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OLTL:Carlivati I'm calling you out!!

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Marceline, your hitting it right on the head. I was thinking earlier about fans reactions to characters as if the characters are real people doing real things. These characters are actors following what is written. That's why I love writer talk so much because that is where the liability really lies.

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I find it endlessly amusing that the same people who are crowing that Ron is a hair's breadth away from doing Todd/Marty (not true) and how he should be stoned to death for such a repulsive thought (even though he's not doing it) are quick to praise and laud Michael Malone, who eagerly pushed for Todd/Marty through the years and created the possibility in the first place. Malone could be brilliant but his passion for Todd and Marty's, er, "passion" was his undoing in 1996, and very likely cost OLTL Roger Howarth when MM returned in 2003.

Todd is just being the worst kind of Todd we've had, possibly irredeemable: Doing horrible things to people he claims to care for out of a petty drive for vengeance against still other people. Remember, he swore he'd never hurt Marty again but in '97, he sent Irish terrorists to kill her husband at Marty's wedding, and when Patrick "died" in Todd's home Todd could just stand by mute and guilty. He didn't do it to hurt Marty. He did it because he despised Patrick. It wasn't an excuse but it was what he did. Same thing here. I think Todd has no intention of hurting Marty, but I do think he's still not above using her to hurt someone else. He proved he wasn't above putting his petty [!@#$%^&*] on a priority of her in 1997.

No, Ron's not doing it. And Susan Haskell would never return to play it. But, as I mentioned above...hypocrisy much?

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Not you. But I'm sure I'll hear from them shortly. Todd's just lying to an amnesiac here. This isn't quite the same thing as Todd and Marty's "fireside chats."

I find Todd's behavior reprehensible but not pseudo-romantic and not "rape" and not beyond the pale of what his character would do. He's hurt Marty since the rape trial and his "reformation," as collateral damage against someone else. This is not the first time. Did I believe he would do it then? No, but he did it, eleven years ago, so there is now precedent and context. But with Susan back, it will probably be the last. When her Marty gets her memory back she will [!@#$%^&*] him up.

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You've actually done that yourself since you have apparently no sense of history when it comes to these writers and this topic.

As for ABC Soap Scoop, I've seen the video. I think it's just a single moment to underline the amnesia dilemma with Todd and Marty, not a story direction. Again, even if Ron was such a writer, Susan would never allow it. They had to wheedle her to come back at all with a new baby in the house, they won't going to get her with Todd and Marty.

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I think todd and Marty are at their best when Todd is reluctantly trying to make amends for what he did, but never quite getting there because there's nothing he can do that's big enough to erase the past. That dynamic has always worked for these two. I really see no reason to change it and I don't see any hints of romance implied or otherwise in this story. Todd doesn't even want to touch her because he knows it's wrong. It's almost funny to me the way he tries not to even lie to her, as if that cat isn't already out of the bag.

My real issue here is that I don't see that Todd hates John enough to do this to Marty. The motivations here don't ring true to me, but I do look forward to Marty giving Todd a smack down, so I'm going with it.

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