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Episode #71, Monday March 20:

Episode #71, Monday March 20: - Caroline tells Victor that she does not agree with his relationship with Kate. - Kate and Phillip meet with their lawyer who has hired a P.I. to dig up dirt on Shawn. He shows them pictures of Shawn crashing through the church on Phillip and Belle's wedding day, documents proving Shawn has driven under the influence of alcohol, and proof of Shawn's addiction to pills from 2003. - Carrie is shocked to discover that she's pregnant with Austin's child. - Victo



Episode # 70, Friday March 17:

Episode # 70, Friday March 17: - Lexie confesses to having an affair with Tek. Abe is destroyed. - A distraught Sami and Lucas return to the apartment and prepare to fly to Chicago in order to search for Will. - Caroline continues to stay vigil at Shawn Sr.'s side. - Austin comforts Sami, and they share a kiss. - Carrie and Lucas spy the kiss between Sami and Austin and are visibly upset. - At Abe's insistance, Lexie fills him in on the details of her affair with Tek. She admits when i



Episode # 69, Thursday March 16:

Episode # 69, Thursday March 16: - Shawn and Jan return to the loft with Claire and Trey. - Roman and Anna stop their passionate kiss in order to help Sami, Austin, Carrie, and Lucas search for Will at the bus station. - Abe returns to the Carver house and awaits Lexie's return. - Belle is bothered to see Shawn warming up to the new Jan and to see Jan raising her daughter, Claire. - Sami is horrified when Roman learns from one of the ticket booth attendants that a young man fitting Will'




"Passions" Star Joins "DAYS!" In an exciting turn of events, Kim Johnston Ulrich will be bringing her "Passions" character, Ivy Winthrop, to King Reilly's Days Of Our Lives this spring! The former Mrs. Crane will be sweeping through Salem and will be shaking up some storylines. The headwriter says..."I've been watching 'Passions' since day one and am a huge fan of Ivy and her portrayer. All of this really started when I began to conceive an idea of having a character come on who



Episode #68, Wednesday March 15:

Episode #68, Wednesday March 15: - Lexie examines Jan and confirms her doctor's diagnosis that the brain tumor was causing Jan to act in the way she did. - Victor continues to try and figure out if Tony had anything on Kate since he thinks Kate had more of a motive than Chelsea's death. - Lucas and Sami panic and begin a hunt for Will. - Victor and Kate share a kiss. - Cassie puts the picture of Lexie in an envelope and places it on Abe's desk. - Carrie and Austin bump into each other o



Episode #67, Tuesday, March 14:

Episode #67, Tuesday, March 14: - Kate recalls going to Tony's hospital room that night intent on killing him. - Jan tells Shawn that she and Trey have no where else to go. Shawn invites them to stay with him, but he warns Jan that he WILL have his own DNA tests done on Trey. And he wants Lexie to examine Jan to confirm what the doctor said. Jan agrees to be fully cooperative. - Maggie refuses to accept Mickey's separation. - Lucas and Sami scold Will for the alcohol and the drugs he has i




It's Curtains For Someone in Salem! DON'T MISS FRIDAY, MARCH 31st: It's the end of the line for someone in Salem as a core family member currently in a front-burner storyline will be written off in a shocking way. "Somewhere along the way, the writing for this character went terribly south. So, it really is a win-win situation. The twist is going to propel the storyline in an entirely new direction, and the fans will be getting what they want since this character isn't exactly a fan fav



Episode #66 - Monday, March 13:

Episode #66 - Monday, March 13: - Mickey adds up the clues and believes that Maggie has been drinking again. - Kate and Bonnie run into each other at the police station where Abe has gathered them to interrogate each of them on Tony's murder. They discuss how they teamed up to keep Shawn and Belle from finding out about Claire's paternity. They each say their child hates them now and isn't talking to them. - Shawn and Phillip both rush to Belle's side after she faints. They speculate as to



Episode #65: Friday, March 10:

Episode #65: Friday, March 10: - Belle, Shawn, and Phillip cannot believe that Jan cannot stand trial for what she has done to Shawn and Victor. - Mickey is shocked and appaulled to see that Maggie is passed out on the couch, wreaking of vodka. - Abby runs into Max and demands an explanation for his actions. - Kate and Victor continue their celebration of taking over Basic Black. And it leads to a passionate kiss. - Jan asks Shawn for forgiveness saying that she knows she really was out o



