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OLTL:Carlivati I'm calling you out!!

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Classic soap? Who's the daddy?, dead?,amneisa, lying, cheating, weddings, funerals, and sadly yes rape has become apart of classic soap. That's not the point. My problem is not the circumstances around the story, it's the actual story itself. There is nothing wrong with Todd being involved in Marty's return. It is the 2nd rape that is occuring and the small little hints that lead one to believe she will fall in love with him, thats bothering me.

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I'm with you, Toups. I don't see anything onscreen that's anywhere near as offensive as... say... EJ AND SAMI HAVING HOT SEX AFTER TALKING FOR TEN OR FIFTEEN MINUTES ABOUT THE NIGHT HE RAPED HER!

This is just setting up the house of cards, as we all wait for it to come tumbling down.

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I understand completely what you're saying, Jay; and believe me, I have the same concerns as you. For once, though, I'm taking the advice of a friend and not rushing to judgment until we've seen how and where RC will resolve this story. If nothing else, he could be doing this to solicit precisely these reactions.

Oh, for God's sake, why must you poke the bear? ;)

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Exactly, again! :)

Ron watched Todd rape Marty and he's a fan of the show. There's is just no way he would romantically hook them up. From everything he's done so far, and everything we know about him, it would be very uncharacteristic for him to to this.

You gotta have more faith in your man. ;)

But say he does romantically pair them up when Marty regains her memory, I'll be in line with you calling him out.

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I'm still with you Jay. There were so many ways that Todd could've interacted with Marty that didn't victimize her yet again.

For as much as people say RC respects history, it seems more like he's re-writing it. This storyline has erased any and all growth in both Marty and Todd. Todd is no longer a dysfunctional man who's learned from his actions. He's back to being the psychopath rapist his was when he was "Frat Boy #2" and Marty is no longer the woman who survived a horrific situation and became a strong woman who moved on to find love, family and a healthy life. She's back to being (almost literally) the rape victim lying on the bed with a sweatband stuck in her mouth wondering what the hell just happened to her.

But what the hell? TSJ and SH have chemistry and are pretty together so light the candles and cue the John Legend.

A good choice. I personally would have gone with something older. Perhaps from the McCarthy era: "You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"

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Todd is a sick, disgusting human being it creeps me out on so many levels that this man who RAPED Marty, has now kidnapped her, is feeding her lies and keeping her from her son. And for what? Revenge on a teenager? What a weak pathetic man

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