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AMC - Wednesday

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So far so good with the Bianca/Zarf/Di/Aiden scenes. Zarf and Aiden have great chemistry ;) No but really, I love it when Zarf flirts with him and Aiden gets slightly uncomfortable. "Mr. Bond"

Is Dani dead? I was surprised to see all the flowers and ribbons on her, as I figured the Satin Slayer had to run out quickly. Now if Babe and Josh would STFU, maybe Dani can be saved. Seriously, the Babe/Josh stuff is really annoying and not needed at all.

The Kendall/Zach/Ryan stuff is kinda annoying too since its obvious Kendall won't say anything to Ryan. So it's pretty much boring filler so far.

I'm happy that Colby and Sean are being forced to learn a lesson - and that judge, was he the Madden judge or something? He looks familiar.

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That was the judge that wouldn't allow Tad and Dixie to get a sample of Annie and Emma's DNA and wouldn't put Emma in foster care until it was proved who her biological parents were. It was another judge after Tad had Julia look up the DNA matches in the computer that took Emma away from Annie until the DNA test proved that she was her daughter.

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Ohh yeah that's right. Thanks :)

Well today was pretty good - I think they'll be able to save Dani's life...but it'll be awhile before she can talk and let everyone know who was standing over her, which is probably the Satin Slayer.

It was good to see Derek show another emotion except stern/interrogating. I liked the ending how he pulled the gun on Zarf, which is understandable considering his daughter is dying and all signs point to Zarf, BUT I hope this eventually gets Derek in trouble, which would be realistic. I hope he just doesn't get away with it bc he's a cop and they wouldn't want to write something else for Derek.

I loved Colby's plea to the judge. I really hope this all changes her for the good. I'm glad the writers are touching on this and aren't just sliding all her other crimes under the rug.

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Once again Ryan STFU you borish asshat! UGH I freaking hate him. Kendall don't apologize to him, he doesn't deserve it.

Once again Zach gets blamed for everything in Pine Valley. Give me a freaking break, Zach isn't reponsible for anyone dying. Freaking hack writers

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I thought today's episode was boring.

Too bad Kendall didn't really want Ryan to let her see Spike. I was hoping she'd demand to see her son and point out how violent Ryan was with her 2 summers ago then call him an unfit parent.

I feel for you, Zendallfan. Even though Zach isn't my cup of tea, it was ridiculous how Ryan blamed him for the secret Kendall is keeping.

I don't get why Zarf lied to Bianca. Maybe it's just me, but I found Zarf somewhat annoying again today like he was when he first arrived.

The only part I cared about was Colby & Sean. I hate seeing Adam do nothing to save his kid; it's so out of character. I wish he would take his balls back from Krystal soon. I can't believe Krystal mentioned she was in jail and conveniently left out that she was there to cover for Babe. How can Krystal expect Colby to face up to the consequences of her actions when she doesn't expect Babe to do the same?

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Of course Ryan blamed him, that's all he ever does. He excuses his multiple killer brother from his actions, but Zach is teh evul of Pine Valley GMAFB.

I HATE that Zen are being used to prop that asshat.

Di and Aidan were the highlight of the show for me today. Overall the episode sucked, just when I thought the show might be improving............

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^Word Angela

I hate that McWriters have Zen kissing the ground Ryan walks on. I would have been cool with a Ryan/Kendall/Zach friendship IF it was written better. Like I said on a different board, Zen should have given Ryan a verbal smackdown finished off with Zach giving Ryan the Vulcan Death grip :D

Di & Aidan were greatness. Totally cuteness. Highlight for me too

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For once Im not minding Ryan. He is very tolerable these days. I didnt see anything wrong with him today and dong understand the hate thats being slung in his direction.

Bianca said Aidan is a detective. When did that happen? Is that something I missed when I dropped the show?

What exactly did Sean and Colby do?

Babe, STFU!

The Zarf/Bianca scenes were pretty good. Im really enjoying these two

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I just thought Ryan was out of line assuming that Kendall was keeping a secret for Zach and not the other way around.