Episode #64 - Thursday, March 9th:

Episode #64 - Thursday, March 9th: - Stefano is shocked to see that his goon has knocked Jennifer unconscious. - Maggie returns home and is in tears when she realizes that alcohol has touched her lips for the first time in over twenty years. - Stefano blackmails Celeste into talking to her old friend, Caroline, about possibly pulling the plug on Shawn Sr. - Belle, Phillip, and Shawn are shocked when Jan presents them with mysterious papers. - Stefano calls Jack and tells him that his w




RUMOR MILL: - Rumor has it that the show has taken an enormously risky move and given many vets and fan favorites simultaneous time off in order to feature some other stories more prominently. It looks as if Peter Reckell (Bo), Julie Pinson (Billie), Kristian Alfonso (Hope), Wayne Northrop (Stefano), Diedre Hall (Marlena), Drake Hogestyn (John), Farah Fath (Mimi), and Eric Winter (Rex) have joined Billy Warlock (Frankie) in being given some storyline-dictated vacations. Newcomers, Grant Aleks



Episode #63 - Wednesday, March 8th:

Episode #63 - Wednesday, March 8th: - Bonnie arranges it so Maggie thinks she is meeting Caroline and Alice for lunch at the Penthouse Grill. - Shawn and Belle scream and Jan and demand that she leave immediately. - Jack and Stefano meet. Stefano orders Jack to tell him what is happening in Tony's murder investigation. - Lucas and Carrie are both disturbed when it looks like Austin and Sami will get back together, eventually. - Bonnie dresses up in a waiter/bartender disguise and locks t



Episode #62 - Tuesday, March 7:

Episode #62 - Tuesday, March 7: - Kate advises Phillip to use Shawn's badboy past against him in court. - Bonnie vows to get Mickey back at any cost. - Jennifer scoffs at her idea that Jack could be having an affair. But she decides to find out exactly what he is doing. - Cassie and Max share a picnic in the park courtesy of Caroline, who thinks Cassie is getting Max better aquainted with Salem and helping him grieve the loss of Chelsea in a non-romantic way. - Austin reveals to Lucas, Ca



Episode #61 - Monday, March 6:

Episode #61 - Monday, March 6: - Sami continues to be worried about Anna and Roman's growing closeness. - Abe is more sure now than ever that Tony's murderer is either Abby, Bonnie, or Kate. - Basic Black's downfall begins to hit all of the papers and the media. - Celeste worries what Stefano will have her do as part of his blackmail towards her. - Phillip and Belle awaken and are devastated by the previous day's events. They recall how it was revealed Shawn is Claire's father by Laura Ho



Episode #60 - Friday, March 3:

Episode #60 - Friday, March 3: - Celeste pushes Stefano away from her and says that she will not stand by and let Stefano ruin her daughter's marriage to Abe no matter what he threatens! - Kate and Victor receive word that Basic Black has gone belly-up thanks to their latest coups - pushing Mimi and Austin to leave town and snagging three of their investors. - Abe and Jack wonder why Caroline is so secretive about where she was the night of Tony’s murder. - Bonnie snoops and try to figure



Episode #59 - Thursday, March 2:

Episode #59 - Thursday, March 2: - Austin arrives in Chicago and begins looking for Brandon. - Liam continues to yearn and miss his missing wife, Gina. - Celeste is horrified and demands to know what Alex is doing. - Abe and Jack find Mimi's diary and read about what she was doing the night of New Year's Eve when Tony was killed. - Kate and Victor strike while John and Austin are out of town and Sami and Belle are pre-occupied with their lives to take some high-powered Basic Black inves




SPRING PREVIEW! Carrie/Austin/Sami/Lucas and Roman/Anna: This set has been relatively backburnered for the first few months, but they are going to fly to the frontburner and stay there all spring. Lucas will tap into his manipulative side to keep Austin and Sami apart. Anna and Sami will face off as Sami encounters her most worthy opponent yet. Sami will learn that hell hath no fury like a mother scorned. A huge crisis will bring Sami, Lucas, Austin, and Carrie together and send them on a tri



