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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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Whoo! Hollyoaks has now finally, finally given up the very thin pretense that Brendan was wrong to beat Ste black and blue for months on end. Everyone's favorite mushmouthed sociopath is now going to get an apology from his favorite punching bag for ever being upset at those broken ribs and bloody noses. Ste is just like Brendan - hopelessly violent and unable to ever change - so Brendan is off the hook. All sexytime, no sadface.

Most importantly of all, Hollyoaks is teaching the very valuable, and very rarely told, lesson that gay men are damaged beyond repair and when they get violent, they're just saying "I love you" with their fists. I bet Kieron Richardson will pout and simper on cue and this will be the sweetest shaming session ever!


Edited by CarlD2
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Once again I'm trying to watch the show and like last year, I decided to start with Hollyoaks Later and the same week of the main show. So far I've made it through one episode of each and it was painfully bad. The worst I've ever seen it. It's possible this was an off episode, but dayum. And what was up with all the music on Hollyoaks Later? I understand they were trying to be artistic, but that was painful and came off very amatuerish. I'm going to try and survive this week, but the show is HORRIFIC from the looks of it.

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If you haven't seen it, yet, or tuned out of the show, make sure you watch the crash episodes, as they have been awesome. I won't spoil the deaths, but one was extremely sad, while Karma acted quickly for another, in the most genius way.

They really blew the budget.

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Okay I've continued watching and am around the beginning of October. It's watchable, but I still don't think the show is very good. Some strong actors are holding it up, but the younger characters don't have a patch on the Bryan Kirkwood people. I do enjoy Brendan and at least what I've seen so far doesn't seem to glorify him. I'm interested in seeing where his relationship with Cheryl goes now that she knows he's a murderer. As long as they don't put him back with Ste (even for a one night stand), I can deal with their relationship. After his accident, it's obvious Ste would come running to his side, but I thought Ste came off a bit sad. Obviously he loves Brendan, but he came off very much like a battered woman who knows it's wrong, but it's hard to break ties. I found it an interesting story at this point.

The McQueen's seem totally dead. Who is Phoebe and why is she with Jacqui? I hate her and I don't like what's become of Jacqui. She's so mismatched with Rhys and the fued with Cindy doesn't really work since they're fighting over a guy neither should be with. Mercedes is a total disaster. Stabbing herself?! What was the thought behind that? Mitzeee a character that has always failed in execution. Riley is dull as dishwater and I can't wait until he dies. His family is one of the worst in Hollyoaks history. Bart McQueen is another one who has to go. I wish Michaela was still around as I feel there is hope for that character. What did she do her most recent return? And where is Carmel? They keep referring to talking to her on the phone, but I haven't seen her.

There is a character named Ally that I can't stand, but I did enjoy George more than I did when he first arrived. He seems cuter as well. I LOVE Callum from what I've seen. Other than that, the younger characters mostly suck. The show doesn't seem hopeless at the moment, but it needs a lot of help to be viable.

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Damn you, Ben. You made me think today's episode and not the E4 day ahead was the one which reveals who dies, but I'm still happy I watched today's. Even though Tony knows about Rhys and Cindy's affair and has every intention of embarrassing her in front of everyone, even her returned to town daughter, he still, in the end can't go throught with it and marries her anyway only for her to change her mind once again and beg Rhys to let her runaway with him. And still, I feel sympathetic to Cindy because you just know that with Rhys supposedly about to die, history is about to repeat itself with her being left a single mother all over again. (That last part is all specualtion, of course.)

It was a kind of too little too late and way too short shrift, but Tilly telling Maddie they were no longer friends after finally seeing her true colours was still nice to watch.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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I love how you want them gone, but hope it works out for them. That's a bit twisted.

So far, these people died:

They could have killed off more teens, as we are still left with major dull duds. Hopefully Bart will go to prison for driving stoned, and causing the crash.

Phoebe was a homeless kid, who George met on the streets when he ran out of money. They were both groomed by this couple who kidnapped them and tried to turn them into prostitutes. It was all very grim. George moved in with Kanes (and reconnected with his absent parents who believed he was dead), but Phoebe was still homeless. Her mother is a deadbeat call girl who used her daughter to buy drugs (I think), so Jacqui took pity on her and moved her in with her and Rhys. It took weeks to build up the trust between them. Phoebe has a lot of trust issues, and she doesn't like other people coming between her friends, so she kinda manipulates their lives so all they have is her, like all she has is them. I like Phoebe; she has a lot of potential, and is ultimately very damaged.

After the scarring, Carmel ran away to live with Nana McQueen (off screen). IRL, she had to take time out of the show after her dad died. She's away for a while, but is back on screen now.

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I meant I hope this stunt works out for Hollyoaks, in keeping the show around. Brendan and Ste can burn in Hollyoaks hell for all I care.

Esther is such wasted potential. This story with her is one they've done about twenty times. Yes, it's true to life, but considering her background there must have been more to do for her.

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Just watched the episode Ben ... Rhys is someone I watched and loved for six years and now he's dead. Wow.

I can already tell I'm going to dislike the new Holly, she seems horrid. And I'm really going to hate Esther being blamed for the crash, though I hope it can be used as a reason for Frankie to hate the McQueens again as there's no way Jacqui won't be on the warpath.

The best part of the episode to me was that Cindy got the final shot.

I hope Kirkwood shocks us with another death like he did with one of the twins (forgot her name) when he blew up The Dog.

And this may be weird, but seperate from each other I dislike Doug and Leanne, but their friendship with Texas seems so genuine to me that I want them all to stick around. I think they're probably the strongest friendship on the show.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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So glad they killed him off. In hindsight, I'm happy they killed Maddie off when they did, now that another of her fellow, pointless students have gone, too. I also wouldn't have been able to stand her screaming that Esther was to blame in every scene.

So glad that Bart is getting all the blame, as it he should.

The SORASing of Holly is silly, as she looks as old as Cindy who is supposed to be her mother. Now, Holly has gone back home, so why randomly introduce her then? As first impressions go, Holly's wasn't a good one. That look of disdain at her mother breaking down over her blood-stained wedding dress was bad.

Jacqui is so awesome with this material; she's really selling the grieving widow.

On the subject of Rhys, you may be happy to know, Bright Eyes, that his legacy will apparently live on...

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