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The fact that he REALLY dawrfs her bugs me. She has chemistry with almost everyone and there just isn't any with him. This storyline feels like a slap in the face because it was poorly executed, demeans a strong character, lessens a power couple, made CC look foolish too because he was constantly chasing Pamelayuck. It was in character for Sophia to turn to Lionel because they had history and chemistry. TJ is just creepy and Sophia was many things, but never dumb. She's a freaking Italian Countess! She should have been able to take out Pamelayuck fairly effortlessly. There's a reason 88 is not remembered favorably. 

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Upon rewatch, I think I find Warren/BJ even grosser than I did when I initially watched. I think back then, I mostly just found them dull and thought BJ was annoying but there’s so many red flags.

They really had a 19 year old who had a history of being sexually abused by her parents’ friend get involved with a friend of her bio dad who was also her professor? She needed serious therapy, not a relationship with a 30 year old playboy. Not to mention, I found JW’s Warren a bit insufferable and couldn’t figure out why he warranted 2 separate love triangles in the span of a year. 

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Ever the optimist, I would say that the recast with Eileen Davidson does a lot to wipe away the sins of the past, because her Kelly was not tarnished by that love triangle.

Also, it sort lays the groundwork for why Sophia would later be conned by Ken and then (spoiler alert) reunite with CC.  Her weakness was wanting to be adored.  Which is why anytime CC's attention veered in the slightest she went off with other neer-do-well guys.

Concur 1000%. 

Edited by j swift
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Now that I'm deeply in the TJ affair storyline, and actually watching it instead of just not watching the show anymore, I want to scream at CC and Sophia both! Good Gravy! These 2 are very stubborn! Some people think it's out of character for CC to have not thrown her out. Nope. He doesn't want this marriage to end. He just doesn't want to be the first person to say so. She doesn't either and ditto. Just bloody talk to each other!!  I swear these idjits are gonna give me a stroke! Lol

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I'm in Mid 88. Wow. I want to say, "I can't believe they're doing a Most Dangerous Game storyline." But I'm sitting here watching it happen before my very eyes. So I know it's true. I know there was a writer's strike. But they could have recruited a high schooler to do a better job than this. Yikes!

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I've tried to watch the credits, but keep missing them, so I don't know this answer.

I am kind of laughing at how they "kill off" Mason every summer to accommodate Lane's time off clause. I understand they had to, but you would think eventually Julia and company would just look at their watches and say, "Oh, Mason isn't dead. He just vanished every June."

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I agree, although Mason's first "death" created an interesting alliance between Julia and Tori. 

SB was so bad at spreading the story and using the whole cast that they could have easily pretaped some Mason scenes, and sprinkled them about during the summer.  Because even in the winter, there would be weeks when Julia appeared without Mason.  And, it comes down to poor planning that they couldn't write a plot for Julia that didn't involve Mason (or her falling for her guilty clients).

I had to look up The Most Dangerous Game to get your reference, I assume you are talking about when Cruz was stranded on the island or the prison escape with Robert and Cruz (I was thinking Isle of Dr Moreau)?  Did the strike delay Cruz and Eden's wedding?  Because if the WGA writers wrote the Pebble Beach wedding, they should have been kicked out of the union.

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I was talking about the island. Cruz was kidnapped while trying to help Mason. He was sent to an island where the owner hunts people. So. Very. Stupid. I'm not sure if the wedding was writer's strike or not. Are you talking about the wedding and the ghosties or the falling back into time during the honeymoon? Santa Barbara might have won an Emmy for best soap in 88, but that doesn't say much for soaps in 88. I think 88 is bad. Very. Very. Bad.

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