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Port Charles Discussion Thread

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I thought Livvie was one of the most defined characters on the show. She started out as the young ingenue and due to actions lead by Alison and Caleb she ended up being this bitchy villian, but really even when she was only one half of herself (Tess being the other half as she was split into two people) she was more human and had more depth to her then most of the other characters combined and magnified. She was easily the most interesting character study out of all of the characters on Port Charles because of the fact that she her journey was so interesting and poignant to watch. Livvie was the best part of the show for me just out of the simple fact that she was such a tragically flawed character who always got the short end of the stick even when it wasn't her fault.

I hated Alison. I have to think that she is seriously the worst character on the show. She wasn't interesting, dynamic and she had no depth to her. EHP wasn't good at all and I agree with your sentiment that EHP should never land on another soap ever again. She was just that wooden as Alison. No chemistry at ALL.

Livvie was a much more fleshed out and interesting character and it's so sickening to see all of Livvie's friends and FAMILY turn on her for that airhead.

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Really? I love both actors, but I loathed the Ian/Lucy relationship. For me, that's when the show became unwatchable. Months and months of Lucy begging him not to give up, while he would start to go all vampire every single day. Meanwhile, the character of Kevin was completely destroyed in order to make the coupling work. It still kills me that Kevin and Lucy never got their happy ending.

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  • 2 months later...
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Anyone remember this scene? Hands down Brown and Esenstein's finest moment during their tenure as writers on the show:


Jack at this point was a mature, responsible man and Jamal was rapidly spiraling out of control. The two reached out to each other in the only way they knew how, and in the end it was cathartic for Jamal.

Sadly, after this Livvie cracked, Jack was back burnered and Jamal didn't get a story until the show cancelled. But this scene was BRILLIANT.

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  • 5 weeks later...
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My husband and I both loved the "Books". It mixed my two favorite entertainment styles....soaps and vampires :rolleyes:

I really miss Lucy and was so sad when they decided to put her with Ian at the expense of Kevin. I adored Ian but Lucy and Kevin were fav's from GH and I was so pleased with their wedding and little family only to have it fall apart that way. I think it was cancelled far too soon and watch the tapes even now.

I had hoped that ABC would release DVD's of the "books" because I would have bough them and think there would be a market since it doesn't cost THAT much to make a DVD after all.

Nice to meet you all.

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I hated the Ian/Lucy pairing, and Port Charles was really the show where Thorsten Kaye got more credit than he deserved. He was the Sonny Corinthos or John McBain of Port Charles and was thrown into a relationship with the leading lady of the show (Lucy, duh!), to further solidify his leading man status, but the only way the writers could think to do it was to completely assassinate Kevin's character. Hated it to pieces.

I also think they criminally wasted sexy Brian Presley, Nolan North was ALWAYS wasted, and there were a lot of missed opportunities.

Remember when Livvie got pregnant by the Avatar and it was possible she was going to have a demon baby? I was so excited about the possibilities of that storyline. It was around that time when Joy Bisco returned to PC as Casey's living twin Marissa the reporter, so I thought they were going to have Marissa leading the charge to get the scoop on Livvie's demon baby. ANYTHING could have happened with that pregnancy... wasn't the pregnancy progressing more rapidly than normal as well? I thought it would be an interesting way to give Livvie a child and poke fun at SORAS at the same time by having it be a bratty teenager within weeks. But then Livvie poisoned Alison's bathwater and fell into it herself, and lost the baby. What a wasted opportunity!!!

Ah, PC.

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