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AMC: Brooke or Dixie?

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Controversial topic here. We've lost two beloved characters, Brooke and Dixie, in the last few months. One just faded into the background, the other met her maker through a bad batch of pancakes.

None of us want to see any of the veterans cut loose. However, if you were TPTB, and you had to make a decision as to whom to kill off in order to spike up the ratings, who would go?

"Both" or "neither," is not a valid answer in this thread. Naming another character isn't valid either. (Sorry Babe haters. :P) You MUST choose either Brooke or Dixie and state your reason.

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I'd kill off Brooke BUT I'd give Julia Barr the biggest story in daytime with Brooke finding out she has cervical cancer and dying after a year's valiant battle, with family at her side. The story would be absolutely paced and ultra realistic and would showcase Barr's brilliance with the aim of taking its audience on an emotional & spritiual journey with Brooke as she prepares to leave this life. I'd make sure all characters would be profoundly affected by Brooke's illness. Erica would be humanised, Adam would plunge into a dark state, Tad & Jamie would be destroyed

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I think killing Dixie has a greater short-term impact, especially since she's been involved in front-burner story for a year. Killing Brooke would have been equally as outrageous, but she had been backburnered for quite some time before she left. Both departures, of course, are nails in AMC's coffin in the long-term because they are stabs in the back to loyal viewers.

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I like Marland's idea....

It would be a great story and way for Julia to showcase her talents.

I think the main issue I have with Dixie is the timing. She was brought back from the dead and died again only 1 year later right before the Tad/Dixie/Kate reunion.

It'd be almost easier for fans to get over Brooke's death right now bc she hasn't had anything to do for like 5 years and is rarely seen - and only really has Jamie as real family. So as much as I'd hate it, it would make more sense to kill off Brooke. :(

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I hope nobody shoots me for saying this--but if I had to kill off 1 character to "spike the ratings," I'd kill off Dixie. Reason being that AMC has for years backburned Brooke. Dixie's return to AMC (as botched as it was) garnered a LOT of press. So her death may generate a ratings boost. That said, I'm not happy AMC killed off Dixie and wrote off Brooke with no fanfare. But if I had to choose---Dixie it is :(

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I would give Brooke her own story, like cancer and have her die from it. It would be told in real time, not like she discovers it in two weeks and dies. She would go through the greiving process. She would have scenes with all those close to her like Tad, Jamie, Adam, Dixie, JR, Erica, Jack etc. When she passes, special guest star John Callahan (Edmund Grey) would lead her to Heaven.

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Brooke, even though she has been one of my favorite characters. It's obvious the writers were never going to write for her again in a meaningful way. She had no story for years, no love interest and if Brooke died, Julia Barr and her character could have gotten the send-off they both deserved (as well as the fans). Now she is just up in the attic with Ruth Martin I guess.

Dixie still had a lot of story to tell and it was just starting to be told - getting a job, finding a place to live, getting her life back together, reuniting with Tad and finding Kate, when she was killed. If finding Kate when she was dead was supposed to be the payoff, I want my money back with interest!

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