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Posts posted by edgeofnik

  1. 2 hours ago, John said:

    Most daytime soaps do one take now, unless something falls on your head or a curse is said. If that happens. You only pick up from where it was messed up. Yu dont do the whole scene over.


    If that’s the case industrywide, then several DAYS’ actors are just weak. The fact that the constant slippage stood out when I started a four-month binge catch-up in August made me think it was production. I’ve watched soaps for decades as well as legacy (DS, TEON) and I’ve never seen anything like it - and it happens during every episodes. 

  2. @Antoyne SC will always be a weakness bc of Mike/Carly (ATWT), but Daniel turned into such a showeating character that I just couldn’t stand it.


    In measured doses, Daniel on canvas working with Sarah and Kayla at hospital, Maggie, of course, and in the middle of Ericole. Better than Stevano, Princess Gina and the unfortunate propping of St. Ben-dover. 

  3. CBS first to announce broad plans for hearing coverage starting Tuesday and sounds like it will last at least two weeks: https://deadline.com/2020/01/senate-impeachment-donald-trump-1202832470/


    I do wonder if NBC will continue to air DAYS online even if pre-empted  in most of country. I suspect if they do go online during massive or full pre-emptions, it means that the episodes impacted in Nov/Dec did very well on streaming. 



  4. 3 hours ago, Khan said:

    CM's problem is that he's judging the material rather than just playing it.


    CM has worked with LK and DH plenty - I’m surprised he hasn’t taken a cue from them that actors have the ability to make even the poorest scripts better. MBE is an expert at this with the ridiculous medical situations Kayla has had to address. These actors find ways to sell it to the audience through sheer charisma or bringing a humanizing element to the screen.  Either CM isn’t skilled enough or doesn’t care. You choose. LOL. 

  5. @victoria foxton Sadly being gay does not automatically grant kissing excellence. 😘


    The biggest issue with Sonny/Evan is that there isn't a hint of real chemistry between the actors. We've all watched plenty of soaps to know when two actors just click (romantic, friends or rivals). See - the heat in the 1:1 CB/BF scenes and compare them to the more flat 1:1 scenes with their respective romantic pairings. 



  6. On 1/11/2020 at 10:24 AM, KMan101 said:


    He used to be. He played gay on 90210 and then DAYS. Try and watch early Wilson. It's like night and day with Freddie. I wonder if he's ... restrained on purpose ;) I know he's got a wife/girlfriend but that doesn't really matter. I feel like he became more restrained in his return. I don't think he's uncomfortable I just think he's checked out.


    Evan has more chemistry with Rafe. Those Sonny/Evan scenes were the most uncomfortable to watch because both actors are kinda stumbling with their delivery. 


    Please no more Kristen/Nicole scenes - the writers are just plain lazy with that pairing. Considering the history with those two characters (and Eric/Brady connections), they could be far more interesting.  Shoot how a Kristen/Nicole scene wishing Victor 'the best' during his stroke surgery could've been fun!   


    Can DAYS' budget really afford to have Kristen continually trashing that hotel room set? It's like the 4th time since she came back! And SH really gets into it, which makes me LOL. 


    Even though MBE is one of the most solid actors on the show, the Kayla suddenly thirsty for Steve was so badly written/conceived, that even she couldn't get me to believe it.  


    Anyone else pick up on how difficult it was for Drake to sell the catching Hope in the liar scenes? Even he isn't buying that John would be that oblivious. 


  7. 22 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:

    Not sure what Basic Black does, but in the year 2020, it's unfortunate the word "basic" is part of their name. 


    Truth in marketing? Or does it describe their office space? DAYS should either go all out on business or ditch completely. Showing the awful offices at Titan, DM and BB doesn't help the show or further the story since most of the time it's tied to domestic story (Titan, BB) or with DM - they spend most of time talking business at the mansion anyway.  

  8. Honestly I believe the Stevano/Princess Gina has been a big turnoff. Didn’t the ratings really start to crash after the Stevano reveal? Also, while I like seeing KA looking good, the PG stuff is beyond unbelievable. Ciara is so clever she can pull all this stuff for Ben, but doesn’t notice a huge change in her mother? Dr Marlena Evans, who really should’ve stripped of her medical license for ineptness years ago, isn’t at all tipped off by Hope’s predatory behavior?


