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By the time Katrina showed up, it was clear the show was on a down swing. I don't recall much reaction about her either negatively or positively. The only memory I have of any visceral reaction was after the Dobsons' plans and a few letters stating how Mason/Julia had already been through enough, they belonged together, leave them alone, etc. She was pretty nondescript to me, too, EXCEPT for what you mentioned regarding Julia and Dash.

You were correct that Julia handled them with much more aplomb than I would have. I would have lost my crap and told Katrina to stay out of business that she knows nothing abnout (aince she was not in town when that all went down!).

I think Katrina, as a surrogate Capwell, was supposed to be the newer "younger" female, as Kelly once was. But once Eileen Davidson was (mis)cast and much older, there was a hole, so enter Katrina. Still say Carrington Garland should have remained. Then no need for any of this.

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Was the Capwel Residence renovation controversial at the time? That original house is so iconic and symbolic of Santa Barbara and its architecture. Was this an attempt to freshen up the sagging ratings that never worked out? Did the industry mags at the time react to this positively?

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The renovation apparently occurred under EP John Conboy. From all I read about him, he was known for doing things like this on his other soaps. (Think he was an EP of Capitol at one point.) I know many missed the original mansion.

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Thanks! I wonder how many times that front door was closed and opened throughout the whole run? Pretty much every important character touched it at some point. It had some heft to it, wonder if it was real oak! Don't break my heart by telling me it was made of cardboard filled with bricks!

Before I forget, I met a real Laken the other day! And yes, I asked her THAT question. And yes, she knew!

Also, a while back I met a Cricket (Lauralee Bell on Y&R). She was indeed named with that character in mind! She said she had that connection made many years ago when the character was frontburner, but most people don't make that association any more

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I have read that the door was very heavy.

You asked Laken about the door, or some other question?

I know that there was a soap opera digest article that talked about how they wanted to make Mason the bad guy again during their reign. But by that point, the audience didn't buy Mason the bad guy anymore. (Not that they EVER really did, probably due largely to Lane Davies). They seemed to want to go forward with their original ideas, but by then, it was too late. 


I mean really, as awesome as this show was, the untold back stage drama was probably even more fascinating. 

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Yeah, the Dobsons seemed stuck at the point for the show at the time they were locked out by NBC, but time marched on without them, and the characters evolved. Bringing them backwards wouldn't have done any good.

Yeah, but that did lead to a great few scenes with CC and Julia, when CC dropped by Julia's beach house and - unusual but nice for CC - he was worried about Mason's behavior and basically implored Julia to help Mason, etc. I recall Julia remarking about "Capwell fits of sincerity" to CC.

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Can we talk about the clothes? Some of these clothes could be put on people today and be as stunning as they were in 1986. Other clothes were very odd, even in 1986. I also adored when Julia raided Augusta's closet and asked Augusta, "Don't you ever just look in your closet and think that it's all so boring and dawdy?" And Augusta looks completely confused and says, "No." And I cracked up because Augusta was anything EXCEPT daudy or boring. Lol

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Many men still wore sport coats on the regular in the mid-80s - I am not even talking about suits that Mason pretty much wore daily. Cruz wears a sports coat unless it's a really warm day, many many other characters do. The casualization of the dress code started later - maybe early 90s? 

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I think the way Kelly dresses is quite timeless. Her dresses are always on point for a lady of her stature and family wealth. Yet, you can totally see her in a cafe and she would not look out of place. I think nowadays her character would be sporting a lot more mini shorts and just more street wear. I did chuckle during one episode where she and Ted returned from a game of tennis and her outfit, again was very timeless and Wimbledon-y but Ted's now looks a bit more ridiculous and reflective of 80s fashion - very short tight shorts. These fell out of favor by the 90s.

Now Eden mostly has decent business-y outfits when she is in that mode but she does have days when her dresses and suits have those shoulder pads that are now long discarded 

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Ooh, so, I know my posts will merge, and this will read random but I think I just found a new show to take my mind off SB for a while on which I am nearly overdosing - been watching 3-4 episodes per day lately but need to slow down because I am near the end of Linda G's run and I will miss her (again). So yeah, I am watching Virgin River on Netflix which is very soapy in a primetime soap kind of way.

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