Members juniorz1 Posted January 24, 2007 Author Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 Excuse me! I take exception with that. I was starting this thread merely because I was annoyed that yet another thread was closed unnecessarily. There was a lot of good, interesting debate & discussion taking place in there and I thought it wrong that it was closed because the subject matter may have been uncomfortable to some. So I said something about it- which is exactly the same thing I do when something similar happens in any aspect of my life. Just because someone else's viewpoint disturbs/unnerves you shouldn't limit their right to express it. I don't agree with everything you've said today but I certainly haven't implied that you have no right to say it. Oh please, nobody is hating on anybody here. Once again, you reiterate my original point- should we NOT be allowed to disagree with the opinions of others? BTW, I've long been a decent, rule abiding poster and have spoken my mind 2,353 times now in this incarnation of SON. Pretty decent track record, don't ya think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Danni Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 I have a right to be angry and hostile at the fact that racism exists, and the fact that people keep perpetuating it with ignorant crap. Do you want to see the end of racism? Then do something. Just the sheer fact that you're saying that only POC need to do something about it shows how much you're willing to keep racism going. The change starts with you. What good is me or any other POC discussing the issue of racism if you're just going to brush it off and do nothing? What have you done to fight it? For the record, I am a college-educated woman, I have a job I love, and I love my life. I went in, knowing that the odds are stacked just because of my race and my gender, and I came out ten times better. Just because I have something that I am passionate about doesn't mean that I'm using it as a crutch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members CSW Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 I am getting old... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kwing42 Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 You know what Danni? I am doing something about it. I am not crying foul because an uneducated minority may get a position at a place that I appply for becaue they need to fill a quota. I treat people with respect, no matter what their color, sexual orientation or ethinic background. And yes, YOU need to do something about it if YOU feel you are being treated in an unjust manner. Do you need someone to rescue you? Is your life that bad that you can not function because of the color of your skin? If you are succeding in life and career, why are you being discriminated against for? I have trouble paying some of my bills because I do not make enough it because I am white? I do not drive the newest hottest car in the world, is that because I am white? I have been neglected, turned down, made fun of, ignored and ridiculed....does that mean I do not feel the same pain becuase...I AM WHITE? NEVER EVER call me a racist again. You hear me? You can throw that word around like its your own private word, but I am not a racist and I resent the fact you said that. If I have problems, issues, concerns, I DO something about it. I work for a solution. And I am nto saying who has it better or worse because I can bet we have both had lows that better each other and we have both had higher highs. But you are using it as a card, because you refuse to believe that OTHERS can have just as many problems as a person of color. Its only and all about color to you. And that is dangerous. The world is so much more than color. Some people will never see that, and its too bad. You are smarter then that. I am glad you are passionate about racism. Everyone should be because it is not something to be taken lightly. But your ignorance and hatred to those not like you is really frightening. I am a person of color too you know. I am white and white is a color. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Danni Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 The moment you wrote this out you completely lost ALL credibility. That is NOT what AA is, although you may somehow think that you're losing somehow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kwing42 Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 LOL really. Tell that to the white people of color who have been denied jobs because of it. But god forbid we complain because we would be labeled RACISTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Danni Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 1. How on earth would you know if some POC who was hired over you was unqualified or not? Did the job tell you? Did you look at their resume? 2. AA mostly benefits...*drumroll* white women, so if you're going to gripe at a group for AA, do it to them. 3. By the basic principle of AA, there wouldn't be a selection of some unqualified POC. It's about the even playing field because if it wasn't in place, the qualified POC will most likely lose to the unqualified white person. Please educte yourself on what AA is, and stop relying on the BS Republican propoganda you've been fed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Actor87 Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 Well....I guess I retract my statement that I said earlier since some of the earlier posts have now been edited. All I'm saying is that some people take stuff a little too far. They don't know when to put a sock in it and just hush. Sorry if I offended anyone. I'm just sating my opinion and I hope no-one holds that against so many seem to do nowadays. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kwing42 Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 Thanks Danni you are so entirely smart. DO SOMETHING. I am out!!!!! And are cool in my book! