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OLTL Discussion: Week of April 2nd

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Ok my parts are Todd/Vicki-Ticki and Roxey.

I love any Todd /Vicki moments but today was great. He was her pimp. He looked for a ring and told her he is ruggerly handsome. I just love the way TSJ and Erica play them, its like they are brother and sister for real.

Best like "cowpoe" LOL

Roxey thank you for finally doing something I have wanted for a long time in punching John. Its been long over due.

Nora and Vangie were great too, its good to see them sharing scenes again.

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I liked the Bo, Nora, Antonio, Evangeline and Talia scenes today. I like when they show the characters actually doing their jobs. So far this storyline about racist is turing out to be decent. It's already effected some main characters and I'm sure before all is said and done more will be attacked by him as well.

I enjoyed Todd/Viki. Those two crack me up and I always love to see family bonding.

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I second that. Tate flat out disgusts me. I want so bad to FF his scenes, but they have Adriana in them and I want to look at her lol

I like this Dr. Kline feller -- Viki/Todd scenes with and without him were the best of the episode.

Why is Nora being such a !@#$%^&*] to Talia? It's really, really irritating that she's being so incredibly rude to someone who is working so hard. I wanted to see more Nora, but not if she's going to act like this.

I really like the race storyline. That's such a shame about Evangeline's childhood home -- down the street from my grandma, when I was about 6, a black family who kept to themselves (we never really saw them) had a swastika (sp?) painted on the side of their house. Everyone felt so horrible for them. They were the only minorities on the block at that time (unless you count gay as minority), so they had to feel out of place afterwards. I guess I connect to this story because Columbus is such a diverse city, and by diverse I don't mean happy-go-lucky, as there are still racial tensions (not all as intense as hate arsons, of course) so I appreciate it being shown on TV.

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Reasons for watching:

Todd and Evangeline. She brings out something in this man that is just awesome to see. He is less of a monster w/o the audience losing the character.

Would love for him to kill Cole and lock Starr in a convent with her mouth taped shut. Cole is not in love, and neither is Starr. They just think they know what love is. This is, however, being writen very realistically. Pigley shocks me sometimes. But back to Cole. The looks he gives are not love but the looks of a kid who will NOT be told what to do. He sucks! And I loathe Starr. Always have!

Vicky, Clint and Dorian. Clint is a moron, but I still enjoy him.

Really looking foward to the white supremist SL, but I am confident that Pigley is going to screw it up. Still looking forward though.

Reasons to skip a few eppies:


John and Natalie!

Rex and Adriana (BTW, doesn't take much to turn this girl's head - does it... She's such a skank)


Miles and Marty...


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I really enjoyed the Viki/Natalie scenes, and thankfully they weren't as weepy as I thought they were going to be. Two women sharing the pain together over their lost loves. And then BAM Todd is there to bust in and demand that they help him with a dinner he knew he couldn't cook. LOL.

Man I love Miles, but please get him away from NotMarty.

I think Kristen Alderson is an excepional actress but I honestly believe that this storyline is not her fortee.

Exposed or whatever the name of Adriana and Layla's company is was a MAJOR bore for me.

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Ok Todd let me count the ways how much I love thee.

I loved the Tangeline moment I got. I love this side of Todd that we never have seen.

Vicki, Natalie and Todd rocked. I loved how he rushed in there saying I need pots pans and you. Classic Todd she is better with out. How rare is it to see Todd and Natalie. I loved that he danced with her. They just rocked today.

I would love Starr and Cole if I loved the actor, he just sucks so badly. I cant enjoy it and I want it to end.

FF threw Adrianna, Rex, Tate and Layla. I just dont care but if this frees Rex from Adrianna I guess I say bring it on.

I also cant wait to she the arson storyline. I really hope DH dont screw it up. I hope Ron is her conscience.

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Langston's OK but neither she nor Starr are enough to save this Young Wuv SL, IMO. FFwd!

LMAO at the McNostril + punching bag scene. Ooo. He so manly. So strong. So ANGRY and Tortured! And that pizza topping stuck to his face is sex-AY. FF again!

I did catch the "Cooking With Todd Manning" show, though. :lol: It's not very Todd to be so giddy. But I did enjoy TSJ having such a ball. Todd & Viki scenes are always worth the price of admission.

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I would never use the words Kristen and exceptional in the same sentence! That girl has a considerable amount of growing, but that is not a bad thing because she's so young. KA is tremendously lacking in this story, and she's too young for it. She is a weak actress and should not be the center of the teens. I hope this story ends, and Star is either sorased or backburned...May not be a popular opinion, but I'm certainly entitled to it.


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:lol: It was semi interesting... in the beginning with her; then it went downhill from there. They could do way better with Starr then this storyline, still not feeling it. I think they should have started off with something else, besides a high school romance... then gradually moved into it.

I thought yesterday was boring, but I liked that they pulled Michael out of the basement and showed him. Then had him actually talk about himself there for a moment (they remembered his married and that he has a son,) I was a bit surprised. At the same time though, I wasn't because Higley only seems to recognize them and showcase them when Todd's part of the storyline picks up. It's been like a week of so, since him and Marcie has been shown. For which, I have to ask... where the hell is she? I hope to see her today or tomorrow. I wish they had them involved in other things too, everyone seems to be except for them.

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