    Viewers are willing to suspend ‘reality’ if the stories are good, well acted and the premise could lead to a great payoff (e.g., Kristen/Lani, the convent, unexpected friendship and common goal of getting Gabi). None of these are present with Stevano - it’s just embarrassing. You know it’s bad when Mumbles is out acting SN. 

  9. @Antoyne @ranger1rg In one episode, Ron basically undid everything accomplished during the previous 2 months with Kristen. Do they not watch the dailies? Kristen being cool/grounded and then paired with Lani is seriously the best surprise from the TJ. And that was a lot closer to the ‘real’ Kristen - calculating and clever, not basic and thirsty.


    SH being unhinged just doesn’t work for her and it showed after the previous few weeks of restraint. If the end goal isn’t to keep Kristen/Brady viable, then why even have Kristen around?There’s absolutely no viable pairing left for that character. 

  10. The character really missing from the canvas is Taylor. 

    1. Her part in baby switch automatically creates conflict.

    2. Ridge/Brooke. She can provide commentary on Ridge's constant wavering

    3. Steffy/Liam/Hope. Give all 3 a reality check - plenty of Brooke/Ridge/Taylor history to use.

    4. Thomas/Douglas. Obvious.

    5. Bill. Obvious.


    Her presence would add depth to every scene since B&B is singularly focused right now. 

  11. 4 hours ago, te. said:

    Honestly though, it just pisses me off even more that they bothered to recast - if they have to film so far ahead, why not at least use that to their advantage and just delay filming of those scenes until Louise Sorel was available? It's not like the episodes had to be rushed to air.


    That would makes sense, but probably contract/scheduling issues with all the other actors and production. A lot of her scenes had multiple actors in them - the hostage stuff, Kate/hospital, etc. It would be different, if say, Vivian were locked in the tunnels with drop-ins by one or two other actors. 15 episodes - probably like 50-60 scenes? That's a lot for DAYS' tight budget to work around.  

  12. Glad LS will be back. Considering RS stepped into the role for 15 episodes, nearly all of which were plot-based from what I recall - being held hostage in that apartment, dashing off to shoot and bury Kate alive, trying to kill her in the hospital and the flying Stefan - I thought she handled the wretched writing and circumstances better than expected. I did think the Blair/Eve 'pep talk' scene was well done.   


    I also suspected LS would return with Stefan when RS was so adamant about not being needed. Right now, I'd gladly trade Stevano/Princess G for Stefan/Vivian. 

  13. 32 minutes ago, Ponds said:

    This is playing havoc with my DVR because the episodes won't record because it says that they are "old" episodes.


    And it gets messier for the scheduled Tuesday episode: 

    12/31: East Coast: A new episode airs.  West Coast: pre-empted for Sun Bowl

    1/1: East Coast: An encore episode airs. West Coast: New episode from Tuesday December 31 airs.


    And I completely agree with the others - the lack of any holiday decorations during post-Thanksgiving is jarring. But, at that time they were adjusting, they had at least 3 with no idea how many more would be pushed back - it ended up with 3 more. Next week is January 6 so they likely didn't want to risk that aesthetic.  

  14. 2 hours ago, sheilaforever said:

    Both come to mind immediately. Or they kill off one of the many Avants that they are no longer using...


    True. But the only one who would fit 'beloved' would be Maya. Not even Bell would be that Bold.


    I suppose a real dark horse could be Donna.


    The true Bell Tell will be a second/third tier character who suddenly has daily appearances for 2 or 3 weeks. 

  15. 6 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    A beloved character will meet their death in a horrific manner!


    Knowing B&B's definition of 'beloved' or 'important,' it will be Charlie.... and I will rejoice! Pam is perhaps possible, but unnecessary. S2 doesn't qualify as 'beloved' and would be foolish for many reasons, including a female character not related to the 3 main families. 

