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Barry Manilow on Elizabeth Hasslebeck


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Elizabeth should have her own show on the Faux News Channel.

But hey, it's a free country and we are all free to have our own opinions and thoughts. What is also sad is how many hypocritical lawmakers we have in this country (from both partys). Just look at all of them who have been in the news lately.

As for Elizabeth, she's free to give her pro-Bush speeches, and Barry Manilow is free to choose which talk shows he does and does not appear on. It's a free country after all.

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Again, it is sad that there are those who only want ONE view to be heard or have ONE way of life to be accepted.

Thankfully, I do not judge, I appreciate and respect EVERYONE whethere I agree with them or not.

Too bad there are those who want to be negative.

Faux news? How come I have to turn it there to get BOTH sides...from Repubs and Dems and when I turn it to CNN I only see DEMS interviewed?

Again, because Fox allows the left...and right...they are wrong.

But CNN is great because they allow..THE LEFT.

Come on people. You want a fair, free country...only on your terms. Get over youselves.

Everyone needs to get along, work toward solutions and build a better America not be a snobby socialite who refuses to go on a show because ONE person has a different opinion. Yes ONE person speaks up for her beliefs while the rest are against her...law of numbers my friends.

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You talk about how it's "very sad" how we're not allowed to have opposite political views, yet in the same breath you bash Rosie, those who disagree with Elizabeth and their "lack of information." According to you. I don't like Barry's stance at all, but I'm not going to judge it. Both sides have made reprehensible comments about the war and 9/11, such as Rosie and Ann Coulter. I don't think they are the poster children for Dems and Reps, so I think it's time to stop using them as such.

And I agree... it's all so very sad.

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I disagree with Rosie that the US Government caused 9-11 and lied about the WTC. That is pure lie on her part and that can be proven.

Elisabeth agreeing or supporting the war is purely a persons own decision. Was it right or wrong, will we win or lose...all remains to be seen. So that is a personal view.

Where I disagree with you is that people like Coulter and O'Donnell, Moore etc, ARE poster people for each party.

Until parties denounce and move away from idiots that cause more harm than good with their horrendous statements, nothing will get accomplished.

Barry calling Hasselback DANGEROUS and OFFENSIVE for believing that a dictator needed to be stopped....thats her opinion.

But her personal beliefs are not reason to attack someone such as this.

You can say Rosie's personal belief is that the Pentagon and the US Government caused the planes to to go into the buildings is pure political hatred...plain and simple.

because who is she blaming...GWB....wasn't there a DEM president before him that was in office when we were hit as well?

I do not blame EITHER for what happened.

Thats why I think that there are different ways to view items like this.

At least we agree that it is sad lol

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Do you watch "The View," like I do? Because she NEVER foams at the mouth about Bush. Girl didn't even talk about him all this week, according to my DVDs.

She only talks about him when it makes headlines, because that's what the liberal media and celebrity bloggers know will feed the appetites of belligerent liberals and those who are all too willing to jump at a stereotype or judgment, such as your "spoken like a true Republican" line.

Don't bother capitalizing it (a sign of respect) when you show so little respect to even say it.

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I wouldn't call that a pure lie. But that is another discussion for another time.


But anyway, Barry Manilow is so irrelevant anyway...who cares if he performs on THE VIEW. Clay Aiken has his market now.

I don't really mind Elisabeth on THE VIEW, even though I disagree with a lot of what she says. On her BEST days, she makes interesting, thought-provoking points. Albeit in a simple way, BUT still...sometimes she makes me think.

I just think Elisabeth is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. I think part of being open-minded is always listening to the OTHER side of the argument. And that is with anything.

I think the only person who's dangerous and offensive is Barry Manilow, and that is for not putting political ideology aside for the sake of entertainment.

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I agree bellcuve.

People won't admit that they're just closeminded. I watch the SAME show and yes, Bits can open her mouth and be even whiny sometimes. But it's not that it's THAT bad. And she's not uneducated. She may come from a different perspective and people may not agree with the conclusions she comes to, but a truly uneducated person would be like, "Jihad? What's a jihad? War in Iraq? What's that?!"

I mean, I'm being VERY basic here but it's a fact. She keeps up with the news. It's part of her job. I've never seen her stumble or stutter on a news item or not be knowledgeable of what she's talking about.

The criticisms are from biased, often closeminded people who just don't want to give her a break.

BARRY IS an ass.

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What Rosie said is a PURE lie.

Here is an interesting opinion column that ran in the Three Rivers Commercial this weekend here in Michigan.

It is time to stop the grandstanding.

Every time a celebrity makes a political statement, I wonder to myself, why bother?

First of all, if you want to use your celebrity status to be a mouthpiece for what you feel is going wrong in our country; put your money where your mouth is. But don’t waste my time by using your “status” to become an overnight politcian.