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Danni Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 The difference between us is that I am doing something. You're not contributing to the fight, so by default you're contributing to the perpetuation of it. If you can't handle that fact, it's not my problem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members SteveFrame Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 Juniorz to answer your original question. Sadly what this thread has become (once again the name calling has come out) is why the threads get closed. I hate it as much as you do. I find it sad that we can't act like adults and discuss things in a good way as they should be. But no we have to resort to name calling, snarky remarks that don't do anything but incite others, and if that doesn't work there is always the baiting remark I referred too before. I can't think of how many times I have read the statement - "trying no to lmao" - to serious comments made by others. I appreciate Juniorz coming in here and putting himself out on a limb by asking this question and trying to make us think - not just the mods but to me he was trying to make us think as posters. But once again to me the same thing has happened. Why can't we discuss things on SON anymore without the name calling. It doesn't help the conversation. It only makes that person angry and then further discussion is shut down. It become arguing and the mods have no choice but to close the threads. As WorldTurnsAtGH said it is even sadder that we can't even discuss our soaps anymore without the name calling and the snarky or baiting remarks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members juniorz1 Posted January 24, 2007 Author Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 I don't have a problem with the snarking. I actually don't have a problem with the fighting, and frankly, if someone calls me a name, I'm old enough to know that it's just them, showing their ignorance, and move on. Yes, I was trying to make everyone think but also point out that we're all just expressing our viewpoints and everyone expresses themselves differently. There are always going to be people anywhere you go who bait you or call you a name or are rude in their disagreement. I don't think we should be shunned from that, but rather, embrace it in a way and figure out a way to turn that negative energy into something positive. Try and understand where that person may be coming from- maybe they weren't raised in the same manner you were or come from a different religion or different code of ethics. Either way, we are all very different people in this world and we've all gotten so touchy. In any event, IMO, no matter how ugly things can get, whether it be in life or on the boards, Closing Off all discussion is never a solution to the problem and tends to only inflate and perpetuate it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Shawn Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I really agree with everything that was said here, Kwing. I too am sick and tired of people playing the race card just because they cannot come up with another viable explanation of why they are rejected, disliked, insulted, etc. I have been called a racist by several black men who hit on me simply because I tell them that I am not attracted to men of color. There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with them, I just don't find my libido pining for them. They respond with "you are nothing but a racist." There's NO justification for that. It's my personal PREFERENCE. I happen to be attracted to Latino men, but if rejected by one because I am not his type does NOT give me the right to call them a racist. Each person is attracted to who they are attracted to. If a person of any race is turned down for anything that they go for, there's usually a reason. True, there are PLENTY of people in this world who are bigoted/racist. As a gay male, and as I know many of the gay males and people of color on this board have experienced, I have been the target of such reprehensible behavior. You can't change that. Unfortunately, it will always be a part of the world, although hopefully it will dwindle as the years continue to go by. But there are PLENTY of people in this world who are kind hearted and who judge people by the merits of their work and of their attitude and size of their hearts. They do NOT deserve to be called a bigoted person simply because a person of color/homosexual doesn't meet the criteria for what they are looking for in life or in the workplace. We should not have to walk on pins and needles. And instead of playing the blame game, we should work to resolve the situation to get rid of this epidemic in a logical, well thought out way. Any other way is a cop out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DruRocks Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 I don't know how anyone could have a problem with snarking. Everybody does it. What would our soaps be without the occasional snark? I'm all for positive and peaceful discussions, but everything can't always be kosher. Besides when things get heated I just tend to make a joke, or avoid it all together. I'm not going to exhaust myself getting riled up over nothing. ETA: I don't see the "name calling" except for maybe 3/4 posters who do it. But it's nothing significant. And they obviously do it to arouse attn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Danni Posted January 24, 2007 Members Share Posted January 24, 2007 I'm totally down for civilized discussion, but I'm not going to beat around the bush just because it makes you uncomfortable. In fact, the discomfort is a good thing because it's a challenge. However, if you feel the need to personally attack me, fine. I'm down with that too, but at least know your [!@#$%^&*]. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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