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New World is not around anymore, they were bought by FOX in 1997. Made a few phonecalls and found out that:

Sony holds the domestic rights to air the show.

FOX holds the international rights to air the show.

We are trying to get the show released on dvd, with a "Best Of" box to start off with to see how the sales would be. I would REALLY apreciate it that anybody who loves the show "likes" my page on facebook. The more people in there, the more buzz and fuzz we can create about this matter, the better.

And im glad you guys are enjoying the videos. Much more coming, just takes time :)

Here is the link to the facebookpage:


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As far is know the lawsuit from the Dobsons against New World was settled in 1991 outside of court. They hold no rights to the show. 100% domestic rights belongs to Sony, and international to FOX.

Cant really believe the show, since it "only" aired for 8 1/2 years hasnt been aired again. Lets hope we get the show on dvd, atleast a "Best Of" set.... its about time!

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Thanks again for clarifying. I had no idea they signed away their profits to the show as part of the out-of-court settlement. You're also right that they crammed a lot into less than a decade. It seems like the show went on longer than that.

SantaBarbaraNBC, do you have Episode 152 in your collection somewhere - in English? That was the episode that showed the scenes at the graveyard after Joe's funeral and showed Amy and Brick making up in the aftermath of a misunderstanding about Elizabeth Peale. I've never seen the entire episode and would love to. Thanks!

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I do. Let me take a look tonight :)

And yes, they sure got packed alot of stuff into those years. If your name wasnt Marcy Walker, A Martinez or Robin Mattson you were not safe on that show. They got rid of alot of talent way to fast wich i believe was also one of the main reasons why SB struggled in the sense of a long-term commitment from US-viewers. Ofcurse it didnt help being opposite against established and popular soaps as GH and GL.

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