Members DevotedToAMC Posted February 22, 2008 Members Share Posted February 22, 2008 Well I cared about plagiarism when I was in college only because the penalties of being caught were rather stiff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members CassilineKnight Posted February 22, 2008 Members Share Posted February 22, 2008 I agree with you EricaKane... I laughed so hard when I heard that whole argument of hers. Shes so desperate that its quite sad. And to think she once was the "inevitable" candidate. Now shes basically fighting for her political career as a whole. I mean seriously if she loses this nomination it will be a complete embrassment to her as a politician. Obama sounded so presidential last night. Calm, cool, and collected. He truly is what this country needs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Adam Posted February 22, 2008 Members Share Posted February 22, 2008 Hillary is finished Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Shawn Posted February 23, 2008 Members Share Posted February 23, 2008 Its looking that way Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Roman Posted February 23, 2008 Members Share Posted February 23, 2008 Ok. Why is everyone saying that? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DevotedToAMC Posted February 23, 2008 Members Share Posted February 23, 2008 Dude she is not finished...she will still be fighting until the primary season is over. Mark my words Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Shawn Posted February 23, 2008 Members Share Posted February 23, 2008 I misspoke. She's not finished. But her campaign is most definitely on life support, and I truly pray that Obama pulls the plug. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members EricaKane70 Posted February 23, 2008 Members Share Posted February 23, 2008 Okay, who came up with the bros before hoes thing? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Shawn Posted February 23, 2008 Members Share Posted February 23, 2008 A good friend of mine sent it to me in my email with the tagline "I thought of you when I found this." He knows me so well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DevotedToAMC Posted February 23, 2008 Members Share Posted February 23, 2008 Well I read a news report that she is trying to reenergize her lady is still in it Shawn you live in New York City...I thought pretty much everyone there loved Hillary. What is your reason to dislike her? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Shawn Posted February 23, 2008 Members Share Posted February 23, 2008 Trust me. Not all of NY loves Hillary. Just look at her slim win in the NY Primary to prove that. And I refuse to vote for her/support her because I'm gay, like all of my friends are doing. One issue does not get my vote. I look at the bigger picture. She is relying too much on her past and rehashing old ideas when what the country needs is change for the future. Here's a little something to further explain why I don't think she should get the nomination: 1. Her top campaign staff, such as Mark Penn, are all connected to the GOP-lite Democratic Leadership Council, corporate lobbying, corporate deregulation, polling data manipulation, Big Pharma, Big Oil, PR firms and even — gasp! — Tom DeLay. Apparently, none of them have ever seen a conflict of interest they can resist. This kind of incestuous relationship between corporatism and government is what has put us in our current mess; a Hillary administration would likely continue rather than end this situation. 2. Her smoke-and-mirrors health care plan, including allowing the for-profit health care industry to continue making money from the misery of Americans, isn't any better than the one she proposed in 1994. As Ari Berman in The Nation said, "She's now the number-one Congressional recipient of donations from the health care industry." Don't think she's entirely kidding when she says we'll have health care for all Americans by the end of her second term — she'll put it off for as long as she can on behalf of her heavyweight campaign contributors. 3. Most of her money comes from corporate contributions and she actively covets lobbyist and PAC money. That's a lot of favors that need to be repaid should she be elected president, a lot of favors owed to the Gucci Gulch K Street types who work against the best interests of the people. 4. Her willingness to be chummy with big corporations, personified by her friendly relationship with none other than neocon media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who held a $60,000 fundraiser for Hillary in July of last year. Murdoch doesn't raise money for politicians for nothing — everything to him is quid pro quo and he always gets back more quid for his pro quo than he invests. A President Hillary would not likely turn her back on the Australian billionaire, even though his vast media empire has made a blood sport of vilifying All Things Clinton. Politics makes strange bedfellows, perhaps, but her sleeping with this dog will give us all fleas. And, incidentally, Bill has signed a contract to flack for our 'leetle friends' who run Dubai, Halliburton's new home. Can another lucrative ports deal, or its equivalent, be far behind in a Hillary administration? 