far?

Part of my job is to find stories that haven't been told before, and that only gets more difficult. When the baby-swap story was pitched in our story meeting, it sparked off the most fantastic debate. That told me it was a story worth telling. But we may have made a few mistakes - I think we misjudged the level of grief the viewers were prepared to see. However, I stand by out decision to do the story - I loved it, and millions of viewers enjoyed it, too.

Will Sharon return?

My answer whenever this particular question came up always used to be that Ronnie Branning filled the role of 'quivery-lipped blonde' in Albert Square. But Ronnie has gone now, hasn't she?

Lola is pregnant with Ben's child - what is that going to mean for her?

This is EastEnders doing what it does best and tackling an important social issue. Lola is the product of the care system, and so were Billy and Julie. So we're telling a story about the cycle of care - a story that started with Billy all those years ago - and the effect that's had to their lives. Lola is 15, pregnant, and doesn't take it at all seriously to begin with. But she will have to grow up when reality bites. We took a real punt on Danielle Harold, who hasn't had a lot of experience, but is doing great. The show has a rich history of taking in inexperienced actors, and turning them into stars, and I think Danielle is one of them.

We saw another side to Kim in light of her HIV scare. Will you delve deeper into her character, or do you want to keep her for the fun stuff?

Tameka Empson has been one of the best things on screen this year. Her CCTV footage of her robbing the Minute Mart has got to be a favourite moment since I've been here. We're giving Kim a big story that will really test her mettle. She'll get mixed up with Ray - Morgan's dad - and we'll see what happens when someone matches Kim's confidence and calls her bluff. She's got this enormous comedy façade, which we think is all a cover for quite a sensitive woman. But we won't lose the laughs.

Will Peter and Lucy Beale ever return?

You'll be seeing Lucy back much sooner than you think. Lucy will be back in the new year to stir things up in Walford. She really doesn't like what she finds when she returns home. Her dad has now replaced the woman she saw as her mother - Jane - with some gobby stripper called Mandy. So that's going to be the next big trauma in Ian's life - the battle between Lucy and Mandy.

What happens next with Max and Tanya?

Max is back and taking care of Tanya as she battles cervical cancer. But there's an unforeseen drama on the horizon, as the pressure of the last few months takes its toll in Lauren in quite a dramatic way. It's time for Jacqueline Jossa's Lauren to take centre stage.

You've said that soap couples don't get happy endings. Is that true for Christian and Syed?

With Christian and Syed, we have a couple in which the audience has an incredible emotional investment in. And they are unique as EastEnders characters as they have never cheated on each other. But it's a question of keeping their relationship interesting, of giving them conflicts. There will always be new challenges for them.

Could Alfie be Tommy's dad?

I have had this conversation with Shane Ritchie a lot. The answer is no! Tommy is Michael's boy, not Alfie's.

What sort of Christmas can we expect this year?

Explosive! Christmas this year is going to be like nothing we've seen before. We have two enormous stories that peak over Christmas and the New Year period, and there will be loads of twists and turns. I'm loving the speculation.

Is Jean ever going to find a man and settle down?

Jean is such a treasure to us. She has a bipolar story at Christmas which reminds us that Jean is a truly vulnerable woman, and also reminds us of the love in that household as Kat and Alfie look after her. After that, we have some great ideas on the table for Jean. But as for love, you'll have to wait and see.

Will we ever see Poppy and Jodie again?

We may see Poppy pop up as I'm a big fan of Rachel Bright and the character, but Kylie Babbington (Jodie) is keen to pursue other roles. And with Kim, Jean and Janine, we have lots of comic value. We work hard to keep the fun in - there has to be light amongst the dark.

Edited by Ben
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Another cheating story for Ricky and Bianca is predictable, they're both serial cheaters and have cheated on each other before.

Ricky's only back for a little while it sounds like. I guess Sid Owen only came back for Pat's exit and is going back on leave soon after before a permanent return again. I guess this is why they've cast Morgan's father for Bianca.

Janine has been keeping huge parts of the show alive over the past couple of months. She's probably the most interesting character to watch on the show.

Kirkwood's spillage about Sharon is the same damn line Santer gave. There is nothing similar about Sharon and Ronnie, other than blonde hair and a lot of tragedy. Sharon is a legacy character, and an original cast member. Nothing to mention, a much more softer character who has deep roots on the show. There's a reason why the show will never dare to kill her off, no matter how much Letitia tends to come and go.

I guess Letitia doesn't want to return, but I wonder why she promised that she was taking a "break" when she left the last time, and now it's been six years. This is now Sharon's longest absence from the show. I wonder why John Yorke hasn't brought her back, considering he brought her back in 2001. Sharon and Pat were close, especially in the 90's, and Pat was Angie's close friend. It would have been great if she was a surprise guest at Pat's funeral.

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Ben I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to type all of that out for us!!!!

Beyond that, I do want to see Kim's story. And I would like to actually know what story Denise has.

I do think Peggy should have returned and I don't think it would have detracted from the occasion.

The comment about Sharon is dismissive.

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Thanks for posting that interview, Ben. The more I hear about Bryan Kirkwood, the more annoyed I get. It seems like he's really into characterisation over plot, but at the same time it seems like he doesn't really understand characterisation. It seems like he thinks couples can't work if they're happy, they always need to have problems.

The fact he he calls Max and Tanya one of the show's classic couples, the way he harps on about Danielle Harold's 'Lola' as if she's some sort of star... get a grip.

And I'd take Sharon over Kat and Alfie any day of the week. I can no longer stand Kat and Alfie to the point that watching them makes me want to stick pins in my eyes.

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