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AMC: Tuesday

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I do want to see the flashbacks. Did we see any of Jesse McCartney's "Junior"? Or the boy that played Jamie opposite JM's Junior? I loved those boys togeter. I thought, they and CM/MEK had such wonderful family chemistry.

Other then that, I don't want to see it. I can't believe that AMC did this. And a year to the day of Josh reveal...they're trying to kill this show.

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Summer of Ryan

The upcoming season is going to be devoted to the most foulmouthed, idiotic, brainless, twitty, and just plain dumb egocentric shithead known to man and yes we are talking about St. Ryan Curry Stamp Lavery. Expect to have plenty of beaches filled with contaminated Dynamite Kiddo urine to cause all the surfers to smell like carrots in Vaseline and Bacardi mixed together-blech I know! But what is even worse is the amount of Sun that comes down to bake on his enemies and turn them into three legged dogs with a millimeter peter that is just a tad bit bigger than Ryan's himself. This is not a good outlook for the season and on the horizon we have three a$$ed bats coming in to suck the blood like Angelina's fish lips does to Brad Jr. on a hot tin roof of weed infested crapalacka. Now this is a time to be cheering for the Fall to come on out and to let Summer pass on and go down in history as smelling worse than an Anna Nicole fart and Roseanne dumpling put together! Yep it is that bad and won't be getting any better...hey before you know it they will have Spike and Emma pissing in the wind and saying "it all comes back to me now"

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Today's episode was pretty good, and the flashbacks, even I was bawling. JY and MEK were frickin amazing! Ryannie is boring, and I love seeing more of Julia and Sydney Penny.

Yep in the new SID, the reason we're not seeing Palmer at the hospital for Dixie's death is that James Mitchell was out sick when those scenes were taped, so they brought in Jill Larson in his place.

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Well that's it... and it all fades to white. I am still in shock. I cried and cried today..... Dixie looking for Tad at the hospital OMG :( And then when she found him and Kate and she waved goodbye and blew her a kiss my god. Like AMC f-you! You have totally ripped this fan's heart out. I will never forgive you for it.

If this did turn to be a fake out.... that would hurt even more! Put me through this only to find out its a ruse. God. Oh well I am going to rise above this. I won't let AMC keep me down.

Oh and to ever said Babe dying would be the only payoff to this, yeah that. I want Babe dead now and I used to love the character. Babe lives and Dixie dies.... there is something severely wrong with this.

I loved how Opal mentioned Jenny :(

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So the only reason they brought Opal back was because they couldn't use Palmer? Idiots!

BTW new SOD hints that James Mitchell will be "retiring" soon (but I doubt its his choice, every time he speaks in the press he says he wants to work more, not less).

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Doubt it.

I’m guessing they'll either:

1) Do what they did with Brooke (Zero fanfare. A complete fade to the background -- and then Palmer will set up permanent residence in the Martin attic).


2) Palmer will die of natural causes. I guess peacefully dying would make more sense considering the actor’s age... but who knows...? They didn’t mention Langley’s death on the show until Ruth Warrick died in real life.

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Ok I just watched the last half of the show...and I'm in TEARS!

My heart was just pulled out...AMC just killed me with Dixie. I'm so sad.

I will say that AMC did a great job with the flashbacks and how they handled the story...letting Dixie figure out Kathy is Kate and then allowing Kate to see Dixie as the snow was falling (from what Father Clarence said about the snow). Also having Dixie put her hand on JR and Jamie. This would have been just fine if the circumstances were different and I knew they just didn't fire Cady in mid-storyline :(

I thought Jacob, MEK, Kelli, and even Justin B. did a great job today. Justin did a good job with his teary eyes and look of sadness. Of course JY and MEK were amazing...and I loved that scene where Di broke down in Aiden's arms.

I really loved Opal's line "Say hey to my Jenny." Nice history moment.

I think its crap too if the only reason they got Opal back was bc James Mitchell was ill and couldn't make it on the show. They should have gotten Opal no matter what.

So we saw a Ghost Dixie and the show went to white at the end :( That is officially it for Dixie Cooney Martin. I just can't believe it. :(

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Oh it was kinda nice to see the other characters from the past in the flashbacks today...major ones like Hayley (Kelly Ripa...man she looked YOUNG) and the old Ruth Martin and Gillian was in the background during one of the wedding flashbacks - and then lesser known characters like Belinda and Adrian.

Now I'm wondering if they purposely didn't put any flashbacks that had Brooke in them in case we'd just forget there ever was a Brooke? I mean seriously, they didn't really write Brooke off the show -- they just want us to forget about her...but why in the HELL was she not there for the hospital scenes - and if they even do a Funeral, I'm wondering if they'll even explain her absense at that. They probably just won't even mention her :(

ANYWAY - for all Tad/Dixie fans - here is a GREAT video tribute to T/D over the years: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTelJHohmpc -- love the song and love the clips. Makes today even HARDER to deal with :(

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