Everyone is entitled to his or her view, politically and otherwise. However, celebrities forget that the only reason we “know” who they are is because we PAY to see them. We do not follow their careers to find out how to end world hunger or end the war in Iraq. We watch their movies or enjoy their music.

They should work on a campaign, talk to the “real” people of this country or better yet run for office. But please, stop using award shows, press conferences and movie premiers to grandstand for your beliefs.

If you want to support the candidate or party of your choice, do what I do. VOTE!

Earlier this week, Barry Manilow released a statement explaining that he decided to opt out of appearing on the morning talk show “The View”.

Manilow claims he made a request to the producers that he wanted to be interviewed by certain members of the show. Or, in his own words, he did not want to “be on the same stage as” View co-host Elisabeth Hasselback.

This incident is rather odd considering Manilow has been on the show many times with Hasselback and has never voiced a concern.

Manilow is not only an avid Democratic supporter politically, which is fine, but he is also good friends with Rosie O’Donnell. And we all know what happened between O’Donnell and Hasselback on the show.

Hasselback the Republican and O’Donnell the Democrat faced off numerous times on the show, mainly about the war in Iraq.

Manilow said he considered Hasselback’s political stance to be “dangerous and offensive” and did not want to be on the same stage as her.

Could this be Manilow's way of “paying back” Hasselback for her feud with O’Donnell earlier in the year that prompted O’Donnell to leave the show earlier than planned?

Nothing adds up here to be honest.

The show is called “The View” for a reason. Everyone is allowed to have their own view, whether anyone agrees with it or not.

Bill Geddie, producer of the show, shot back in a statement and said it was the show who canceled Manilow’s appearance because “he (Manilow) is not going to call the shots…not going to tell me how to produce the show”.

What caused this new feud on the View? Was it retaliation on behalf of O’Donnell, was it driven by the need for publicity to promote a new album or was it simply the fact that Manilow was truly afraid to talk to someone who shares different beliefs than he does?

Message to Mr. Manilow: This world is made up of millions of people. People who do not think or act the same way as you or I do. Are they bad people? Do they deserve to be treated in such a hostile manner because of their political leanings?

If that is the case, make sure that you forbid the sale of your albums and concerts to those people who do not VIEW the world the same as you do. I am sure you do not want to make a profit from the dangerous and offensive now do you?

“I write the songs that make the whole world sing…”

I am beginning to wonder about that.

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I agree with that. Regardless of what one thinks of Elizabeth's personal political beliefs, what Barry did was unprofessional. He extrapolated Elizabeth's personal beliefs and made a judgment call about her as a person. Someone with beliefs that are different than yours aren't automatically horrible people. Now people like Anne Coulter are judged not because of their beliefs but the way that they carry themselves. Coulter is openly rude to everyone who doesn't agree with her and that says more about her as a person than her beliefs.

What is that saying? Never talk politics or religion with friends? They could have simply steered the topic away from politics, but Barry couldn't do that and went for the jugular.

I guess he feels he could get more publicity with what he did. And unfortunately, he may have been right.

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Great post Scotty. I've never been a fan of Barry Manilow. Music is too bland for me lol, but I have more respect for him now.

Very hypocritical and typically arrogant Right-wing Republican. :rolleyes: CNN does show both sides. I'm sick of you Repubs lying that only Democrats are interviewed on CNN, same goes for all other news media not FOX.

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Mulder...you are the one who is wrong.

As I never have said and never would say that ALL Dems are bad, and all Repubs are good. That is a ridiculous statement and it is just as ridiculous when it is reversed.

There are two sides to every story and more points of view to shake a stick at.

I do not get why in your eyes...the Dems are the best things ni the world and the Repubs are horrid. And those who happen to agree with one thing or many that the Repubs do are wrong.

I guess I see things in a more clearer manner and I know that both sides try to do what they think is right, sometimes one does it better than the other.

It is sad, in my opinion that you show such hatred and vile dislike for those who differ from you and your beliefs.

I am proud to say many of my closest friends think opposite of politically but we manage to get along.

Try it sometime. It is a big world out there.

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I actually agree with her and do believe the government caused 9/11. How come Bush did not move as fast as he should have when warned on August 6th of Bin Laden's attemps to attack the nation? He never met with the head of counterterrorism or with the people in charge of the FBI....it would explain his unmotivated position to not act and let the attack take place to justify his war in Iraq.

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1. She is NOT educated. watching FOX News = NOT EDUCATION! ur examples are very extreme to an uneducated person.

2. She watchs the news and agrees with what her gov tells her to belive then spits it back out. wow. anyone can do that.

3. i am no biased or closeminded. i in fact am not one way or the other. both political sides have good and bad. i form my own thoughts.


and as for rosie saying the ov had a hand in 9/11 being a purelie that can be proven its a lie. thats utter bullshit. sry but its true. do i think they were the sole cause of it - nope. do i think they could have done ALOT (read ANYTHING!!) to stop it, yes.

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