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GH's 24...

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Wow, Sonny&Carly aren't getting to me at all. I just don't care about these two. They fight make up x 100, but don't have that chemistry that Blair and REALTodd on OLTL did.

I can't believe Luke took going to jail so lightly giving the circumstances.

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Skye can die now. Telling Lo he has no blame for what happened! Bull s**t.

I so wish Patrick would have told her to go to hell. Speaking of Patrick, Jason Thompson has rocked. I loved his scene with Mac today and saying a prayer for Robin to live. :(

And Robin calling for Patrick - then that scream in pain?! Yikes! Kimberly McCullough sold me on Robin's agony fast.

Add in Nancy Lee Grahn, and that was all that was good today due to Susan Wald's crappy writing and too much Sonny/Carly.

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I have more compassion for the gunman than Skye at this point. The woman ranted about Alexis and not caring if she was hospitalized. She attacked Patrick for rushing to save Robin's life, she should a complete lack of care for Alan who adopted her drunk adult self when she didn't have to. Then to top it all off she believes and is telling anyone who will listen that Lorenzo is innocent and did nothing wrong?

Lorenzo who put the briefcase in the vault. Is innocent? GMAFB.

Skye should be the one Craig goes after. She deserves to be shot in the stomach and not have anyone help her.

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They are destroying Skye here and I hate it. She has always cared about Alan. Now she is acting like Tracy withholding Edward's heart attack pills. She is showing no sympathy for Alan who is dying. Does she not get it? Where is the Skye that I love, a little [!@#$%^&*]y but also compassionate and sympathetic?

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That is not true. Skye has shown great concern and vulnerability on Alan. I think the character is actually having a bit of a mental block at the moment, she's on automatic mode and is raging, worrying about her daughter without a father. Skye is thinking of her daughter right now.

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Skye doesn't see what's going on the Metro Court, so it's not as much of a real and present concern as Lorenzo has been. She was with him in the car when he started having the headaches. She was with him in the hospital when he started bleeding out. She's been with him this entire time.

Has word gotten out that Alan's having a heart attack or are "we" and the hostages the ones that know? If it has and Skye knows that Alan's ill and she's acting like she doesn't care, then I'd start questioning her morals. But if all Skye knows is that Alan's taken hostage and Robin's the only one injured while Lorenzo's been going through his thing, then it's understandable that she'd be focused on Lorenzo right now.

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Question: I thought the concept was great but...

...I watched the first 3 episodes of GH-24-style and wasn't too impressed. Has it gotten more interesting? Just asking because I've the episodes still on my harddrive. Should I keep watching?

I thought it is revealing that I haven't been watching consecutive episodes of GH in about three years but the situations/stories/dialogues were exactly the same for the central four: Sonny & Carly fighting about their marriage, Jason & Sam doing nothing & just pissing me off and little screentime for the rest.

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