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AMC: Thursday

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Kendall started it with her line about Annie not being the manipulative b-tch she thought she was. She did that to provoke something and it worked. She then presumed to throw comments about the state of Ryan and Annie's relationship and how she didnt think they'd last bc Ryan cant give Annie a kid. (Hello Kendall, he already has!) She needs to shut up and focus on her own man and growing family and leave Ryan and his alone

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Ryan and Jonathan Strike Back

The evil forces are praying down on Pine Valley but we got two of the biggest baffoons ready to battle them and take them on-Super Ryan and Super Jonathan! Ryan is the master of all skills like riding a horse, curing scrapes, running corporations without an MBA, and doing just anything that makes one throw up faster than Superman stops Lex Luthor from peeing all over the world! Yep there is no HO like St. Ryan I tell ya and Jonathan is right up his rear and I do mean literally brown nosing his way into a life full of monstrosities and caipers that require the lowest of the low to get involved. Do not expect any good to come out of these two protecting the world since we all know that Ryan is dumber than the president and Jonathan is even dumber! Heck they make Paris Hilton look like a Harvard student losing her virginity to a philosophy student! Wow now that is quite some news to take in and divulge but little surprises anyone these days when it comes to the dumb name that is Lavery

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Annie is coming across as being very two-faced.

Why go to Fusion for a job, if she's that qualified, why not CI, or Chandler Enterprises or whatever, Fusion is small potatoes compared to those.

Annie got in Kendall's face and Kendall is the bad guy :blink: Twisted logic.

Annie walks into the Lion's Den then is surprised when the Lion's bites her? LMAO

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and if Kendall hates her so much, why hire her when she will see her everyday? After being stuck with Babe for over a year, why torture herself like that again. Only thing I can say is stupid plot device on both parts bc TIIC need them to be close to each other to b-tch and snark for no apparent reason

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I hated watching Kendall give in to that boring manipulator. I wish nuGreenlee would kick Blandie out of Pine Valley!

Erica lying to let the hobags go was sickening.

Now that [!@#$%^&*] McTavish has me hating Tad, too.

The only parts I really liked today were Adam/Colby/Sean when he was boarding up the house and Zach hiring Lily.

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I had no MAJOR issues with todays show. I mean, I knew the Carey's would go free. I wasn't as annoyed as I thought I would be. I am glad someone finally threw Krystal's role in Bess/Miranda and compared it to what she did to Tad. Thank you Erica for saying that! I was waiting for someone to do that and she did it. And Erica telling Adam to get over it was funny. Erica was still Erica today, minus wanting her fetus' forgiveness. Loved Babe telling J.R and Josh though to find something else to fight over.

Annie was a fool and came off as a shrew with Kendall today. Kendall is Kendall. I loved how Kendall admitted to Zach of course she wants to control Ryan. Kendall always will want control what it affects her, and Annie playing mommy to Spike most certainly affects her. Loved Annie and Di though. They seemed to forget Di was originally what Annie was first connected to in the first place. I love the new break room Fusion has LOL.

So it took Lily 8 months to come up with a new plan? Man she is slacking LOL. Loved seeing her today though.

Adam boarding up the mansion, too0 funny and who would have thought Colby would be the voice of reason. Poor Winnie. :(

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Loved seeing Di today! 2 days in a row! yay!

Zach and Lily always rock

I found Annie to be the biotch in today's scenes.

Zach and Kendall were adorable...lmao at Erica walking in and finding out about the baby!

Tad...ugh! Hate him pulling a Ryan!

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OMG you guys, I just heard the news~!!! :(

Tad's going to SUE Krystal for custody!!!

This is an OUTRAGE!! Krystal is an incredible mother! How and WHY could he do this?!!! DAMN YOU, TAD!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!! A child's place is with his M-O-T-H-E-R, douchebag!!! :(:(

Oh, I'm so sad right now -- thanks to Tad's sorry ASS!!! :(

Oh well ... earlier in the show I was positively JARRED to see Colby misplaced in the credits! At first I thought the actress was gone! :( But it seems they switched them around. Still, I'm LIVID about this because the actress who plays Colby is a dead ringer and SUPERBLY cast opposite David Canary, which is why it only made sense to have them fade into each other like BEFORE, AMC technicians!!!!

WILL JONATHON SHUT UP?!! Why is he so obsessed with Annyan (and yes, I love them again)? But WHY? Does he have no life of his own?!! What a looooooooooooooooooooooser!

And Annie, I'm back on board with you and Ry again but IT-AIN'T-RIGHT that you don't accept his proposal, !@#$%^&*]. I mean, you will NEVER, EVER get a more romantic, more drawn out proposal than Ryan's.


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Oh, I'm with you on that mansion action. I NEVER saw that coming!

Although, come on, even I have to admit that Krystal and Babe have no right to be there now!

THEY ARE trespassing.

Hell, Adam could call the cops on them again and IT WOULD ACTUALLY BE LEGITIMATE!!

Bad girls!!

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Hahaha "Be still my heart"

haha - that makes me laugh - I can't help it....

I can't believe that they'd change the opening though - If Dixie is still in the opening credits, then I doubt they really moved Colby around...are you sure you watched that right???

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