5. Her baffling tendency to embrace right-wing nuttiness like a flag burning amendment for no apparent reason. What if she has an attack of this Neoconitis when naming a judge for the Supreme Court or a Secretary of Defense? 6. Her elitist, inside-the-beltway limousine liberalism combined with her moderately-right Senate voting record — the worst of both worlds. Besides, Fox Newsers like ditzy loudmouth Susan Estrich, who as Michael Dukakis' campaign manager in 1988 ran one of the worst presidential campaigns in modern history, support Hill, even writing a gushy book about her, "The Case for Hillary Clinton." When you have 'friends' like the execrable Estrich, you know you're in trouble — the woman writes columns for NewsMax, for cripe's sake. 7. Her previous support for the Iraq War and refusal to apologize for her vote authorizing it. She also continues to support a 'troop presence' in Iraq. It's really troubling that she doesn't seem to perceive that our military occupation of Iraq, in any strength beyond embassy guards, will aggravate the horrible situation in the Middle East created by Bush. The days of America Uber Alles over there are gone, but Hillary doesn't seem to realize it. 8. Her votes for the PATRIOT Act, NAFTA, CAFTA, the Republican bankruptcy bill, and other legislation that's detrimental to the interests of average Americans, and her opposition to campaign finance reform. (In 2002, she even out-neoconned the neocons on welfare reform.) 9. Her continued support for Bush's phony War on Terror and tendency to speak about the world situation using 'framing' dreamed up by the RNC and Frank Luntz. What we don't need in the next president is the same level of Bush hysteria in responding to terrorism, but, so far, Hillary seems comfortable with joining the Republicans in the panic room they've created over this issue. 10. Her embarrassing phoniness at times — using forced cornpone accents and lame cracker-barrel phrases to make her appear more down-home and empathetic to the plight of the average American. It's as ludicrous as Junior's laughable Texas twang and speaks to what cretins she thinks the voters are. FDR always spoke as the New York blue-blood he was, but he never talked down to his audience; this is something Hillary should master — she's not hubby Bill and doesn't come by it naturally and her attempts at Trailer Park Patois are as cynically condescending as O.J. removing pictures of his white friends and family and replacing them with photos of black folks to up his street cred with the minority members of the jury. 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Members DevotedToAMC Posted February 23, 2008 Members Share Posted February 23, 2008 Her continued support for Bush's phony War on Terror>> She does not support the war...she has a very well crafted plan on her website that shows how she will go about withdrawing troops from Iraq. Her votes for the PATRIOT Act, NAFTA, CAFTA>>> You do realize that very few Democrats voted against the Patriot Act, right? Both my U.S. Senators, Boxer and Feinstein, voted for it twice but I still love both of them. NAFTA and CAFTA can be good but also dangerous...they should both be regulated to ensure fair trade. Not all of NY loves Hillary.>>> I am talking about NYC, not necessarily the entire state (unless that is what you mean). But I do know there are some people in upstate New York who do not care for her but I also recollect she won many conservative counties up in the Northern part in her re election to the U.S. Senate in 2006. Anyways, what is your opinion of your other U.S. Senator, Chuck Schumer? I like him overall but sometimes he does go a little far to the right. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Southofnowhere Posted February 23, 2008 Members Share Posted February 23, 2008 There's tons of Obama folks who like Hillary. can't say there's tons of Hillary folks who like Obama. Lot's of Hillary folks seem to think Obama should have waited 8 years before running. After 8 more years in the Senate Obama would not be the same Obama that he is now. I also read that alot of Black folk fear that someone is going to kill Obama. Everytime i see Obama speak i try not to get my hopes up that history could be made in a few short Months. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DevotedToAMC Posted February 23, 2008 Members Share Posted February 23, 2008 Well I am a Hillary supporter who likes Obama Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members stenbeck212 Posted February 23, 2008 Members Share Posted February 23, 2008 I know that from experience. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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