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He's only human. I'm a person of faith too, but that gunman just kept pushing Mateo. That's why people like Ghandi and Dr. King are such ideals. They tok so much crp, but I've always preferred Malcolm X. I was so happy he got militant! :lol:

Ric needs to get a life already. What a loser. Alexis should be raising Molly.

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trotting out monica, edward, and tracy to "say hello/goodbye" to alan was typical and boring.

we could've written those scenes in our sleep -- nothing special or interesting or moving about them at all. those scenes should have had "emmy" stamped on them instead of ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz.

and robin??? can we talk about the LAMEST "i'm dying" scenes in a decade??? kimberly m. closes her eyes and calls it acting. DREADFUL.

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Comments on Thursday:

It was a good show! Like I said yesterday, I like Liz/Sam bonding, simply because it will be a much bigger impact once the truth about the baby is out! Perfect!

Sophie? LoL They took this part of the story from DaVinci's Code.. lol And they named the woman Sophie, like the character in the DaVinci's Code.. lol (Or has this Sophie been mentioned before?)

I loved Tracy talking to Alan.. it was totally her way of trying to encourage Alan to wake up.. I love Jane Elliott...

I liked Kimberly.. don't see anything wrong with her dying scenes...

Even though, 3 and Maxie look good together, I'm not really impressed with his acting.. not that he had much to do, but still...

The tension is building as everyone knows that once the vault opens, they are dead... so I can't wait today's epsiode to come! It's going to be a blast (pun intended.. lol)

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