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Okay, you & another poster have both said things about JFP that make me perk up because I keep files on certain PTBs and JFP is definitely one of them. In what way do you mean that those stories were hers? As opposed to being the HW's stories, etc. Did she fire any actors? Did she kill any actors off? Did she do something to get rid of Nic Coster? Was it intentional that Pearl was not at the wedding? Did she redo the show opening? Did she redo show sets? Was she involved in the negotiations where Robin Wright left to go do THE PRINCESS BRIDE? As to what an EP does, don't worry about it. Lots of clues. There are great ones & not so great ones. Thanks for any impressions you have of her time at the show!

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Honestly, back in the day, I wasn't here for her reign. I stopped watching the show because I didn't like the 1988 storylines. I was a huge fan of 1984-1988, and didn't care for Pamela, the retcon of CC and Sophia, new Kelly, the rape story, the extreme drama, Sonny's existence,the lack of comedy and the lack of Lionel. I made it through the year this time, but still prefer the early days. Yes, I attribute this to the EP because she was at the top. If it wasn't her, then my apologies 

Edited by Marissa Gallant
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Sure, you can always go with the buck stops here. That is not only a very old adage but it almost always has truth packed into it.


Edit: Marissa, because of what you've said, I can't really tell if you're interested in more information should it become available, or even what else you might already know about, but what the hey, nothing to be lost here.

So, Nic Coster had been gone for almost 3 years. While he was gone there were attempts made at settling issues. Those issues were about storylines. At about the 2½ yr point, they thought they'd got somewhere. However, when they went to actually do work again, oops, there was still a problem or problems. They hammered out more issues or the same issues. Just as they reached their point finally, it was - wouldn't you just know it - right as Louise Sorel was finished up & leaving. They paired Lionel with Gina. End of anecdotal information.

Edited by Tonksadora
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I think I know the channel you're talking about. It has a photo of Keith and Gina, right?

The problem is that the last episode in English was 1244 and it was uploaded on May 22, 2021. And that person never continued the series from that episode. So, do you know where I can watch from episode 1245 to the end. Thanks. 

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They find her in May I think, so not 9.months.

So I actually did recently watch this- I personally found it an awful story and it made zero sense. Like zero.

First of all - they apparently find a deceased baby, assume it's Adriana and bury it? Like with no tests? Just welp that must be our kid! 

And then they find out Adriana is alive but no one is like hey- who did we bury?

And then Sandra is just gross and awful.

And then somehow it was Zach who kidnapped her, then Kirk, then she ends up with Cruz's brother? 

Like if I tried really hard, and maybe had written down the convoluted plot points, maybe I could have followed it but I thought it was all terrible.

Then Kirk pretending he is Japanese or Buddhist or something I can't remember the details now. I watched the scene with Kirk and all I could think was maybe I should have tried watching it really high. 

Edited by Keri
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Ah cremated! OK. It was really hard for me to take this story in lol. I admit it.

Still I was appalled no one cared about who that kid was. Cruz was really a terrible cop lol. If he couldn't act out a crime like a play he couldn't figure out whodunit.

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