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Daytime Actors Who Most Deserve to Be Unemployed

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I agree with all these choices. Jed Allan was just awful on Santa Barbara. Cam Matheson is another Ronn Moss. Which I forgot to add to the list.

I dont think he is that bad. He is not great or good...just ok.

Bold & the Beautiful

I always thought he was overrated and sucked.

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John Callahan: It became clear in 1999 that Michael Nader made him watchable. Without Michael around, he sucked.

Sabine Singh: The second Sabine was fired message boards were overcome with people talking about her like she was Meryl Streep. From the moment she first opened her mouth in her first scene at the spa until her last scene, she sucked. Her mannerisms, her facial expressions, her voice, it makes me angry just thinking about her.


Paige Rowland

Carolyn "What do you mean soaps don't use cue cards?" Neff

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I don't get a natural vibe from any of the following actors:

Amanda Baker

Susan Lucci

Cameron Mathison

Aiden Turner

Jennifer Gareis

Winsor Harmon

Katherine Kelly Lang

Kyle Lowder

Ronn Moss

Nadia Bjorlin

Josh Taylor

Arianne Zucker

Brandon Barash

Steve Burton

Lawrence Saint-Victor

Bonnie Dennison

Brian Gaskill

Michelle Ray Smith

Kristen Alderson

Melissa Archer

Brandon Buddy

Michael Easton

Farah Fath

David Fumero

Judith Chapman

Amelia Heinle

Vincent Irizarry

Thad Luckinbill

Emily O'Brien

Ted Shackelford

Tammin Sursok

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She is so overrated. I am not surprised it took her all that time to win that Emmy.

As much as I love Aiden..he is a bad actor.

She is only good at playing trampy characters.

Talk about you boring actor...puts me to sleep.

Didnt like him in the Hogan Family/Valerie and I dont like him on Days.

Same as Jennifer Gareis

I thought this one was a given. :lol:

Worst actress in daytime. IMO

Good to look at. But thats about it.

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There are so many bad actors in daytime, where do you even start to assemble a list? For me, there are two classes of bad actors. One is the ubiquitous amateurish young hair/underwear model. They're too numerous to mention, but for some reason Alicia Minshew, Aiden Turner, Jacob Young, Shelley Henning, and David Fumero come to mind. And then there are the old timers who never heard of the word "restraint." These are actors who know their craft, but who can't help chewing up and spitting out the scenery. It's a case of good actors doing some bad acting. That list would include people like Robin Strasser, Erika Slezak, Kim Zimmer, Liz Hubbard, David Canary, Jeanne Cooper.

There are some really talented actors in daytime, but they tend to be recurring, permanently backburnered, and/or character actor types (Kathleen Widdows, Don Hastings, Kathy Hays, John Ingle, Tim Stickney, Gil Rogers). Years ago when looks didn't matter as much, the soaps, well mostly the NY-based ones, would pick talented actors from the NY theatre world. No one is hiring those types any more. They would make the often bad writing come to life. That's something most of today's actors can't do. I know that's harsh, but that's the reality.

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I was a regular viewer of Y&R til about 6 months ago, so i can honestly say most of the 'newbies' on that show should be 'unemployed'.

Vail Bloom

Emily O'Brien

Tammin Sursok

Raya Meddine

Chris Engen


Jessica Leccia

Lawrence Saint-Victor


Buddy Cole gets run over by a mack truck in every scene he is in.

Michael Easton...if i wanted to watch something that stiff in a scene i'd watch gay porn!

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Scott Seymour (ex-Billy, Y&R) - worst recast EVER!

Sarah Aldrich (ex-Victoria, Y&R) - second worst recast ever

Davetta Sherwood (ex-Lily, Y&R) - would it have killed her to show SOME emotion?

Elizabeth Hendrickson (Chloe, Y&R) - I just don't see the appeal

Ronn Moss (Ridge, B&B) - strangely, Moss' lack of acting ability is part of Ridge's charm, but I doubt he could play any other role

John McCook (Eric, B&B) - see Ronn Moss

Addison & Alex Hoover (ex-Phoebe & Steffy, B&B) - PAINFUL to watch

Emily Harrison (ex-Bridget, B&B) - she was no Jennifer Finnigan (or Ashley Jones)

Drew Tyler Bell (Thomas, B&B) - he looks about 12 years old and his acting leaves MUCH to be desired

Most of the cast of DOOL (most notably Drake Hogestyn, Farah Fath and Martha Madison)

*bites tongue*

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She is so overrated. I am not surprised it took her all that time to win that Emmy.

I so agree with this! I've always thought that it was the character of Erica Kane that was more iconic than the actress. The character would still be the same and maybe even better if she had been in the hands of a more capable actress after all these years. Lucci shows little range and is pretty stiff in her delivery, but again, because of the character her acting abilities are not always properly critiqued. I'm not surprised either that it took 19x for her to finally win an Emmy. I mean she was always losing to more capable and better actresses! I don't think she really deserved it the year that she did win. The academy just finally relented and threw one her way. I mean how many many times has she been nominated since? Like twice right?

Anyways my other picks would be:

Almost the entire cast of Passions- good thing that show is finally about to go off the air.

Anyone that has come onto Y&R in the last two years- including the return of CK and Adrienne Frantz's crossover from B&B.

Ronn Moss- but after all these years he's clearly not going anywhere!

Lawrence Saint-Victor- nice to look at but horrible actor.

Jake Silberman- just horrible and stiff!

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Since when does being nominated a bunch of times equate to being a bad actor? There are hundreds of daytime stars that don't even get nominated. I don't care if you don't care for the actress but that just doesn't make sense to me. Palmer on amc has been nominated alot of times also and has never won so I guess he stinks too.There was a guy at the oscars thats been nominated over 19 times for music he wrote for movies does that make him a bad writer???

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It's my opnion and I stick to it. It makes sense to me. I dont even take the Emmys seriously anymore. The nominees for this year were a joke. Winning an Emmy these days doenst mean you are a great actor.

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