Members Wales2004 Posted February 5, 2008 Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 I agree with how ridiculous it was to have Emily say that line when she's dressed the way she was. Because I'm not in awe (for lack of a better phrase) of SJB's acting, I did not compare her to LW. Besides she is playing a different character--although she's coming across to me like her version of Carly by a different name. The whole hit and run Sam s/l is a big joke. The way it transpired on screen, the only person who could have actually done it is Nikolas. Elizabeth was shown too early and Carly's reaction to whatever happened was too early as well. If they had shown Sam flipping off the car right after Carly had that surprised/shocked expression then she would belong in the mix but they didn't. And it's too much of a stretch to believe that someone could bounce off a windshield like that without it making enough of an impact for a driver to not know. I like how she seemed to be hit head on but ended up bouncing off to the side instead of in front of the car. They tried too hard to make Monica look guilty of it but I find it hard to believe that they would actually have had her leave an injured person on the road. There didn't appear to be any windshiled or hood dents when she was packing up to abandon the car. Anyway it doesn't really matter who did it since it was an accident. One would have to have super reflexes and a car that didn't skid in order to not have hit Sam. The only real crime would be if someone hit her, knew it and left her there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted February 5, 2008 Author Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 re sam's hit and run - i dont care. for a few reasons... 1) it doesnt matter who hit her, nothing will happen to them. 2) it was done AWFUL! a music montage to clips going between sam running from the killer, monica drinkin and drivin, carly textin and driven, liz sleepin and driven, and nick picturing em and drivin where all four have a shcoked reaction but you dont know to what then it pulls back as a car leaves sam on the floor woudl have been much betters, Liz's hit and run from a few years ago was flawless. 3) i thank them, because i hate the bitch 4) she will just use this againts elizabeth and jason somehow and maniuplate lucky, because thats who she is i will stop now, but could keep going.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted February 5, 2008 Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 Claudia is basically Carly with a different background and maybe a more violent background with more desire to be cutthroat. I can take her or leave her because she's just another mobster and GH should cut down on that instead of amping it up. The two for me are Carly and Kate. For some reason I was okay with the dysfunctional pair. I never ever (a thousand times never ever) liked Brenda with Sonny. Any potential for me backing down on that was lost when they had Brenda have a breakdown over him. That sequence of events made me root for Jax and Brenda and I loved loved loved when she ran past Sonny into Jax's arms when they both emerged from the warehouse fire. This is the couple that brought me as close to soap couple fandom as I have ever gotten. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Laurie Posted February 5, 2008 Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 I really loved the Claudia scenes today...Sarah was awesome! That could make for interesting t.v! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted February 5, 2008 Author Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 ITA about claudia. I think thats why i dont understand the SJB love thing, because everyone whines and bitchs about the mob on gh. and all her char is is a mob pet. re jax/brenda or sonny/brenda, no contest. jax & brend all the way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted February 5, 2008 Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 IA that it doesn't matter and nothing should happen to the person unless it was Monica since she was drunk. But as I said in my other post, it was an accident since she ran out into the road and I don't see where anyone could have prevented that. A person could swerve but their reflexes would have to be right on the money. Now leaving her is another story and I don't think Monica saw any bodies. I don't know why they even bothered throwing Carly in there but Elizabeth is obviously included to have further ridiculous scenes with her and Sam, Jason and Sam, and Elizabeth and Lucky. They need to give it up and move on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted February 5, 2008 Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 JP, you make a very good point. What I'm not getting is this awe thing but it's probably because I don't get what is so great about SJB. There's nothing about her that's unique enough to make me do a double take. She''s not drop dead gorgeous, she's a good actress......and I don't see with the same vision. The only double take I've done in ages was yesterday when I looked at the picture of on the front of the LA Times Calendar section.....l.something about Matthew McConaughey in a black leather jacket against a sort of midnight blue skyline backdrop made me keep that to look at it today. Now he doesn't always look really good to me but all I can say about this photo is.....uh maybe I shouldn't Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted February 5, 2008 Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 It was at this point that I lost it hysterically! :lol::lol: @ "Clkaudia" and "Carlky" That's one HELLUVA typo, babes! Oy, vey! I'm checking into a few good brain surgeons for you... to remove that tumor that causes you think loud, shrill and just plain BAD is good! No pressure, mind you. I'm sure you probably would enjoy being impaled to death by Wright's Shrieks of Horror... which means your condition is probably terminal anyway. Well, then again, maybe that tumor isn't terminal after all... you're still making profound sense in some areas. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted February 5, 2008 Author Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 LMAO. hey, i am consistent. why can i say? lol. i do love LW. carly, not so much. but i dont blame laura for how carly acts. and i can see how some see it as her fault because she is, ya know, the actress. but i really do think that GH thinks that carly acting like that is okay and pushs and LW does her job. she has scenes, like that one with jason a week or so ago was amazing lol, well ty. any sam hater i love! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted February 5, 2008 Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 Carly was not like than when any of the previous Carlys were in the role. LW's Carly is just too in your face. She yells and she screams. I think part of that is LW as she plays the role up like that. She doesnt have the subtlities (sp) that the other actresses had and she plays Carly with her big mouth rather than letting her expressions and maneurisms do a bit of the acting. Overall she just comes off way too hard and she needs to take Carly down a few notches. The volume on her is all the way up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Tishy Posted February 5, 2008 Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 That's what I was trying to say. Thank you Cheap, for saying it better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members d_wsb Posted February 5, 2008 Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 aww lucky why didnt you rip her into shreds? ugh. well the Zacchara's are much more interesting than the rest..which is sad in so many ways. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Juliajms Posted February 5, 2008 Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 I love LW. I agree she could tone it down a little bit, but I think she shows Carly's vulnerable side too. We've seen that more with Jax and even Jason recently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted February 5, 2008 Author Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 ^i agree. and i dont want her to tone it down. carly is tactless, shameless, and over the top. thats how they write, her thats how i want laura to play her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DevotedToAMC Posted February 5, 2008 Members Share Posted February 5, 2008 Actually I find Wright's version of Carly to be miles better than Sarah's...sorry but I never got the hoopla around Sarah. She was, at best, an okay Carly...too butch and nasty as far as I am concerned. Tamara Braun gave her a heart and redeeming qualities but also kept the bitch Carly as well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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