Aidan has been working with Tad for a while, but I don't remember him ever officially getting a detective's license. I guess in PV they don't need one. :lol:

Sean & Colby got into a limo on New Year's Eve and pretended that they were another couple to the driver. Then, they ordered him to take them to New York, but they got arrested instead. I'm not sure what the actual charge was, but Derek did confiscate their fake IDs so that might have been part of it.

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Ugh! Rebecca Taylor has successfully lived down to my exceedingly LOW expectations of her sh!tty scriptwriting.

Again -- she stayed true to form, spending each and every scene writing redundant filler. Whenever she writes the script, if you notice, all anybody ever does is ask questions and/or give roundabout answers beating around the bush. Nothing the characters say ever means anything, because it's all just space filler so Taylor can get her 80 page script done.

Just read it:

Ryan: So what is it? What is it that Zach's not telling? I want an answer, Kendall.

Kendall: Oh, ok. Well, the two of you were all worked up and I -- I'm sure I just -- I'm sure I just misunderstood, so it -- it's nothing.

Ryan: Oh. All right, so what did you think that we were all worked up about?

Kendall: I don't know -- maybe the playoffs. I don't know, Zach beat -- his team beat your team, I don't know.

Ryan: He told you to go ahead. There's obviously something.

Kendall: Ok. Ryan, why don't I walk back in and we'll start over, ok?

Ryan: No, you stay and you tell me.

Kendall: Ryan, it doesn't matter.

Ryan: You know what -- you're awfully quiet. So, what is this? What the hell aren't you telling me this time?

By the end of the scene -- we're still at the very same place we began. RYAN ASKING KENDALL WHAT IS SHE NOT TELLING HIM, and nothing's been revealed. No story has been pushed forward. Nada! Zilch! Zip!

Taylor writes interviews -- not dialogue. Not two people having a conversation with each other. Look how this scene between Bianca and Zoe reads. It fits perfectly into a Q&A format on TVGuide.com. Look...

Bianca as Question, Zoe as Answer. Go!

Q: No, I want the truth. Was I wrong? I mean, what was the hotline call about? Are you transgender? Is Zoe real?

A: Zoe is as real as I want her to be.

Q: What is that supposed to mean?

A: I am an artist, Bianca. I'm always looking for inspiration, in places that people often wouldn't, and then one day it hit me -- the transgender community. Oh, god, the conflict, the pain -- men trapped in women's bodies, women in men. Rich stuff.

Q: So you wanted to write a song about the transgender experience?

A: I'm an original -- that's why I'm a star. And I do my research, ergo the transgender hotline. I wanted to find out what made those people tick.

Q: "Those people"?

A: That hotline -- gold mine. It was fabulous. Now you see why Zoe was just perfect.

Q: And I was a part of your research?

A: Crucial. If Zoe wasn't just a woman in a man's body, but also a lesbian, I needed to see how a lesbian would react. The slap -- so true, so real. From the gut. Just what I was looking for -- ha -- and I got it. And now I'm done and on to the next inspiration. Don't let this go to waste. Precious liquor.

Q: Oh, god, would you stop? Tell me the truth. Why are you here? What are you doing? Are you Zoe or Zarf?

Bianca's point of view was non existant and those lines could've been given to ANY character on the canvas. Derek, Tad, Aidan, Di, Krystal, Erica... there's nothing in there that reads like "Bianca." It's all just empty questions with answers obviously found in the breakdown Taylor was writing from. Which, in all actuality, is the only reason this episode moved forward at all. The breakdown.

I don't know why this woman is still on the writing staff. A part of me wishes Jackie's lies were correct -- that Rebecca Taylor had already written her last work back last summer... but if that were true, then Joanna Cohen would've been gone, too... and I think, with a little work, Cohen will be AMC's saving grace in the script department.

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I thought today was just ok. I liked the Zinks interaction, but having Zarf mislead Bianca about really being TG was kind of frustrating. I think there has been enough game playing at this point. I guess maybe Zarf was thinking it was best to just cut his losses and leave town.

The rest of the show wasn't that interesting to me.

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