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Santa Barbara Discussion Thread


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It seems to me - and it's still fresh in my mind as I watched this just a few months ago - that Jack Lee was supposed to have been in a triangle with Eden and Cruz but this was changed after Joel Crothers's death and they brought on his son, Kirk, instead. For a few weeks, while they weren't sure what Joel Crothers's status was gonna be, they had his assistant, whose name escapes me now, who followed Eden everywhere while she was settling into her role as Daddy's replacement at the helm of the company.

Edited by Lex S
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I have so many questions about Elena. Is she legitimately trying to help Brick find Johnny? Because I would think Sophia would be on her list and by extension Sophia's illegitimate child. Also- about the baby napping ring. Serious misfire here regarding Gina. No way in hell would Gina be so callous about baby selling. None. I don't even like Gina and I still call bullshit. She doesn't like Brick, but she wouldn't be all "So what, baby selling. La dee da. Oh, when it was MY baby it was bad, but otherwise its just people trying to make a buck." I'm over this storyline. 

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But it made zero sense where CC is concerned. Jed probably did love interacting with the baby (and he seemed to interact with Erin Moore's Samantha in the show's final years when Mason, Julia, and Samantha were living at the Capwell mansion!), but considering the baby was a reminder of what Tori did against his beloved Eden, while he shouldn't hate the baby [as poor Chip was innocent], I think he'd be more constrained/reserved.

Especially since he did play it as such with Julia/Samantha in the beginning, and Samantha was his granddaughter, too.

Edited by Wendy
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That honestly never tracked for me. I think they wanted more angst for Julia and Mason to have people be against them other just Tori and CC was an easy option because he already had all of those issues with Mason. The rest of the Capwells were close to Julia or pretty friendly with her so they wouldn’t be opposed to her and Mason. Tori conspired to steal Cruz away from Eden and CC knew the kid wasn’t Mason’s so why did he really care if they stayed together as long as the secret was kept from Eden? 

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