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What year was the best on Your soap

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B&B - 1994

Taylor's Arabian Nights, Sheila and a firepoker at Big Bear, Macy & Thorne singing

Overall, B&B was downright fabulous from 1993-1996 with only minor shades.

Y&R - 1999

The mirror scene with Kay, fight for Jabot, return of Eileen Davidson, Victor in New Mexiko, Vickie's stalker etc.

The silver jubilee in 1998 was equally great but Danny Smarmalotti was still with the show for the first 5 months which disqualifies 1998 in my book then. LOL!

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1999 was a really good year on DAYS. It was a very intense year with good storylines. Francos Murder, Samis Execution, Psycho Nurse Ali McIntyre, Evil Princess Gina. This was the last decent year on DAYS. Then Sally Sussman Morina and Lorraine Broderick quit, so a man named Tom Langan came and took over as Headwriter, and a couple of years later, DAYS had gone from the Top to the Bottom.

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The last year I TRULY enjoyed As The World Turns was 2004.

Barbara was frontburner, James Stenbeck was back. The Cabot story reached it's climax (it wasn't old at the time). The cheese-a-licious Six Keys to the Kingdom Contest, Jack's amnesia and Julia 2.0. Katie was still tolerable, early Mike and Jennifer.

The return of evilWill.

Yes, I even enjoyed the Doc Reese storyline and Pilar Domingo.

The only flaw was Nikki Munson and Lusty.

And NO Jennifer Landon!

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Guiding Light

1992-Ed cheats on Maureen with Lillian, the Springfield blackout.

1993-Introduction of Buzz Cooper, aftermath of Maureen's death, Jenna Bradshaw mania!

2002-Reva and Josh reunited, and wed, Phillip/Olivia/Alan, Joan Collins joins the cast.





Sunset Beach


One Life to Live



1998(The year that I started watching)



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I'm gonna cheat because I believe the Lorraine Broderick tenure of 1995-1997 on All My Children was probably the LAST time AMC resembled the show it was meant to be. It was an ensemble show, character driven, and it took chances but nothing that couldn't be reeled in (such as the Jamaican Voodoo which was out there, but a minor plot point for a few weeks overall).

Then McTavish came back in 1997-1999 and the show hasn't quite made it back to its former glory.

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Passions was consistently SUPERB in 2000.

And the last few months? My GOD, we had "The Passions Storm," the arrival of Hecuba in "Day of Reckoning," and then "Fatal Farewell" and there may have been another named story that year that I'm forgetting.

But damn, that show HOT that year.

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It's so hard to narrow stuff down to a time frame. I floved GL from '90 to '94, when Reva was gone, the early Blake/Ross stuff, Vanessa/Billy/Nadine, Bridget, Hamp/Gilly/David, I even liked the Brent/Marian saga.

One of my favorite periods of ATWT was from '90-'93, with Brock Lombard, Royce/Neal, the Holden/Julie/Aaron stuff, the reveal of Angel's abuse, Hal/Babs and his paternity pickles with Adam and Jennifer....just EVERYTHING seemed to click.

I also loved the way it emerged post Stern and Black, with Holden's return in '97 and the Diego/Lily wedding, Jack's coming to Oakdale, Carly returning, and all the story that generated. Even the first year of Hogan's writing was really exciting.

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