  16. @soapfan770 B&B has the benefit of the seemingly fastest production schedule. When the first pre-emptions started in mid-Nov, they were probably filming mid-December, so they probably just scrapped all the Xmas-related scenes. It could explains why the past few episodes were so Thomas-concentrated. Some of those scenes were probably meant for other episodes. Just a guess. We'll see if anything Xmas shows up next week.


    On another front. Was it even mentioned why Karen (grandmother) & Bill (uncle/family protector) didn't get involved in any of the Douglas drama? I get JJ probably isn't available for scenes, but Karen certainly would've had brother Bill intervene on her behalf.


    I get they are trying to force us into buying/rooting for a Hope/Thomas reunion and Douglas is a means to an end. However, Bill loved C2 and would never let Thomas harm that child. If Bill had been the one to encourage Hope to go for joint-custody, I could've bought that. Plus, Bill could've sold it with Liam, who strangely doesn't acknowledge that Douglas is his blood.

  17. Things that really worked for me this week: all of Kayla's scenes, Sarah/Xander, Kristen/Lani and, perhaps, Brady/Nicole. Their stories actually make me feel something. Giving Kristen/Lani real goals and motivations has helped both characters and actors immensely. Though I doubt it'll stick based on their last Friday scenes.


    Eve storming in as shrew really ruined that whole episode. KDP deserved a better exit than that. And the post-Horton catty behavior between Gabi/Abigail was beneath them both. 


    A Senior Citizen going pining away at his aged QOTN is cringeworthy. It's laughable everytime her calls her that. Just say Marlena. 


    Please put Hattie in a red wig or some non-DH hairstyle if she's sticking around. Except for the ridiculous Susan outfit, she looks exactly the same. Did an extra on the DAYS set sew that themselves? Sadly, DH isn't even trying and I don't know why. Hattie should be her 'release' valve. In small doses, Hattie, like Susan, can be refreshing from the really uptight characters. But not like this. 

  18. So Brooke just spent 2 or 3 episodes talking about how she doesn't want Hope working with Thomas because 'he's dangerous' and she 'needs to get Hope out of there.' Um, was Brooke part of the reason why Hope went for joint custody of Douglas? So it's 'dangerous' to be working at FC with dozens of people around, but it's OK to spend time together raising Douglas?


    This is where B&B's singular focused stories (aka Thomas is the topic of every conversation) goes completely off the rails. It reminds of the "Quinn is TOXIC!" episodes where every segment had some various of that theme.


    Gosh, break the Thomas-focus with at least two scenes focused on other characters - like Quinn talking to Sally about Wyatt and Quinn mentioning Shauna to Steffy. As far as I can tell, those are the only other stories that even have embers. I can't think of anything else that brewing at all. 

  19. @KMan101 Any clues as to why Freddie is so bored? I'd think having scenes that center around his character would be enough to energize him. Even if Freddie was some hot commodity in Hollywood, this is his job. I get that the DAYS set/production schedule is probably frustrating, but he's still on TV. There's plenty of soap actors who've been given far worse S/L and/or pairing but they are always engaged. 


    @Soapsuds Totally with you on CW doing better with vets, but only in scenes where he's not anchored to FS. It always bothered me that the 2 had to be in nearly every scene together no matter the logic. I think of the 'Kristen as Susan' scenes - those could have been better if it was just Will. It's as if Sony/TPTB were afraid if WilSon aren't seen together they'd get backlash for 'separating' them? 

  20. @soapfan770 Don't be ridiculous. The audience would never believe there are gay/pan/bi male fashion designers in LA. :)  Thomas would be the perfect character to be portrayed as fluid. I always believed LG also could've pulled it off as C2. I'm still sad that Bell chose his only attempt at representation by turning his first true POC leading lady into that Myron mess and sending KM into oblivion.   


    And, yes, Jacob Young is sorely missed on so many fronts. Shoot Rick or Deacon returning would certainly inject more into this story. Plus, you get Rick/Ridge battling for FC/Eric's attention again and this so-called Showdown (Rick/Hope v Ridge/Steffy). FC is way too harmonious with Eric/Ridge/Steffy at the top.  

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