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All: Do you Eden Riegel will land another Soap?

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Um.....I know I haven't heard anything about Eden possibly being out of a job. There are many more people who would be cut before from the cast before she would. You can pretty much believe that Kendall and Bianca are safe from cast cuts.

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No one knows how long she signed for. Jeffrey Carlson (Zarf/Zoe) on the other hand only signed on for 6 months.

My guess is Eden is locked up long term... if she had an out for pilot season, that would have been excercised long ago.

Eden will stay as along as Eden wants to stay....

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They fired Vincent Irrizary to free up the cash to get Eden back. I doubt they'd only lock her in short term. If that were the case, they'd simply keep Bianca doing her Special Guest Appearances every three months. :rolleyes:

I adore Eden, but Bianca has been a disappointment for much of her return.

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I don't buy that Frons loves Eden so much. If so she would have a big story right now and not be stuck supporting Zoe. JHC has her faves and Eden clearly isn't one. She's been back 6 months and still dosen't have a storline. She was even left out of the slayer story. Plus she wasn't even mentioned in the Spring Spoliers. She's totally on her wasy our. I just wonder is she'lkl so another Soap or go back to Harvard.

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LOL, aren't posts about Bianca having no story kind of moot now that the horrible hack has been tossed asside? Maybe the new HW will actually have some talent for character driven storylines and not be so obsessed with Ryan's dong.

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