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I liked Jason and Sam in theory, but more as friends. Partners. Like when they were having that shootout on the roof with the cops, and Jason tosses Sam the gun, and she's like "I'll cover you! GO! GO!" and starts shooting back at the cops without hesitation... Things like that work. But, romantically, I don't see them together. I've said this before, but the writers don't know what to do with the Sam character. They can't make her too bad ass, kick ass, because they're obviously giving that role to Laura Wright's Character and they're grooming Lulu to be her successor. They can't make Sam too quietly strong and independent, because Liz has that on lock, as well. So what's left is this wishy washy, sometimes strong, most times weak, needy, Pass Around Ho of a character that has no sense of self.

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I know the B**CH did not blame Sam! I cant beleive she had the nerve to say Sam started all of this by betraying Jason. As if Sam made her go and spread for friggin legs for another man and get pregnant. This twit is the WORST in daytime when it comes to taking responsibilty for her actions. She's worst than AMC's Babe. She refuses to take full accountability for her own actions

Loved the Milo, Dillon and Spaghetti (lol..thanks Tracy) fighting for Lulu. That was funny. She sure has al the guys falling over her.

Also loved the Lucky/Sam scene. Those two look great together

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That was pretty damn random, wasn't it? :lol: I was like, "why is Tamara Braun getting into bed -- oh." And then I was like, "wait! Did I miss a previous Kotex scene? :unsure: Is that even possible? Usually, my retinas catch on fire when she comes on my screen." So, yeah, that scene was pretty random.

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Awww my heart is melting for the Lucky and Liz scene. I almost died with that hug. He was so sweet and genuine and I could really feel the love and chemistry between them. Im really loving Liz in these scenes and she looked crushed when he kept going on and on about the future. The topping to those scenes was him with his head on her belly as she stroked it. Im in LnL2 heaven. Oh why must TIIC screw with them and their fans?

Sam is incredible. She just came to see Liz and was inquiring about her and the baby. I love how nice she's being. Oh crap I hope Elizabeth isnt the one to tell her about the baby

Yeah for Craig! I love that my favorite new villain is alive, and out and about

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I'm still not convinced this kid will stay Liason's. It is for now, but if the Liason fans believe that Guza won't pull a fast one, you're fooling yourselves. I can see that baby needing a transfusion or something in a year, Jason going to give blood, and OMG not matching.

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you better believe that kid isnt Jasons. Ive watched soaps enough to know that NO WTD storyline is resolved with just one test. I think either Ric messed with the test or their was a lab mix up and I wouldnt be surprised since it was that hack Horney-Ass Kelly that ordered them

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I don't know how the next 2 weeks will play out, but the spoilers for them sound very good and they are very balanced in my opinion and as said in the spoiler post - I think I saw almost everyone of the players meantioned except for Mac, Bobbie, Gerogie, and Epiphany. To me they are very balanced - better than I have seen spoilers in a long time.

Of course some have more mention than others, but I expect that.

As good as they sound, I will reserve judgement until they play out.

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