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I was so sad when he died, but expected. One Steven invited him to that ball i was all "oh [!@#$%^&*], hes gonna die" lol. Ali macgraw <3 Love Story is one of my all time fave movies.

I just found out george peppard (sp?) was cast as blake, i love him in breakfast at tiffanys.

Oh, and idk if you were asking me that last question, but i am not there yet. i dont think. i only watched the steven/luke story and am now wacthing all of season 5, doesnt colbys start after season 5? fallon just "died" and emma samms started, and i do not like her at all as fallon. i guess i should breakout some sorta guide to get through all of this, lol.

Edited by JackPeyton
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fallon is "dead", blake found out he and D are related, alexis is on trial, sammy jo kidnapped danny, and amanda just showed up. im about 7 episodes into season 5.

i skipepd ahead with luke/steven, thats why i knew about him dying and all of that.

i am in love with amanda <3

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OMG. They recasted? WHY! Was Cath a bitch? She does seem like one, idk why, just does.

Such a downgrade.

Also, This Amanda reminds me a lot of Amanda on AW, whom popped up a few years after this i think. I wonder if they drew upon this for inspiration?

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Pamela Bellwood not liked? I have never heard anything to that extent.

Peyton, I cannot believe you don't like Claudia. You have seen Seasons 1 and 2, right? She's fantastic even in season 3, were the rot started setting in.

Of course, after her return in Season 4, she was a Claudiabot. The writers completely neutered her character.

And you like the Steven recast? OMG, let's not even go there... .. :lol:

I'm so shocked!!!

She asked for a raise.

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That's why they recast Amanda? A raise? How dumb. She would have been worth the raise. Then again, they did such a poor job with female characters in those later seasons. Look at how they wasted Leann Hunley. Emma Samms spent 3 years walking around like a zombie before they finally livened Fallon up in the last year.

I guess AW could have modeled Sandra's Amanda on Amanda Carrington, I hadn't though of that. Of course they obviously didn't model their Adam on Adam Carrington...

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I didnt like the Steven recast. I thought Al Corley was a better looking man and a better actor. The recast lacked the vulnerability he brought to the role and came across as too much of a douchebag at times

Pamela Sue Martin as Fallon was only great in season 1 and 2. She was the selfish head bitch of Dynasty but the introduction of Alexis diminished that role. The sparring and banter between mother and daughter kept her character interesting in season 2, but by season 3 she started to lose some of her steam. Her antics and games with Jeff got old and she was pretty bland in season 4. Fallon doesnt regain her fire and become intersting again until the final season, ironically when Joan Collin only appears part time as Alexis

The recast of Amanda was the WORST recast in the history of primetime television. The girl was terrible. I read they literally found her waiting tables and thrust her into the show. They gave her Fallon's old storyline with the limo driver from season 1, but she didnt pull it off nearly as interesting. She only lasted a few episodes bc she was so dreadful and was never heard from again

How great was the character of Dana? She and Adam were my favorite couple. She was amazing and I was sad to see her go. Those two had a great story and she was the one woman to tame the bad boy while still keeping him intersting. Those 2 rocked together and were the best thin about the duller later seasons

Claudia sucked. She was always so bland and boring. Her character was such a pushover and felt like an interloper who didnt belong


Downgrade indeed. She didnt even have a British accent and that made Amanda lose her sophisticated upper class appeal. The new girl was just too common. Heres a clip of her


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Nope. Sorry. :P She was a great character and it's the fact that she didn't belong enhanced that. But liking the character is up to each person. But you cannot say that Bellwood was not brilliant in her performance! LOL

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I've actually heard that Pamela Bellwood wasn't well liked by the producers and half the cast. Aaron Spelling found her difficult to work with and when you consider who Aaron Spelling worked with over the years, that had to mean something.

The cast was split into two camps from the second Joan Collins joined the show. There were the cast members who were on John Forsythe's team and then there were those who were behind Joan Collins. It's not hard to decipher who goes where...

Forsythe: Evans, Martin, Oxenberg, Locklear

Collins: Nader, Thompson, Corley, Carroll, James, Samms

Very evenly matched in terms of who mattered. Pamela Bellwood and Joan were actually very good friends on and off the set.

The one relationship I've always wondered about is Heather Locklear and Joan Collins. I do know Locklear has given Collins credit for helping her sculpt the Amanda Woodward character, but I've always gotten the sense that Joan intimidated the hell out of Heather and that Heather gravitated towards the more docile Linda Evans.

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It's interesting that with the exception of Al Corley, all the Collins supporters were the more aristocratic actors.

That Cellini clip is awful. That was her last scene? She's very rough looking in the mouth area and her voice suggests quite a few packs a day.

I know Pamela Sue Martin was going through big personal problems when she played Fallon but I think one of the reasons she lost so much energy after a few years was that the approach of the show shifted away from fiery, strong performances into much more artificial posing. Only a few of the more established actresses seemed to be able to work with that (Joan, Diahann). It really hurt the show in terms of younger women.

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Wow, I watch Heroes and never realized that Noah was Steven from Dynasty

I belevie The Colbys, starts during season 5 of Dynasty. Theres one episode of Dynasty in which the Colbys attend a party at the Carrington mansion which is a pseudo-pilot for the show. Jeff thinks he sees Fallon and that begins him transitioning over. Emma definetly didnt look the part of Fallon. The short hair was bad and she had some weight on her. Fallon also felt off. When she returns full time to Dynasty in season 8, her stories sucked and she even wetn blonde for a little bit. That all changes in season 9 and she shines. She got a makeover, complete with longer hair, a slimmer figure and she was written more like the sexy vixen she was in the earlier seasons. Its too bad it took so long for them to get a handle on the character with her in the role

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Birds of a feather flock together...

Speaking of aristrocratic actors, Christopher Cazenove really didn't like working with John Forsythe and much preferred working with Joan Collins.

Love her or hate her, Joan is fun to work with, which is often half the battle on a big show like Dynasty.

But still, Locklear and Collins, I wonder how those two got along?

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