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DAYS: 2 Big Firings...

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And the 90s are over, and weren't all that great anyway. Austin and Carrie were nice to look at but were never very smart.

I just don't understand the logic when people used to !@#$%^&*] about Bo and Hope or John and Marlena or Jack and Jen being boring and of no use to the show, and how Hogan needs to shake the couples up and make it interesting again and now suddenly, Austin and Carrie are so needed?

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True enough....a Austin and Carrie reunion and wedding will be nice, and their story has been told. I think Lumi has much more mileage.

Also, I hope Hogan can develop an interesting 20something group with dynamic storylines and characters outside of triangles (ie...who is Belle outside of pinning for Shawn?); because the current set is a bore.

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Exactly. They are done. Put them together, sail them off into the sunset and be done with it.

King, can you honestly say that either actor/character has broughten something to the show in the year they've been there? If so, you can start the examples now.

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I don't think they are useless but I agree. You can't even break them up because JER wrote it like they are destined and won't love anyone else. The return was ok but could've been so much better. It is hard to go anywhere else with them in my mind. Sure you can do coporate stories with them and a baby story but you can't do adventure stories with them because they just don't seem like the type of couple like Bope, Steve/Kayla, and J&M. There is always the Carrie/Anna angle too but I don't Days will bring Hunley back anytime soon. There is really not much to them and most of the time they have been together they have been apart or tested by something like Sami or Mike. I honestly have no idea what Hogan could've wrote for them, which is why I worried when we first heard about the cuts.

Abe and Lexie can act and would probably take huge cuts just to stay. Plus, the show isn't getting rid of two prominent minority characters who are well-established. They need some diversity and they aren't bringing in a new minority family because Days fans aren't going to want new faces right now. They can always make Lexie evil and do alot with Abe and they could also be cheaper.

Oh and I agree Drew, I have loved them this summer as it has been classic Carrie/Austin but they are done and I have had that feeling since spring. JER wrote them into a corner where they just have to be together now and there is nowhere else to go like I said. Lumi has alot of directions to go in compared to them.

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And why would getting rid of Stephanie be idiotic? She's pointless. All she does is go after her foster uncle. No one would miss that. She's been on for five minutes. Dump her.

If the budget is as drastic as everyone says it is, freeing up every last penny would save.

DAYS more than any other soap opera is a soap based on couples. People watch FOR the couples. The families. The romance. These couples have spanned generations. The actors have been with this show for DECADES. It's very rare!

And look what we have to look forward to.......

Shawn/Belle - one half is being re-cast. Given, that CAN and probably will be VERY good. But add it to the list of unfamilarities to look forward to. Too many changes at once are NOT good. Period.

Bo/Hope - this story is headed no where good.

Jack/Jennifer - leaving.

Sami/Lucas - will be throw into a triangle with Brandon I am sure. Oops. I mean E.J.

Austin/Carrie - fired.

Steve/Kayla - Stefano will be responsible for Steve's memory loss, which is a huge cop out and a historical slap in the face.

Abe/Lexie - Backburner hell.

John/Marlena - the one glimmer of hope.

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Right, it's not like I didn't enjoy the story in the 90s when I was younger but really they've done nothing and they're not very good or interesting to me anymore, the story got told. And Hogan Sheffer never was big on that prom king/queen vibe of theirs, so what's he going to write for a lunk like Austin?

Days was written for supercouples and triangles for over ten years and I feel like it's made a real mess of things. The show was in the basement when James Reilly got fired for a reason. I think it needs to focus on smart writing and well-written characters, not just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. As for Stephanie, she's easily the most talented young person I've seen join the show in ages, with a fresh kind of look and face and obvious acting ability. More than a match for the pretty lukewarm Martha Madison, or certainly for Rachel Melvin. Also, Stephanie has a chance to attract a new generation of young viewers who identify with her over Austin and Carrie. They don't care what Austin and Carrie did in 1993, especially since Austin and Carrie aren't doing anything right now.

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Um, I've been siting examples since page two.

Everyone has been running around for months saying the returns have flopped. They didn't. They didn't meet the almighty high expectations of the almighty high DAYS fans, but A/C fans loved their return stories. I loved their returns. I'm not the only one. The one complaint I have is they were boring as hell in April and May as was every other useless story on DAYS those two months.

Well, there's a kink in that plan. DAYS will never have them frontburner. Ever.

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Austin and Carrie were brought back in the wrong way. Austin forgave Carrie way too soon. She cheated on him for Christ sakes! The way JER wrote it, Carrie accidentally threw his shoes away or something and Austin was supposed to forgive her. JER made more of a stink about Carrie's poor ass company getting taken over than the fallout of the affair. Horrible writing and sadly, Clark and Peck are the victims. They are the weakest links and it's time to say goodbye.

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The mistake days made with the Austin/Carrie return was not bringing back Mike. Hell, if they were going to do the 90's again, they should have completed it by bringing back the character that fractured Austin/Carrie relationship and worked from there, and they should have kept Nicole around. She added the spice that this quad is missing.

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Why would getting rid of Stephanie be idiotic?

Simple-she is young, fresh, and new. She hasn't been played out and Days needs a new young core nwo that Shawn, Belle, etc have all grown and some are leaving or have left. She is also the daughter of one of the biggest supercouples ever who have just returned. We are just starting to see her get some direction under Beth so firing her so fast would be stupid when there are so many ways to go with her. She isn't played out and, despite my love for them, Carrie and Austin are. I can't honestly think about any story for them other then a baby story which fans are no doubt sick of and exploring Carrie/Anna which isn't happening.

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Because it's better for the show in general to have minority characters. Even if they're not used as frontburner, they HAVE them.

Yes and maybe Shawn, Lucas, E.J., and Max aren't anything to write home about NOW. Look who we've had as a head writer for most of their times on the show. JER writes characters around plots. He doesn't write for character growth, unlike Hogan. I think these four will really surprise us once Hogan gives them some characteristics.

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I think they should have brought Carrie and Mike (short-term), then they should have taken the time to reestablish the character and her real personality. The whinning over the company and her self-imposed victimization ("oh poor me I love Austin, but I can't have him"), hurt the character in the long run.

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