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Posts posted by edgeofnik

  1. @Gray Bunny Thanks for the streaming info. That reaffirms my point about soaps and streaming because soaps do have a lot of content and it's ad supported, that has to bring in some $$$ to NBC.   


    For all the people here and all the sites (like Deadline) that say the show is past it's prime and should be cancelled, what's the point? There are like 500 scripted shows currently in production - I don't watch 480 of them, but I don't want them cancelled. The alternative to DAYS is more great content like Today Hour 12. 

  2. I wish we had streaming data because I wonder how DAYS does on NBC.com. I cut the cord two years ago and it's been great to have the option to 'skip' DAYS for weeks or months and do a massive binge catch-up. NBC keeps 4 months from current date available. I've been current since September, but I can't be the only one. Because the episodes include ads, it's not like NBC isn't making some coin. 


    In fact, one of the things Sony/Corday/actors should do is tell people to 'catch-up' through streaming - though that's a double-edge sword considering how wildly uneven the show really is! But it's worth a shot. Honestly, doing just that is what got me invested again. 


    It's surprising that only Dark Shadows is the only soaps that has capitalized on the huge library of content. Literally thousands of soap episodes are sitting in archives collecting dust instead of being licensed to streaming services.  



  3. 44 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:



    The strange thing is CBS has CBSN now but they don’t seem to utilize it well at all. 


    Agreed. All 3 major networks are planning on pre-empting - even though NBC has MSNBC and all the cable networks are covering it and it’ll be streaming on the web. It’s not like anyone who really wants to watch it, can’t find it somewhere. CBS thinks it’s going to help Norah O’Donnel’s disastrous start to CBS Evening News - it won’t.  

  4. @Errol That's very true about Dead Show Walking. At this point, DAYS needs all the attention it can get. Considering the debilitating constraints on production - the 8-months in advance, etc., there's nothing to lose. Clearly it was an intentional act to release this information and comment on the story. It's really up to SONY, Corday and, the actors to push the narrative. 


    The ULTIMATE irony, slap in face, is that DAYS will likely be pre-empted tomorrow anyway. 

  5. Even if significant cast members don't come back - when DAYS goes back into production in March, they can employ another time jump, recast,  have Stefano kidnap them, send them to Paris or simply ignore. Didn't DAYS have a character say he was going to mail a letter or go up the stairs and simply disappear? Maybe I'm mixing things up. DAYS production schedule required characters like Stefano and Caroline disappears after the respective actors passed - logistically not different.


    DAYS has enough recurring/past characters (i.e., Anna, Tony, etc.) that they can bring back. Plus, I'm sure there are plenty of 'former' cast members who would jump at the chance to work again. There's no shortage of former soap actors out there. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Khan said:


    I've always said B&B should have gone in a more noir-ish direction -- "Raymond Chandler meets daytime" -- to contrast the modern-day Ross Hunter/Douglas Sirk movie that was Y&R.


    Instead we have rich, educated, cultured and attractive 20-somethings desperate to get married and have babies. If I just read the 'relationship' parts of the scripts minus location/business, I'd think the show is based in some small 'dead-end' rural town in the Midwest or South where these characters have few options, not LA (Aspen/Monaco)! 


    I've said it before, these characters should be at the clubs, having one-nighters, experimenting, drug use/abuse, interacting with more diverse characters (culturally, economically) etc. Contrary to what Brad likely believes, I think people would like the characters more if they had these kind of adventures and flaws. Anyway, I know I"m preaching to the choir here. 

  7. @Cat OMG it's actually worse then the brief peeks I saw! Thanks for posting the videos. As @Khan rightly stated B&B just can't do adventure - most soaps have failed on that front. 


    It's weird B&B has never been able to do a traditional murder mystery. With Triangles, WTD, murder is a basic soap staple and they've never figured it out. You'd think with the backdrop of LA, high society, the fashion industry, and B&B's top notch production - especially the outdoor scenes - that'd be a slam dunk.


    Instead we get off-screen deaths and, I just realized, a lot of road kills (Macy, Phoebe, Darla, Aly "MUH-DAH!, Emma), etc.

  8. @Khan - When I was reading a recap about Ridge worrying about a vat of acid in the basement, I thought this is way off. I'm sure Thomas will be fine, he did survive the cliff fall, what 2 months ago?


    @YRBB - That sounds positively 'classic' Brooke 'opening her very big heart,' even under the most dire circumstance. Sounds like another 'awful' Sheila return - there's probably enough now to probably rival the annual "The Plan to SAVE DAYS!"  The transition of Sheila from Y&R to B&B was a brilliant twist that work for years. How did it all go so wrong so many times? 

