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LOL, I was just honestly wondering about this Only Corley wasn't aristocratic enough. :mellow:

On the other hand, Oxenberg is a real princess, but she hasn't sided with the hostess/daughter of a dance teacher and an agent.

Edited by Sylph
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You will indeed. You're gonna LOVE it.

Now, I didn't make the statement about Al Corley not being aristocratic, but I can see CarlID2's point, Corley was very plain spoken and didn't seem particularly interested in the world around him, so far as the interviews I've seen of him go.

Oxenberg's royal lineage is interesting, but I don't understand the jab at Collins being the daughter of a dance teacher and agent, both those things are perfectly respectable jobs and Collins has lived a very cosmopolitan life.

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Well, yes, precisely. Also Al Corley's name is many things, but aristocratic it is not. Perhaps the comment is directed to his looks?

As for Joan Collins, wouldn't you find it absolutely delightful if she were given life peerage? Joan Henrietta Collins, Baroness Collins? That would just be priceless!!

Edited by Sylph
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Al was very good casting, looks wise, but he looked like John Forsythe's son and Forsythe looked like a good 'ol boy if there ever was one.

It would be priceless if she was Baroness Collins, but that's not going to happen (though she does have a friend in David Cameron). I think Joan Collins OBE would be just delighted if she finally managed to become Dame Joan Collins.

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Oh they dont. Ever. I am very much for the rich guy in the mansion isnt any btter than the homeless man just because hes in the mansion.

However... as a young gay boy growing up i wanted to be a prince, therefor Princess & Royality > The world (with the exception of Berry White & Oprah, of course).

Also, i see why you have such love for Joan Collins. She is simply divine.

Edited by JackPeyton
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So Alexis, Blake & Dom just went to see his dad, whom is dying. Very touching scenes.

Question, did the audience know Emma Samms was Fallon?

And this Amanda/Dex/Alexis triangle is very dynamic. I really dont want it to end.

Adam ... or is it jeff? idk i cant tell them apart. There is an Adam isnt there? lol... annoys me, a lot. Not as much as krystal or claudia though.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Of course it's not. And the Dame thing also, it seems very unlikely.

As for the "jab", it wasn't a jab. Those are perfectly respectable professions.

I'm conflicted, contradictory: yes, I'd like her to become a Baroness, but she doesn't look like a baroness to me. Nor does she look aristocratic. I'm not sure I can explain myself very well. She is perfect at playing rich and successful businesswomen, but not princesses, marchionesses/marquises, duchesses and that sort of thing. I just don't buy it. That's why the aristocratic comment struck me.

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I hated how they started repeating Fallon's stories with Amanda. Amanda and Dex screamed of what they did earlier with Mark Jennings.

They get involevd in a triangle with Clay Fallmont in season 6. I cant remember them having much to do with each other before this. Unfortunately Oxenberg doesnt get to finish it out as the recast Amanda was thrown in towards the end

What did you think of Kirby? I hated her character and she ranks up there as one of the more annoying characters

Edited by Cheap21
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Yes, being a Dame seems less than likely, I think Joan's OBE was recognition from the Conservative Party, a nod from HM, a wink from Prince Charles, it is enough for her. I think the aforementioned wanted it for her, wanted her to have something to show for a lifetime's service to British fabulosity.

No, she doesn't quite pull off an aristocratic role because she's too bold, too outspoken, too Hollywood and too much damn fun. She's exceptional at playing a self made woman because that is in her DNA. There's a sense of reserve in aristocratic people. Some call it snobbery, some call it dignity, other's don't know what to call it, but it's evident. Nan Kempner could have played a Duchess without even trying, it's just who she was. What's interesting is the number of aristocratic people Joan counts as friends. I'm sure they find her very amusing and very much unlike themselves.

I think it's worth pointing out that for all their aristocratic wealth and prestige, Princess Margaret, Diana, Princess of Wales and Sarah, Duchess of York, likely would have traded everything for the life Joan's lived. While their lives have been devoted, to one degree or another, to a sense of duty, Joan Collins has been able to live her life on her terms and with a duty only to herself.

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