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I like it, a lot, but i think for where I am right now i really want a job that can take over my life. I really have nothing else going on so id love a good paying, challenging career that takes up a majority of my time. I know thats odd and people hate those jobs, and i am sure i will get to a point where i do too...

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It's obvious Scott is still into Mark. Why is he going on this cruise with him?? Probably hoping something will happen. I think you need to move on AMS. I mean he has to be blind not to know you are interested in him. You got him the shirt he wanted and book...hello.....I mean seriously I've only done that for guys/people I really care for and love. There is nothing that tells me he wants to go out with you. The only bright side was his family knowiing about you but that could be easily him telling his family how nice you are.. the usual crap us guys(meaning nice/sweet guys comment we) get. I mean if I was interested in you and you told me you didnt want anything I'd still get you something...thats just me..maybe not all guys are the same. Did he get anything for Mark?? A present I mean??

Him seeming to get closer you is more gratitude/being nice to you since you are nice to him...you know what I mean....the he is a great guy but friends only..

I really say this not to burst your bubble but to help realize he isn't into you like you are and find someone who really cares for you and feels the same way.

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Oh, it's an undisputed fact that he's still into Mark. We've had conversations where he's all but said that his other two exes were completely irrelevant because he was still hung up on Mark. In fact, I've recently learned that he cheated on his last boyfriend with Mark, so that speaks volumes. Still...ugh. I feel as though if I move on without ever addressing my feelings for him to him, I'll always wonder "What would have happened..." I still wonder that about the other guys I've had feelings for, and it's a sucky, sucky feeling, especially when you have no one to take your mind off of them. That's part of why I can't just move on from Scott. If I move on from him, then what? I live in a part of the world where options are VERY limited for gay men, and if you aren't a particular age, look, etc, then those options become even slimmer. I move on from Scott, then I'm stuck in the same rut I was in for years before I met him -- completely void of even the slightest possibility of being with someone. I hang on to Scott because he's something to hang on to, though it's not fair to pretend like I don't really have deeper feelings for him. I mean, I'm completely in love with who he is as a person. He's funny, he's sweet, he's very passionate about the things he believes in, he knows how to have a good time, but he also knows how to make the most of quiet, intimate moments, and we have so many things in common. I don't know if I'll ever find someone who is more compatible with me than he is, and that's what's scary.

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And I was about to tell you/say to get some new friends because the ones you have now seem toxic for you including all the females too. Even if those friends arent gay...just straight friends meaning the guys. Branch out and make other friends but keep the ones you have but don't spend as much time with them. I know you have to say them at work but that's not the same as hanging. Let's see if Scott says anything to you once you move on to other friends. Of course you could just tell him how you really feel. Put everything out there...at least you know he is gay...he cant tell you I am not into guys...lol. At least you will finally know how he feels about you. I have a feeling he is going to say he isnt ready for a relationship because he is still hung up on Scott. You could tell him he is missing out on something special with you or someone else because of his devotion to Mark. I know he probably knows all these but the more he hears it maybe he will finally decide to have that long talk with Mark about his feeling for him and he can move on with you or someone else or end up with Mark again. I am not sure how much Mark knows about Scott's feelings for him. You could also go the soap route and tell Mark how hung up Scott still is with him and that you are interested in Scott but he cant move on because of him and tell him to be honest with Scott and to stop playing him/using him. Now that would be juicy especially if it got back to Scott. Scott would finally know your true feelings. He could confront you and you would tell him why you did it and how you were afraid to lose him by his rejection towards you liking him.

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So, I was supposed to have a date this weekend. Instead. I'm going to be in pain...and hopped up on Vicodine probably. Nice....Thanks tooth!

I am so stoned on painkillers right now ya'll. I need to do so much before bed. I need a bath, and I need to get my clothes for tomorrow together...and I can't even get up to put up the leftover spaghetti. Oy!

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