Episode #58 - Wednesday, February 28:

Episode #58 - Wednesday, February 28: - Jack is horrified as he realizes that Abby must have killed Tony and that's why Stefano wants him to bust Tony's killer. - Tek tells Stefano that their plans are ruined because Celeste told Lexie that they slept together. - Mimi settles in at the Green Mountain Lodge. - Kate and Lucas convince Austin to search for Nicole to find out the truth. - Liam tells his butler how he is holding out hope that his beautiful Gina will return to him one day. - B



Episode #57 - Tuesday, February 28th:

Episode #57 - Tuesday, February 28th: - Jack and Abe separate and each individually question all of the nurses who were on staff that night. - Marlena is devastated when Stefano tells her that John is now his prisoner, as well. - Carrie explains everything to Anna and finds comfort in her mother. - Bo begins to hunt down Hope. Billie worries about how to get him to stay in Salem and not chase her. - Abby can't find Max so she walks into the girl's bathroom. Max hides in one of the stalls.



Episode #56 - Monday, February 27:

Episode #56 - Monday, February 27: - Max and Cassie are shocked when they realize they are related. - John and Marlena continue their reunion. - Austin refuses to see Carrie. Carrie is devastated. - Lexie tries to cover with Abe, saying that she just feels betrayed that her mother slept with her friend. Abe pretends to buys it, but secretly, he realizes now more than ever that Lexie had an indescretion in their marriage. - Sami relishes in her victory over Carrie! - Max and Cassie try to



Episode # 55 - Friday, February 24:

Episode # 55 - Friday, February 24: - Lexie demands to know what she has walked in on between Celeste and TEK. - Marlena escapes from her cell. - John says that he knew "Alex" was dangerous but he had no idea that Alex had a connection to Stefano! John demands Alex tell him how he knows Stefano! They struggle. - Cassie and Max wake up next together. They're hung over. Slowly, they both begin to re-call the evening. - TEK and Celeste keep their secret...but Lexie pushes. Abe arrives. Lexie



Episode # 54 - Thursday, February 23:

Episode # 54 - Thursday, February 23: - Cassie takes Max to a dance club where they continue to drink and get to know each other better. - John grabs Paige and tries to get her to speak about who she is and how she knows Stefano. - Victor relishes in his victory over Basic Black when Anna signs with Titan and gives them free reign over her design distribution. - Laura once again fails at trying to get Roman to withdraw his confession to Tony's murder. - Austin can't get over Carrie's betr



Episode #53 - Wednesday, February 22:

Episode #53 - Wednesday, February 22: - Caroline counsels Max on his secret and tells him to be open and honest with himself and his loved ones. - Abe and Jack team up to try and figure out who murdered Tony. - Carrie is outraged and tells Jan that she's lying. Austin demands to know what's going on. - Hope hires a P.I. to help her figure out who she was in social circles with when she was Princess Gina from 1990 - 1995. - Max heads to the Cheatin' Heart and knocks back some drinks. Cassi



Episode #52 - Tuesday, February 21:

Episode #52 - Tuesday, February 21: - At Chez Rouge, Austin demands that Carrie tell him what Jan means about how everything worked out with Nicole. Jan leaves them alone and sits at her own table. Sami spies everything. - Abe tells Jen and Jack that he doesn't have any leads on Abby's shooter. - Phillip and Belle are extremely hurt that Shawn would to these lengths to take Claire from them. - Carrie panics. Austin gets a phone call and leaves the table. Carrie asks Jan what the hell she t



Episode #51 - Monday, February 20:

Episode #51 - Monday, February 20: - Jack tearfully says goodbye to Shawn Sr. and begs him and God for forgiveness. He pulls the plug on Shawn. - Cassie remains intrigued by Max. - Victor is surprised to see Anna Dimera waiting for him in his office. - Phillip is devastated by the DNA results. Shawn is overjoyed. - Hope screams in horror when she sees Bo and Billie kissing in the alleyway outside the Cheatin' Heart. - Stefano enters Shawn Sr.'s room and quickly plugs Shawn's respirators



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