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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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Word to all of that.

That's one of the my biggest problems with how they've written Sally over the last few years. She's been such an after thought that they've ruined her in a lot of ways. They developed Sally's relationships with other characters, and then later trash them. While I liked Sally the Snob, their was no character progression; she just woke up one day and became a pushy mum, who looked down on everyone. I thought it was a relatable story for Sally to live vicariously through Rosie, but not in the way they did it.

I'm not sure if ruining Leanne was designed to prop Peter & Carla, considering they haven't come out of it unscathed.

Deirdre is another character whom they have (almost) ruined in the last year. They just seemed to forget (or didn't care) how characters should react to certain events, and instead we got a lot of judgemental acts. I've lost count how many times the entire street poured scorn on someone when a scandal broke. No balance whatsoever. Paul's wife has Alzheimer's and dies - Eileen is blamed, and everyone turned on her; Tyrone is abused by Kirsty, but she lies and says he hit her, so everyone turns on him; Sunita dies and is framed for arson, so everyone turns on her; Carla is raped by Frank Foster, but he's not charged, so everyone sides with him. I don't remember a time when the Street had such a zombie-mob mentality. It's so stupid how the characters who pass mass judgement never learn, as they all have to eat humble pie each and every time.

Seriously, how many years have they all known Tyrone and Sunita, and still they all believe he's a wife beater and she's a fire starter! rolleyes.gif

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I can't speak to the other examples, but I think to say everyone turned on Tyrone and Sunita is definitely an exaggeration. Tommy, Tina, Fiz, and Chesney did not turn on Tyrone. I think I also saw Hayley there showing up at his trial to support him. People who knew Tyrone were understandably split, as they would be in real life, with Deirdre just telling what she heard. I do think they should have had Deirdre apologize like Julie and Eileen did, though.

Sophie did not turn on Sunita. Even Stella refused to the end to say with certainty that Sunita started the fire. Jason doesn't completely believe she did it either. Tina, Lloyd, and Steve attended her funeral; I believe Roy and Hayley commented they would have closed the cafe and gone if they had known about the date.

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The worst part of it was that they turned Deirdre's role into some sort of comedy. Deirdre was falsely tried and imprisoned for a crime - that's how Tyrone was introduced to the show! (her cellmate was Tyrone's mother, Jackie). It's unbelievable that none of this was addressed.

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This has been confirmed in a few places, I believe. Bev Callard will be back as Liz McDonald, for at least six months.


Liz had a lot of crap writing in her last years, but deep down I liked her. I think she represents the tough old bird Corrie archetype better than anyone on the canvas now, and she also had some moments of affection and kindness amidst the loudmouth brawling.

I'm happy they were willing to take the risk of bringing her back (Callard has had a lot of personal problems over the years). I hope this works out.

I'm also happy that that thing in 2009 wasn't her exit.

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I'm enjoying Corrie again, it had a bit of a rough spot but I can't think of anything I really dislike atm.

I do wish the Rovers was owned by someone else but thats just me.

I'm liking the Tracey and Rob stuff, the fake robbery etc. Think it's the first time i've liked Tracey since she returned.

As I really hated the story of her & Steve getting pregnant yet again from a 1 night stand, then her lying about how her babies died.

Can't wait for Liz to return, I'd quite like to see her working in the Bistro not sure how it'd work tho as they've alot of staff.

Depends on if Kylie has maternity leave?

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Glad you're liking the show again, soapgirluk! Hulu is still on May 20th so I can't comment directly in response to where you were as of that post, but I'm still enjoying the show too.

Poor Roy has just found out his dad is dead and is lashing out at Hayley. I feel bad for Hayley. Gloria is paying for the Rovers work to start again and it will be opening in less than a week. Eileen and Paul are back from visiting Todd in London, but no sign of Jason yet -- I'm missing him. Sylvia had some great lines this episode -- one about tomato sauce (ketchup) not counting in your 5 a day and made a little dig at American counseling sites too, LOL (but boooo).

Gary tried to kiss Tina a few episodes ago after meeting with his Army friends and thinking about his dead friend Quinny. I actually do believe him that he was just confused and I do believe he loves Izzy. I like how Tommy has been with Tina for the most part in trying to be her friend, although too much machismo for my taste in his interaction with Gary. BTW I think it's funny how Tommy is always wearing T-shirts with big slogans or pictures, but neat that the show gives him a style.

Owen is getting on my nerves, always mad at people -- was mad about Stella and Karl celebrating their engagement (although that was understandable), then pissed at Anna for enabling Tim (can see his logic, but it hurts Faye), and now pissed at Katy/Ryan. What does he expect Katy to do? Katy does need to be around more for Joseph but she also is going to date someone else too. Chesney is just bitter and there's no hope there for Katy. I'm not sure though that Ryan is really cut out for helping with the baby. I haven't seen him do it yet. It's interesting to me how Michelle was all defending Ryan in front of Owen but then laying into Ryan at home. I never see Michelle saying positive things about Ryan to him; she seems to just criticize him and put him down.

I think Tracy is right about Carla and Michelle not having much in the way of people management skills. Also, poor Rob is being maltreated by Peter -- but Rob going off with Tracy to the back room to have some sexy time doesn't help his case either!

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I'm surprised about this. The last time was a butchery and I could have sworn was done solely to make sure he would never appear on the show again.

I don't know if he will be with Sean (please no!) or Marcus (the story with Maria had real potential, but was rushed, and then dropped for six months - typical Collinson), or someone else, but I hope they get this right. Todd is a character who could have a long and vital presence on the show if he gets the proper story and character material.

Please don't bring him back just for a triangle or shock value story. That's all I ask.

So far Blackburn has gotten the returns right. I never thought Liz or Todd would be back. There are others I'd like to see come back too, but I know it's not realistic. Of returns which could be realistic, I will say I wish they could bring in Linda Tanner and one of her sons, or grandchildren, even just for a visit, or to pave the way for a longer return. I think this makes more sense than having people who are there doing nothing.

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Up to Friday May 24th now.

I like that Fiz was trying to tell Chesney that working out is overrated and unnecessary, and there is too much focus on hot bodies today.

I also love the latest twist in the Tracy, Rob, Michelle, Carla, and Peter story -- the interplay between Carla's guilt at having abandoned Rob when they were younger, and her fear that Rob and Tracy have ripped her off, faked the robbery, and stolen the silk.

I like Rob asking Tracy about her murdering Charlie Stubbs too, and Tracy's answer, "I have never murdered anybody I actually like." I've still only read about that whole story.

Great scenes with Dev as he and family continue to deal with their grief, as well.

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