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Posts posted by edgeofnik

  1. @Faulkner 100% with the switch. But it seems like the PF version with Sally was the outlier and was effective in erasing Thomas' previous creep factor. Think of Brooke on the island and, of course, the C2 bedding while she was under the influence. It's like the recast and reverted. Still, with Sally working at FC now, it's a very strange omission to not utilize her as a friend. Having Sally call out Thomas' moves or advise him would add some depth to a very contained story. Zoe can't fill that void.

  2. @Soaplovers @crc B&B sure is investing a lot of time with Thomas. I'm not sure of the endgame here - are they trying to 'reform' him or are we heading to a 'no turning back' point with the character?  The quick shots of Hope's body parts certainly implies the latter because it only reinforces Thomas' inherent creepiness and does nothing to make him likable in any manner.


    I still don't understand the lack of Sally in all of this. Sally, of all characters, would be the one to bring him off the brink. It also could create a new angle with Liam and Wyatt. Liam would actually want Sally to get more involved with Thomas to keep him away from Hope, while Wyatt would want the exact opposite. That's far more plausible than the Zoe stretch.

  3. @Soapsuds @KMan101 Is there any doubt that it ties to Will? Even if Ron wanted to, no way DAYS can go over the 3 gay limit on current canvas. FYI Ben and Clyde are way too repressed to ever ‘count.’  Lol.


    I wonder how fans would react if RW has been brought on as a Sonny recast. Oh wait - can still happen -  when Rolf implants Sonny memories giving Ben a brain. WilSon would reach a new level. 

  4. @Dr Neil Curtis I had no idea Sami had 5 children. Since Will’s the only one on canvas, I do think it would benefit CM to give Will an edge. Im sure part of CM’s trademark smirk and inappropriate smiles is that he is just bored with the milquetoast material.


    While he doesn’t have to go all dark side, some real gray would make him far more interesting.


    More than that, it would help further the journey that treats gay characters the same as their hetero counterparts. It was laughable that Kate, of all people, would get all up in Sonny’s face about a kiss. That was an extreme overreaction, especially since Will pushes Sonny away. Better: Kate sharing her experiences with separations/troubles and asking Sonny if he really does want to move on from Will and what that means. 

  5. Evan is about a basic stereotype casting as possible. He looks like one of the ‘morphs’ from Michael Jackson’s ‘Black or White’ video from 30 years ago! But I’m for more representation on canvas. 


    Good thing none of the Sonny fatshamers here and elsewhere wouldn’t be so bold to ask for ‘unconditional acceptance.’ 


    Sadly, the Will character has none of the interesting traits of either of his legacy parents or grandparents. The writers have played it far too safe with Will. How the heck does Will have 50% Sami and 25% Kate blood? Baby switch? Unlike Hope on B&B who has been intentionally written to be the moral opposite of Brooke, Will has been neutralized from having any interesting or ‘bad’ traits. It’s a real disservice to the legacy and to the actor. 

  6. I just binged the past 2 weeks. 


    1. Is LK the hottest Sr Citizen on TV? She actually makes the Stevano scenes she’s in watchable. And that’s saying something. 


    2. Kristen/Lani is the best thing to come out of this. What’s weird is that it doesn’t seem forced. 


    3. Chad/Gabi have chemistry that far exceeds their current pairings. 


    4. Sonny/Evan and Jarlena complete FF material. 


    5. Rafe may have found his brain and his b———s.


    6. The SR/DH rumors must be true. They appeared separately during the Mickey crisis. Even though there’s no conceivable reason why these mothers wouldn’t be with their children every step of the way during this crisis with their grandchild. 



  7. @Broderick With spades with those actresses! SG became the 'star' of the show for good reason. It also helped that HS wrote Raven with traits, dialogue and drive normally associated with a man. But Sharon's inherent sultry sensuality was never compromised so she never came away as harsh or, using a very un-PC term, "butch.' Something that isn't easy to accomplish.


    Raven was easily one of the strongest women in the history of soaps. Even when she was down, she never felt like a victim because HS always had her forge her own path to the top. 

  8. I stumbled on Edge during the middle of the Jeff Brown story and I was hooked - it aired AFTER Nightline where I lived at the time (St Louis). By then Elliot, Logan and Draper had already exited. It wasn't until I saw the videos of the pre-late 1981 episodes that I realized what a huge hole having those 3 leading men exit. Interestingly, they all played so well with SG. Of course, SG continued to drive the show because she had chemistry and presence to spare. 



  9. @Gray Bunny Speaking of Kate's kids. How do you think positioning Kate as a matriarch (albeit a hot, sassy vibrant one) and building a big portion of the show are her kids?


    Like I mentioned before (and many agree), the DAYS Horton/Brady family trees are a mess and the show does need a filled-out, interesting family.


    Once Anniston is retired, the Kirikas family will be rudderless. He truly is the glue. (See the REAL Stefano as an example).


    LK is as magnetic, dynamic and screenworthy as ever, I wouldn't mind see her as the center of the show. She doesn't even need a 'man' to be interesting. Frankly, there isn't a male actor on canvas that is worthy of her presence.  

  10. @Soapsuds The Kim/Sabrina scene was just as perfect as I remembered it! No dialogue. I'd forgotten about the quick cuts to the Mom/Child. Thank you for finding it for me! 


    Separately, I'd forgotten that this was the end of the 'child' Emily. It was only when Melanie Smith was cast a few months later that it was believable that James would hook up with Emily. That 1987 cast was pretty darn solid (except for miscast Emily).


    @DramatistDreamerDarn Marie Masters really could kick butt! And she should've never lost her edge. I loved the way she could flew in the face of all things wholesome and Stewart! 


    The Marland-era work really did stand out.  

  11. Looking forward to bingeing the week when I get back to town tonight. Sounds like I’ll be FF a lot. 


    Two things I hope I’ll enjoy based on the insightful and hilarious comments so far: 


    1. Kristen/Lani teaming against Gabi. I have no idea why these two work for me. Maybe because it’s unexpected and gosh Lani could use a lil bit of Kristen to amp her character. 


    2. Sonny’s ‘cheating.’  True equality will be achieved when gay couples are written exactly the same way as traditional couples. I loathe the hysteria that surrounds gay couples in prime time (and WilSon)  if there’s even a hint of splitting them up. As if they are in some protected bubble that demands they must be preserved as a couple forever. And if they aren’t, it’s an affront to depiction of gay characters. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite! Gay relationships have the same fundamental issues, challenges, wandering eyes, separations, divorce, etc as traditional couples. I only wish Evan found Sonny on Scruff. Haha. 

  12. Does anyone know if the Kim/Sabrina meet/reunion is on YouTube? I couldn’t find it during on a regular search. Maybe it’s tied to a daily episode or a compilation of JM’s best moments? 


    I just remember it was remarkably authentic - especially for a sorta retcon - though I seem to remember that they showed an old clip of Kim ‘losing’ her baby. I was never a KH fan, but I was stunned at how beautifully acted those scenes were. OC, as a huge JM fan, she made everything great so I’m automatically biased by her work! 


    Any guidance would be helpful. And I hope I’m not ‘over’ remembering how good it was! 

  13. @Gray Bunny I read both several months ago, but good grief, who really knows. It seems like with DAYS departures announced while actor is still filming so it's 8 month + announcement window. Frankly, I thought KDP was leaving during those pre-TJ wedding week, which seemed like a natural exit. Too bad CM and KDP both look a lot better during the TJ.  

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