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not if they reveal the truth months down the line. Im guessing it will all come out during Novermber sweeps. Either that or next February. That will give the paternity reveal enough time to cause its damage to both couples before they are reunited.

I LOVE that Liz admited that she wanted to say yes to Lucky's proposal and the reason she hasnt is bc she is still living a lie. I think she wants to move forward with Lucky but wont bc she doesnt thnk he will accept her and her baby. I dont think she's giving him enough credit bc he loves her and after his mistakes last year, I dont think he'd be able to stay upset at her for too long. As for the baby, he adores Cameron and that isnt his biological child. He loves Liz and wants her and will find a way to work things out in order to have a future with her. His heart is there and he has already almost lost her far too many times to count in the past few months. He's not taking anything for granted anymore

Also really enjoying the Sam and Liz stuff. Sam is being so nice and sincere with her. Im liking how both women are putting their differences aside

Watching the show, Marland is right, Carly is a slut.

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I just want to smack both Liz and Jason. Tell the freakin truth already!

Liz, don't marry Lucky just because of the baby. If you don't love the man and don't want him, leave him alone.

I have not heard you say that you are in love with Jason either. You love the "idea" of what could be in conjuction with the relationship of your past, but this is not love.

Jason, don't marry Liz because of the baby. You don't love her, you said it yourself, "I'm willing to sacrafice my happiness for the baby!" He DID NOT say, "Liz I love you, I always have and I want to raise our baby with you." What Jason said was, "I want our baby to have both parents and the best life that we can give it!" There is a big difference betwee the two.

Hints (IMO) Does anyone know if Rebecca is leaving the show? I have been watching soaps since the 1970's and it seems to me that Liz might die. Jason will stake his claim on the baby and raise it with Sam. Just like Monica and Alan did when Susan (Jason's mother) died. It just a theory so don't jump down my throat ;)

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If Becky were to leave, I'm sure it would be her doing. TPTB clearly love Becky and Liz (as do I). I mean, why else would they bless Liz with JASON'S BABY?

Others have tried and failed - Carly, Courtney, Sam... All of them wanted that HOLY ANOINTING, but never quite made it.

Work it Liz! That's my girl!

And don't even get me started if the writers decide to make the Liason baby a BOY! Shooot. Michael, Morgan and Baby Liason will be populating Port Charles with CorinthosMorgan children for decades to come! I mean, isn't Sonny responsible for like 2/3 of the pregnancies alone on this show the last five years? :unsure:

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GH was the best soap during sweeps, IMO. I don't even think it was close.

I really like Maxie and Coop. I've never been a fan of the current Maxie, but I'm liking her with him.

I like LuLu and the three stooges, and find myself liking Milo the best. It looks like Liz and Lucky might be heading back together. I actually think he may forgive her and that will really make me like him a lot more.

I didn't think I would ever say this, but I really like Sonny and Carly now. Finally, LuLu and Luke are so great together. Tony Geary brings out the best in his co-stars, but that young woman who plays LuLu is really special. With all the talk about Laura, I'm hopeful that perhaps the coma won't last forever. The only down side to that would be that I actually am enjoying the give and take between Tracy and Luke.

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Just gonna make my comment on the sweeps now that the crisis is pretty much over:

It was one of the best soaps on air this month. And mob/huge crisis wise, the best sweeps they have had in a looong time(the greatest sweeps IMO was L&L a few months ago). All the cast with the exclusion of Robert and Anna were involved and they all got to actually got to act and got good materiel. I loved the montage at the beginning of last Monday's show too. Pretty much everything was great and acting was superb. I know this is mob-centric but I have noticed this time there were again others involved beside them and they got good materiel.

My only complaints were that Robert and Anna were not involved when they should have been, and that Alan is going to die and the only reason he is going to die and has gotten some good stuff is because it involves Jason.

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GH sweeps used a lot of different characters interacting together "like in the good old days." I wish it was consistently like that throughout the year. There was lots of stuff I enjoyed, individually. I even got converted on the Scrubs stuff -- Jason Thomson sure is yummy. And I love Lucky even more after these four weeks because he is trying to prove himself to everybody around him. He is evolving as a character -- wanting to be a better person. That's rare on GH.

What bothered me personally was

A. Jason in EVERY scene, saving everybody. Well, except for his dad.

B. The show beginning and ending with Scummy & Snarly. Seriously. Friday's show (I think it was Friday -- I taped) started with Scumsome waking up in each other's arms... Awwww. So romantic. If I wasn't already hating this couple so damn much. And it ends... not with Alan's heart attack which SHOULD be the week's big cliffhanger. Oh, no. It ends with Carly telling her Demon Spawn for the Nth time that they won't be "moving back in with daddy." Cue Sonny looking... mildly upset? Constipated? Whatever. I'm just sick of these two eating up precious screentime. We have had this exact same cliffhanger since 1999!

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That's not even comparable, Liz was a surrogate for Jax and Skipper for one pregnancy, she lost her and Ric's baby after he gave her pills that caused her to miscarry and have a stroke.

Sonny just screws women cause he's a skank. He talks about all this AIDS stuff, but yet sleeps with women constantly and impregnates them :rolleyes:

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