  9. On 11/8/2019 at 5:13 PM, soapfan770 said:

    "Death" by vat of acid......what soap and year does Thudley think he's writing for at the moment, Days 1990 lol? 


    Didn't Ridge 'die' in a fire pit or something in 90s? I wasn't watching B&B at the time but I kinda remember visiting my mom and seeing Brooke in jungle wear - wait for it - crying. I just rolled my eyes and moved to next room - maybe it's a false memory.

  10. On 11/9/2019 at 9:38 AM, Khan said:

    FFS, will DAYS ever let Stefano DiMera rest in [!@#$%^&*] PEACE!?


    Right? As bad as B&B keeping Sally Spectra alive and smashing younger men around the world. B&B had a real chance to recast with PD, instead of making her a random sister. Thank goodness Y&R had the sense and dignity to let Katherine and Neil pass.


    The time jump would've been a good opportunity to do. It really unappealing to have a puppetmaster pulling the strings off-screen. It just doesn't wash.




  11. I have nothing against AM, but Pam served no real purpose after Stephanie was gone. It could’ve been legit if Pam moved in with Ridge or Steffy and served more as a surrogate mom/granny than just hanging out at the office. It weird because in recent years if was hard to remember she was part of the family. 

  12. 4 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Sad to think about the years when the soaps were such high quality that the NYT actually said the Iris wiretapping story on Another World was more compelling than the Nixon hearings. These days will anyone even care the soaps aren't on? 


    During the Nixon hearing, I read that the networks rotated so that soaps could air. It's kinda ridiculous with cable news, streaming, the internet, that networks would pull regular programming to air the same thing AND few or no commercials. I was trying to do same-day with DAYS, but now I'm going to stop and stockpile again so that it's continuous.  

  13. @Franko LLB did a promo for KMOV that proclaimed that STL was the #1 market for Y&R. The move to 4 pm was in reaction to Oprah and the ratings for Y&R was quite huge. It lasted almost 30 years in the slot until a new company bought the affiliate and moved it. It's too bad because when I'd go back to visit my mom, it was always a good 'shared' experience at that time of day. 


    Couple of odd STL tidbits I recall from growing up:


    1) SFT didn't air on the CBS affiliate starting in 1980. It did, however, air for a few weeks when it moved to NBC, but was dropped fast.


    2) EON aired AFTER midnight (or later) on the ABC sometime around 1981 - I know this because I got home one night and stumbled on it. It hadn't been on since 1977. 

  14. If TC isn't really available, could we see more JW? It seems like this whatever wasted energy they had Jill spend on Cane, could be redirected to Chance. Plus anything to get her back in a meaningful way. If they weren't going to let Dina serve as the logical successor to Katherine as GC's Grande Dame, then Jill should play that role.

  15. It’s crazy to think the episodes airing next week Nov 4-8 were filmed 7 months ago.


    Did we get official confirmation that DAYS is going dark soon for several months? 


    Dark Gabi, looking refined and perfectly dressed, is a-OK by me. I loathed victim Gabi and never cared for the character. I have a new appreciation for CB and her ability to spit out that venom. It’s such a contrast to Jordan, who been written so badly that Kristen’s twirling mustache dialogue looks positively Emmy worthy. 

  16. 17 hours ago, ReddFoxx said:

    It's not surprising that Sarah will supposedly steal Kristen's baby, because that's a story that is a repetitive go to. At least they aren't having Kristen steal a baby because that's too predictable.


    Agreed. Still it's far more interesting having Sarah steal Kristen's baby than the other way around. Again, there's an opportunity to shave Kristen's twirly mustache. If they want to keep Kristen on canvas, they've got to give her more shades. It's just been so harsh - though some of her post-mansion move-in scenes have been better. 

  17. The Theo twist doesn't give me heartburn.  I'm OK with expanding the new generation through legacy families.


    However, I'd rather we find out that Traci attempted in vitro and one of her eggs was fertilized or misplanted, which actually has happened, and she finds out she has a bio child out there.  Traci is such a beloved character who has remained untainted every generation of writers, that I believe the audience would welcome it. Compared to other soaps, Y&R doesn't make too many mistakes, but taking away Traci's only child was a big one - right up with John's death. 

  18. As long as Dr. Rolf is alive, any character that 'dies' during the jump.....


    I'm assuming they are going to use the rumored 'coma' patient as the narrator for the post-jump episodes. Otherwise, it's probably going to be very confusing to casual viewers. Unlike once a week primetime shows, having to do this on a daily basis is going to be tricky. I hope they pull it off. 


    Dark Shadows was able to do the time jumps because they involved very distinct periods - so clothing/sets/language made it easy to tell the difference between 'now' and 'then.'    

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